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Introduction to emery wear-resistant floor by Pioneer Ground

2016/5/6 8:12:00 Source: Changchun Xianfeng Ground Decoration Co., Ltd Views: one thousand one hundred and seventy

The emery floor is the common name of the wear-resistant hardening floor in China, which is called "ground hardener" by foreign enterprises. The new ground building materials introduced by foreign enterprises in the 1990s are suitable for the ground decoration needs of industrial sites, docks, parking lots, commercial stores, logistics warehouses, etc. It has the advantages of abrasion resistance, compression resistance, dust reduction, hard surface, easy cleaning, economy and durability. Due to the characteristics of convenient construction, purity, low price and long service life, it has achieved an amazing development speed in coastal cities with relatively developed industrial economy, such as the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, and is now popular in China.


Chinese name: emery floor

Foreign name: King Kong sand ground

Essence: cement products

Scope of application: high wear resistance, dust reduction, etc

Material: grain graded mineral alloy aggregate, etc

essential information


Mineral alloy aggregate (carborundum) floor hardener is composed of


Granular graded mineral alloy aggregate, special cement, other admixtures and additives can be used after opening the bag. It is evenly spread on the concrete surface at the initial setting stage and processed by special means. Thus, it forms a whole with the concrete floor, and has high density and coloring high-performance wear-resistant floor.

The essence of the emery floor is also a cement product. It is the product of mixing high-grade cement with different levels of quartz sand. Of course, it has the characteristics of cement products: free calcium 、Mg The continuous precipitation from the pores causes the generation of dust; The loss of later water due to hydration results in many pores, which leads to non compactness. Therefore, its strength and wear resistance are greatly reduced. As the thickness of emery is generally 3 to 5 mm, it is very easy to fall off. If the blanking time is not well controlled. After the thickness of this layer is worn, the cement under it begins to ash. Therefore, the floor that has been used for one year is often scratched and worn even if it is waxed for maintenance

The carborundum floor material is factory premixed and ready to use dry spreading floor hardener. It is mainly composed of high cement, inorganic wear-resistant aggregate, pigment powder (without cement primary color), additives, etc. The aggregate is sandy with average particle size 1.5mm , accounting for about the total 60% The cement is treated high-grade cement. In addition to the natural color of cement, there are red, yellow, green, gray and other colors to choose from. The hardener aggregate is composed of natural ores. It is a non rusting non-metallic aggregate with a hardness of Mohs eight Above. Except for natural ore aggregate, the weight of other cement, pigments, etc. does not exceed the total weight 25% This product is directly constructed on the surface of concrete or cement mortar at the initial setting stage, and forms a hard, wear-resistant, dust-free and beautiful hardened floor after troweling.


one The color is optional, the surface is dense, not easy to dust, and easy to clean;

two It is a substitute for traditional industrial terrazzo;

three . It can be constructed synchronously with concrete and put into use quickly;

four Low cost and high cost performance. Long service life;

five Wear resistance, impact resistance and compression resistance are very good.


one . Color selection has certain limitations: the commonly used colors are only cement primary color, gray, green, red, etc;

two Some low-quality color (such as green) wear-resistant floor will fade in a short time;

three Even the color wear-resistant floor cannot be pure and saturated as the epoxy floor;

four Poor permeability resistance: the wear-resistant floor is actually a kind of high degree concrete, and its permeability resistance is far less than that of the epoxy floor. For some workshops that often have oil stains, such as machining workshops, the oil stains are easy to penetrate into the interior of the floor, resulting in incomplete cleaning;

five . It cannot resist the corrosion of chemicals: the chemical composition mainly composed of inorganic silicate is easily corroded by acid and alkali;

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News classification

Changchun Xianfeng Ground Decoration Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

twelve year

  • Enterprise type:

    Decoration enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Concrete sealing and curing floor, dyeing and curing agent floor, epoxy resin anti floor, underground garage floor, epoxy anti-static floor, water-based epoxy resin floor, dust-free purification floor

  • Address:

    Block B, Marriott International Office, Oriental Plaza, Erdao District, Changchun, Jilin

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