User Use License Agreement

Important notes:

I Welcome CC Live broadcast (software) products and related services (hereinafter referred to as “CC live broadcast )。 You (hereinafter referred to as "user") are using CC Before the live broadcast, please carefully read all the contents of this User Use License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement", which includes the attached User Code) (minors should read it with their guardians), especially the exemption clauses that exempt or restrict NetEase's responsibilities and the restrictions on users' rights And the law and governing clauses in case of dispute (such clauses are usually marked in bold in this Agreement) If you do not agree with any terms of this agreement, please do not install or use this software or related services. Otherwise, once you click "Agree" (or similar words indicating your agreement) and install the software, or register, start using and / Or continue to use CC Live broadcast is deemed that you have carefully read and fully understood all the contents of this agreement, agreed and accepted all the terms of this agreement, and this agreement constitutes your use with NetEase CC The agreement reached by the live broadcast has legal effect. Thereafter, you shall not make any form of defense by failing to read the contents of this agreement or similar words

II If the user is not full eighteen If you are one year old, you need to read this agreement with your guardian, and you can use it only with the consent of your guardian CC live broadcast

III The conclusion, performance, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China and all other conflict laws shall be excluded

    IV This agreement is concluded in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. In case of any dispute (including but not limited to contract or other property rights disputes) over the content or implementation of this Agreement, both parties shall settle it through friendly negotiation; If the negotiation fails, both parties agree to submit it to the competent court in the place where this agreement is signed for jurisdiction and handling

one , User Usage Rules

one point one use CC Live, users must:

one )Read carefully and know CC The live product introduction shall comply with this agreement and relevant rules;

two )Self provided equipment, such as personal computers, mobile phones, tablets or other Internet devices;

three )Pay for personal Internet access and fees related to this service;

four )Comply with the provisions of this Agreement and other relevant rules (including but not limited to the NetEase Mailbox Account Service Terms and NetEase Mobile Account Service Terms agreed by the user, and NetEase's CC Live official website or CC Rules published in the live broadcast);

five )Comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (if the user is a user outside the People's Republic of China, it should also comply with the laws and regulations of the country or region where it is located).

one point two User is using CC During live broadcast, do not use CC Live production, reproduction, publication, release, dissemination, storage of the following information or links and QR codes to such information

one Containing information that infringes on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights and other legitimate rights and interests of others

two Violating the basic principles set forth in the Constitution

three Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity

four Damage to national honor and interests

five Advocating terrorism and extremism or inciting terrorist and extremist activities

six Those who incite national hatred and discrimination and undermine national unity

seven Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition

eight Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability

nine Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime

ten Insult or slander others, and infringe upon others' reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests

11) Publicizing and abetting the use of plug-ins, private servers, trojans, and content related to cheating

twelve Inciting illegal assembly, association, procession, demonstration, or gathering people to disturb public order

thirteen Acting in the name of illegal civil society organizations

fourteen Infringe the legitimate rights and interests of minors or damage their physical and mental health

fifteen Distortion, uglification, blasphemy, denial of the deeds and spirit of the heroic martyrs, and infringement of the names, portraits, reputation, and honor of the heroic martyrs by insult, slander, or other means

sixteen Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations

one point three Without the permission of NetEase, users shall ensure that they are not allowed to engage in the following activities

(1) Cracking, revision, translation, annotation, adaptation, sorting, deduction CC Live broadcast client (software) products

(2) By reverse engineering, reverse compilation, disassembly or any other means CC Analysis, modification, attack and derivation of live broadcast client (software) products

(3) Login or use through third-party compatible software and systems not developed, authorized or recognized by NetEase CC Live, or for CC Live broadcast uses plug-ins not developed, authorized or recognized by NetEase

(4) Scan, detect, test, intercept, acquire and use by any means CC Source code and / Or stored in CC Any information in the live broadcast client

(5) a literary creation CC Derivative and derivative works of live broadcast

(6) Delete, cover up or change the copyright notice, trademark or other intellectual property notice and logo of NetEase or any third party

(7) Delete, mask, or change CC Any information displayed by live broadcast client (software) products

(8) yes CC The live broadcast client (software) scans, probes, detects, discovers, searches, and discloses possible bugs or weaknesses; Making use of possible technical, program defects or loopholes in CC live broadcast client (software) products to seek profits for themselves or others in any form or engage in other illegal and improper behaviors

(9) Use any way or method to attempt to attack CC Live broadcast client (software) products and related servers, routers, switches and other equipment of related services to illegally obtain or modify unauthorized data and affect normal CC Live broadcast service order, and other harmful acts

(10) Used by abnormal or illegal methods CC Live broadcast client (software) products and related services are damaged CC Live broadcast of client (software) products, disrupting the normal service order or committing other improper acts

(11) Any form of obstruction in production, release, dissemination, use and publicity CC Auxiliary tools or programs for live broadcast related services

(12) Steal or use other's account or password to log in / use CC live broadcast

(13) Damage, disable or affect the services of NetEase or overburden the services of NetEase, and affect any other party to enjoy the services of NetEase

(14) Collect or process the content provided through CC live broadcast by using any automated program, software, engine, web crawler, web page analysis tool, data mining tool or similar tools

(15) Destroy and interfere in any way CC Live broadcast client (software) products and related services, or behaviors that affect the brand image and interests of NetEase

one point four Users shall abide by laws and regulations, public order and good customs, and shall not damage the national interests, public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others. Users shall not produce, copy or release harmful information containing the following contents:

(1) The use of exaggerated titles, the content of which is seriously inconsistent with the title;

(2) Hyping scandals, scandals, bad deeds, etc;

(3) Improperly commenting on natural disasters, major accidents and other disasters;

(4) Those with sexual suggestion, sexual provocation, etc. that are easy to make people have sexual associations;

(5) Showing bloody, thrilling, cruel and other causes physical and mental discomfort;

(6) Inciting crowd discrimination, regional discrimination, etc;

(7) Publicizing vulgar, vulgar and kitsch contents;

(8) It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors, violate social morality, and induce minors' bad habits;

(9) Other contents that have adverse effects on the network ecology.

one point five stay CC With live broadcast permission, users have the right to choose their own CC Account nickname on live broadcast / Customized content such as avatar, but such as the nickname of the account / User defined content such as avatar violates relevant laws and regulations or national policy requirements, violates public order and good customs, or infringes the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. NetEase has the right to require users to give the account nickname / User defined content such as avatar can be modified, or the account nickname can be directly modified, recalled or deleted / Head portrait, and / Or take other necessary measures

one point six If the user CC If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve the live broadcast, you can submit them to NetEase. Please note that if you do so, it is deemed that you have granted NetEase and a third party the right to CC The right to use and add user's suggestions or opinions free of charge in live broadcast (or third-party software).

one point seven In order to foster a positive, healthy and upward looking network culture, CC Live broadcast has the right to establish an ecological governance mechanism for network information content, formulate ecological governance rules for network information content of this platform, and improve user registration, account management, information release review, post review review, page ecological management, network rumors, black industry chain and other related processing and disposal systems. These systems will also be used as platform rules and automatically become a part of this agreement, and users should abide by them.

two . User account registration, use and storage

two point one Users are obliged to keep their registration and login properly CC Netease email account used by the live broadcast / NetEase mobile phone account or the account of a partner (or other third party) recognized by NetEase Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "account" or "account") and password, use their account and password correctly and securely, and bear all legal liabilities for activities conducted through the account, including but not limited to any data modification, speech publication All legal liabilities that may arise from operations such as payment. The user clearly knows and agrees that:

(1) If the user's account password is lost or the account is stolen due to the user's improper storage, which causes damage to the user's and others' civil rights, the user shall bear the legal liability arising therefrom;

(2) If the user finds that his/her account or password is illegally used by others or has abnormal use, he/she should handle it in a timely manner according to the method announced by the account service provider (if the account provider is NetEase, you should notify NetEase according to the method announced by NetEase), and has the right to notify NetEase in a timely manner to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account;

(3) If NetEase Company receives the notice from the user to take measures to suspend the login and use of the user's account, NetEase Company can require the user to provide and verify the valid personal identity information consistent with its registration data, and take corresponding measures in combination with the specific situation. You agree that NetEase can claim to use the true and accurate personal data provided by you as the only evidence to determine your association with the account and the user's identity. If the user does not provide his or her valid personal identity information, or the personal identity information provided by the user is inconsistent with the registered identity information, or there is no user's identity information in the user's registration information, or the identity information provided in the user's registration information is inaccurate, untrue, illegal and effective Or if the relevant information provided cannot make NetEase Company make an accurate judgment, NetEase Company has the right to refuse the user's relevant requests, including but not limited to the request that NetEase Company take measures to suspend the login and use of the account.

(4) For the disputed account, NetEase has the right to judge and solve it after all parties provide materials/evidence within the reasonable evidentiary period specified by NetEase.

two point two You understand and agree that, in addition to your login and use of "CC Live" software and related services, you may also use your account to login and use other software and services provided by NetEase and its affiliates or other partners, if NetEase permits. If you use the same account to log in and use the aforementioned software and services, you should also be bound by the user agreement of other software and service providers and other relevant agreements.

two point three If the user is continuous three hundred and sixty-five No login in days CC Live broadcast, from the three hundred and sixty-five On the day of twenty-four From then on, NetEase has the right to take measures to delete the user account and any records and virtual items related to the user account (including but not limited to the level, use records, value-added service tokens and other data information), and the deleted data information can no longer be recovered

three Registration materials and data information

three point one User is applying to become CC When broadcasting registered users, NetEase has the right to require users to provide legal and accurate personal information based on the needs of safe operation, social public security and the provisions and requirements of national policies and regulations. If the information provided by users to NetEase is inaccurate, untrue, illegal and valid, NetEase has the right to terminate users' continued use CC The right of live broadcast, and the legal responsibility of the user shall be investigated.

three point two User consent, registration and use CC All data, data and records related to the live broadcast station, including but not limited to registration information, all login/consumption records, usage data, and account data, belong to NetEase (except the user's name, ID card number, telephone number and other personal identity data). In case of dispute, the user agrees that the system data of NetEase Corporation shall prevail, and NetEase Corporation guarantees the authenticity of the data


four Related services

four point one CC The specific contents of various services related to the live broadcast are provided by NetEase according to the actual situation, and NetEase has the right to CC The operation of the live broadcast will change and adjust such services in any form, and NetEase has the right to CC The service content, service mode and relevant rules of a specific service involved in the live broadcast are in any form (including but not limited to the system / Web page announcement, description, notice, etc.), which will be deemed as a part of this agreement. After the release of such statement and notice, if the user continues to use CC Live broadcast shall be deemed that the user has known and agreed to the content of such statement and notice

four point two CC The live broadcast service is a paid network service. Users need to pay a certain fee to use the paid network service. Please pay attention to the paid network services

one NetEase has the right to decide its charging method and standard, and NetEase has the right to adjust the charging policy at any time as needed;

two NetEase will give the user a clear prompt before using it. Only when the user confirms that he or she is willing to pay the relevant fees according to the prompt, can the user use such paid network services. If the user refuses to pay the relevant fees, NetEase has the right not to provide such charged network services to the user

three NetEase has the right to CC To meet the operational needs of live broadcasting, issue value-added service tokens (mainly shown as“ C And/or other forms designated by NetEase). Value added service token refers to a kind of virtual goods designed by NetEase, which can be obtained through RMB exchange and can be used for exchange CC Various value-added services specified in the live broadcast. Please note that once the value added service token is exchanged, it cannot be exchanged back (including but not limited to being exchanged back into legal tender in any form). In addition, users can only CC Live broadcast and / Or purchase, exchange and obtain value-added token through the platform and method designated and recognized by NetEase

four If the user purchases the right to use the virtual article or accepts other value-added services as a charging item, if the effective use term of the virtual article or the effective service term of value-added services (regardless of whether the user has actually used or enjoyed the service) is exceeded, or the number of effective uses or services is exceeded, NetEase has the right to take measures to cancel the user's right to use the above virtual goods or stop providing value-added services

four point three NetEase according to CC Any virtual articles provided to users by the relevant service rules of the live broadcast, including but not limited to: C Coupons and / Or any platform props, permissions, etc. (such as gold / Silver ingot, gold / Silver diamond, virtual coin/gift in any form, prop card, Fuwa, blessing bag, God of Wealth and/or any other form named by CC The platform props provided by the live broadcast according to the service rules), the ownership of which belongs to NetEase, and users can only CC Live broadcast service rules. Users shall not use CC The live broadcast of any virtual item carries out any violation of laws and regulations, socialist morality, public order and good customs, this agreement, user rules ( or ) Violation of NetEase's legitimate rights and interests At the same time, virtual articles may be limited by a certain period of validity. Even if they are not used within the specified period of validity, once the period of validity expires, they will automatically become invalid. Users fully understand and agree that NetEase has the right to adjust, update or optimize virtual goods (including but not limited to design, function, list price and relevant value settings) in order to better provide services to users.

five , User No

five point one Users register for the first time / After successful login, CC The live broadcast will be generated according to the system rules and automatically assigned to the user a number (usually named as CCID, subject to the actual name of NetEase), and the user will get the right to use the number, which is the same as the user registration login CC The NetEase mailbox account/NetEase mobile phone account used by the live broadcast is the same (if you register and log in through NetEase mailbox account/NetEase mobile phone account CC Live broadcast), accepted by users CC Identity certificate of live broadcast related services.

five point two If you agree to use your account (such as CCID) on NetEase CC live broadcast platform to obtain and bind the relevant information of any NetEase company's game products, you agree that NetEase company can transfer your relevant personal registration information (including real name registration information), account information (including but not limited to account nickname, avatar, friend relationship, published content, etc.) Role information and other materials, data, information, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "game role information") and subsequent changes are synchronously recorded and bound to the account, and can be displayed in the account.

five point three If NetEase allows you to use the same account (such as CCID) to log in to other NetEase products (including but not limited to CC Voice, hereinafter referred to as "other official NetEase platforms" or "other NetEase products"), Then your account information (including but not limited to your account nickname, avatar, friend relationship, bound game role information, consumption data, virtual goods in your account, income data, published content including but not limited to chat information, etc.), account status (including but not limited to login status, account cancellation/blocking status, etc.) NetEase will have the right to synchronize the account permissions (including but not limited to the platform punishment measures of the account) and subsequent changes to CC Live and other NetEase products. The specific synchronization method is subject to the actual implementation of NetEase. Please note: after synchronization, your operations such as publishing, modifying and deleting in "CC Live" will be synchronized to other NetEase products (or vice versa, subject to the actual implementation); In addition, if you have violated the rules in NetEase CC live broadcast and/or other NetEase products, NetEase can simultaneously punish you in NetEase CC live broadcast and other NetEase products.

six . For personal use

six .1 On the premise that the user agrees and accepts all the terms of this agreement, NetEase agrees to grant the user revocable, changeable, non exclusive, non transferable and non sublicensable use for personal use only CC The right to live broadcast client (software) products and related services.

six point two The license granted to you by NetEase based on this agreement is for personal use. If you need to use CC Live and/or make any commercial use of CC Live or any data, services or software related to or derived from CC Live beyond the scope of personal use, you should contact NetEase and obtain another authorization from NetEase. Any installation, use, access, display, operation, commercial use and other acts without the permission of NetEase are infringement of NetEase.

six point three The user agrees and understands that the user can only pass CC Live client (software) products and related services shall not be used or passed to carry out normal entertainment activities CC Live broadcast of any profit-making or other improper behavior, including but not limited to CC Any virtual item of the live broadcast carries out any transaction without the authorization and permission of NetEase

seven Intellectual property

seven point one NetEase is entitled to CC All legal rights of live broadcast (including but not limited to intellectual property rights). CC All copyrights and other intellectual property rights of live broadcast client (software) products and related services, and CC All information related to live broadcast, including but not limited to text expression and its combination, icons, decorations, color combinations, interface design, layout framework, relevant data, printed materials, or electronic documents, are protected by relevant laws and regulations of China's intellectual property rights and relevant international treaties.

7.2 CC "NetEase"“ CC Live broadcast "“ CC Live "logo (graphic) and / Or NetEase's product and service logos belong to NetEase and its affiliated companies in China and / Or other countries / Regional trademark or registered trademark. Users shall not use it without legal authorization.

seven point three NetEase and its affiliated companies are involved in CC The live broadcast client (software) products and related services have patent rights, patent application rights, trademark rights, copyrights and other intellectual property rights. NetEase and its affiliates did not provide users with CC Live streaming client (software) products and related services are granted to users CC Intellectual property rights related to live broadcast.

seven point four NetEase provides users with information about CC Any text, picture, graphic, logo, audio and / Or video materials are subject to copyright law, trademark law and / Or other relevant laws, without the prior written permission of NetEase, the user shall not use it without authorization, including but not limited to copying, distribution, exhibition, adaptation, compilation, publication, dissemination, sale, etc.

seven point five The user expressly agrees that: CC For any information and content (including but not limited to the published text, pictures, icons, software, video, audio, etc.) released and published in the live broadcast, NetEase has a worldwide free, permanent, sublicensable (through multi-level), irrevocable authorization and license, and NetEase can use, copy, adapt, assemble, publish Translate, create derivative works accordingly, disseminate, perform and display this part of information and content, and / Or incorporate all or part of the content into NetEase and / Or any work, service or technology of an associated company

7.6 CC The live broadcast may involve the intellectual property rights of a third party CC If there are requirements for the use of such intellectual property rights in the live broadcast, NetEase will inform you of such requirements in an appropriate way, and you should comply with such requirements.

seven point seven The rights not explicitly granted to users in this agreement are reserved by NetEase and its affiliates

eight User privacy system

eight point one Respect for users' privacy is a basic policy of Netease. In order to protect users' privacy and regulate the use of users' personal information, NetEase has formulated the NetEase Privacy Policy (access address: )And NetEase CC Live Broadcast Privacy Policy (access address: , please read the policy in detail.

nine Modification of service terms

nine point one NetEase has the right to modify the terms of this agreement when necessary. In case of any change in the terms of this agreement, NetEase will give a prompt through system announcement, notice or other ways that NetEase deems appropriate. User is using CC During the live broadcast, you should check and understand the modified content in a timely manner, and consciously abide by this agreement. In addition, you should also abide by the Terms of Service for NetEase Email Account (available at: , if you register as CC live broadcast user or log in CC live broadcast through NetEase email account), NetEase Mobile Account Terms of Service (access website: , if you register as CC live broadcast user or log in CC live broadcast through NetEase mobile phone account). If users continue to use CC live broadcast, it will be deemed that they agree to modify the content; Users have the right to stop using CC live broadcast if they do not agree to modify the content.

ten Change, suspension and termination of services

ten point one To ensure the company's business development, NetEase reserves the right to change, interrupt or terminate the provision at any time CC The right to live broadcast client (software) products and related services (including charging network services). Users accept NetEase's exercise of change, interruption or termination CC NetEase is not responsible for the rights of live streaming client (software) products and related services to users or third parties

eleven Limitation of liability

eleven point one The user's use of CC live broadcast or any content published or delivered through CC live broadcast does not represent NetEase's views or policies, and NetEase is not responsible for its integrity, authenticity, accuracy and reliability. Users should abide by laws, regulations and policies in the process of using CC live broadcast, interact civilly and express rationally, and be responsible for their own behaviors and consequences arising from using CC live broadcast, including but not limited to: users should be fully responsible for their own information published, published and disclosed through CC live broadcast, and for any consequences arising therefrom; Users should make prudent judgments on the information content published, published and disclosed by any third party in CC live broadcast, and bear all risks arising from the use of the information content, including risks arising from reliance on the correctness, integrity or practicality of the content.

eleven point two Users understand and agree to download and/or use independently CC Live and all CC Live broadcast together or through CC The third-party software provided by the live broadcast shall be at its own risk, and for download or use CC Live broadcast and such third-party software / Or any damage or data loss caused by any intelligent system, the user will bear the responsibility

eleven point three To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, NetEase expressly states that it does not provide any other type of warranty, whether express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty and responsibility of marketability, applicability, reliability, stability, accuracy, integrity, virus free and error free. In addition, NetEase does not guarantee to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws CC The live broadcast must meet the user's requirements, and there is no guarantee CC The live broadcast will not be modified, interrupted or terminated, and CC There is no guarantee for the timeliness, security, error occurrence of live broadcast and whether the information can be transmitted accurately, timely and smoothly

eleven point four To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, NetEase will not use CC Any accidental, indirect, special, or indirect damage or request caused by the live broadcast or in any way related to NetEase's products and services (including but not limited to damages caused by personal injury, failure to perform any responsibility including good faith or reasonable care, negligence and any other monetary or other losses) Assume any responsibility

eleven point five NetEase will keep CC Commercial advertising and / Or any other type of business information. In addition, you fully understand and agree that NetEase can provide you with all kinds of information about CC live broadcast and/or other products of NetEase through SMS, telephone, email, other communication tools or other ways

eleven point six NetEase may provide users with NetEase email account, NetEase mobile phone account, or CC Live account and CC The service is bound to the third-party account of the live broadcast cooperation. In addition to the user's own unbinding, if any of the following circumstances occurs, the user's bound third-party account may also be unbind, and NetEase does not have to bear any responsibility for the user or any third party

one Users violate laws and regulations, national policies, terms of this agreement and / Or Netease Email Account Terms of Service 》And/or NetEase Mobile Account Service Terms

two The user violates the user agreement of a third party or its relevant provisions

three Other cases where NetEase deems it necessary to unbind

eleven point seven You fully understand and agree that NetEase has the right to deal with violations of relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement in accordance with reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal action against users who violate laws and regulations, and save relevant information to report to relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations. If any claim, demand or loss claimed by a third party is caused or generated as a result, The user shall bear the responsibility independently; If NetEase suffers losses as a result of this, users should also compensate.

twelve , Guarantee

twelve point one Users agree to protect and maintain the interests of NetEase and other users, and NetEase has the right to review and supervise users' use of CC live broadcast. If the user violates laws, regulations, relevant policies, the terms of this agreement, user rules and/or the Terms of Service for NetEase Email Account and the Terms of Service for NetEase Mobile Phone Account, or NetEase judges that the user's account data is abnormal, NetEase has the right to require users to correct or directly take necessary measures (including but not limited to warnings, prohibitions, forced offline, temporary prohibition of login, account closure, change or deletion of information content published by users, freezing or retrieving virtual items under users' accounts, reversing values, limiting, suspending or terminating users' right to login/use CC live broadcast, etc.) To eliminate or mitigate the impact of user misconduct. Users who have been frozen, terminated, deleted NetEase mailbox account, NetEase mobile phone account, CC live broadcast account, virtual goods or taken other restrictive measures by NetEase for these reasons have no right to require NetEase to bear any responsibility, and any legal liability or loss caused thereby shall be borne by the users themselves. The forms of legal liability and loss undertaken by the user include but are not limited to: the user shall fully compensate NetEase and/or its affiliated companies for any loss incurred as a result, and the scope of compensation includes but is not limited to attorney fees, damage compensation fees, government punishment fees and other infringement compensation fees, etc

thirteen Others

thirteen point one The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.

thirteen point two If any clause in this Agreement is judged to be completely or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalid or unenforceable clause will be replaced by a valid and enforceable clause closest to the original clause obligations, and the remaining clauses of this Agreement shall still be valid and enforceable.

thirteen point three NetEase's failure to exercise, delay in exercising or fully exercise the rights under this clause or in accordance with the law shall not be deemed as a waiver of this right, nor shall it affect NetEase's future exercise of this right



User Code


Welcome to enjoy the CC live broadcast !

Our company will strive to provide you with better service. At the same time, we suggest users apply CC Fill in your real name, ID number and other relevant information when broadcasting your account, so as to better experience the services NetEase brings to you.


CC live broadcast Administration rule

In order to maintain good CC Live broadcast environment, required by NetEase《 CC Live broadcast users must abide by the following rules. Please read the following carefully CC The management rules of live broadcast (especially the content in bold type), if you do not agree with any of the following, please stop using immediately《 CC Live broadcast

CC Live broadcast refers to the research and development of NetEase / The provided name is《 CC Live TV software and related services, including PC End Web End, mobile end《 CC Live broadcast (including but not limited to iOS Edition and Android Version)

1、 Punishment summary

No rules, no square. (Mencius)

Good order is the foundation of all good things. Everything we do is to maintain CC Harmony and fairness of the live broadcast platform environment. But the real order should come from everyone's habits. We sincerely hope that there will be a day when we don't have to use punishment to restrain everyone's behavior.

   If the user violates any provision of this Agreement (including this User Code), he may be subject to one or more of the following penalties

(I)     Warning: Warning is an educational guidance for users who violate rules. It is used for normal management CC A way to run live broadcast.

(II)     Forbidden words: close some or all of the chat channels of the offending users, forcibly suspend the users' online conversations, messages and other functions, so that the users cannot talk to other users and/or publish any content until the punishment expires or is cancelled.

(III)     Limit permission: suspend or permanently prohibit illegal users from using CC Rights of relevant functions provided by live broadcast (including but not limited to video) / Voice function permissions).

(IV)     Forced offline: forced illegal users to leave CC Live broadcast, end the user in CC Live the execution of the current program.

(V)     Temporarily prohibit login: temporarily prohibit illegal users from logging in CC Live broadcast until the punishment expires or is canceled.

(VI)     Blocking account: suspend or permanently terminate the login and use of illegal users CC The right to live broadcast.

(VII)     frozen CC Live broadcast of virtual goods: limit illegal users CC Functions related to the virtual articles of the live broadcast account, including but not limited to the use and gift of articles, make them frozen.

(VIII)     take back CC Live broadcast virtual articles: the virtual articles of the CC live broadcast account of the offending user are forcibly recycled.

(IX)     Initialization of personal information: to initialize the account with illegal, illegal, policy violation, violation of this agreement (including user rules) and other information, and the user whose data is initialized cannot modify the personal information (including but not limited to this term) during the penalty period / autograph / head portrait / Shangmai business card, etc.).

(X)     Dissolve Organization: Dissolve the room, group, guild and other organizations established by the user.

(XI)    Backoff value: for CC Deduct relevant values of the live broadcast account, including but not limited to level experience, wealth level experience, value-added service tokens, and activity progress / Experience, value of virtual items, etc.

(XII)    Delete content: delete the content published by users in CC Live, including but not limited to articles, posts, videos, voice, pictures, etc.

(XIII)    Modify nickname: for users CC Modify the nickname of the live broadcast.

(XIV)    Legal liability: If the user's misconduct causes damage to others or NetEase or violates the existing laws and regulations, the offending user shall bear corresponding civil, administrative or criminal liabilities according to law.

(XV)    Other handling measures announced by NetEase through platform rules (including but not limited to user rules, announcements, prompts and notices).


2、 Ordinary Prohibitions

Do not do to others what you do not want. The Analects of Confucius

Words and deeds reflect a person's cultivation and morality. Good words and deeds make people feel like spring breeze and benefit for life. Otherwise, it may become a stumbling block to your progress. We urge everyone to be responsible for their words and deeds, participate in civilization, and have healthy entertainment. NetEase has the right to take one or more of the punishment measures listed in the "Summary of Penalties" above according to the provisions of this agreement (including the user code) and the severity of the case, and can announce the handling results if the user has the following circumstances as agreed in this article:

(1) Masquerade: CC In the live broadcast, through various ways and behaviors, impersonate the system, the official, others or institutions, to spread or disseminate false information to other users, or make other users have false or confusing cognition;

(2) Illegal websites: other illegal websites that promote non official websites of CC Live;

(III) Malicious publicity on other platforms: Publicize and promote other third-party platforms and products that compete with NetEase, and (or) collect and provide information for any third party, including but not limited to text, voice, video, links, etc CC Any information of the live broadcast (including but not limited to the anchor information, user information CC Other business information of live broadcast) and/or introduction, encouragement and solicitation CC Live broadcast hosts, users, etc. go to a third-party video voice live broadcast platform or other platforms and products that have other competitive relationships with NetEase ;

(4) Indecent words and deeds: CC Spreading or spreading indecent information through various ways and behaviors during live broadcast;

(5) Spam advertising information: massive dissemination of the same, similar phrases or meaningless nonsense, as well as any《 CC Unrelated information and/or spam advertising information of Live Broadcast;

(6) Causing disputes: CC Improper behaviors that cause disputes during live broadcast (including but not limited to regional disputes, ethnic disputes, racial disputes, etc.);

(7) Prohibited behaviors: participating in any illegal or potentially illegal activities or transactions, including teaching/promoting criminal methods, selling any illegal drugs, money laundering, fraud, etc;

(8) Real life information and personal threats: any threats involved / Violent words and deeds, and/or leakage of any real life information, personal information and privacy information of other users and/or NetEase employees;

   (IX) Publicizing or using private servers, trojans, plug-ins, viruses, cheating and other information: CC In the live broadcast, information such as private servers, trojans, extras, viruses, and cheating is disseminated or disseminated through various ways and behaviors;

(10) Publicity training: CC In the live broadcast, information about the game practice is disseminated or disseminated through various ways and behaviors (including but not limited to any information about the game practice);

(XI) Publicize or conduct illegal transactions: the user understands and agrees that unless it has obtained the prior authorization or permission of NetEase, the user can only CC Live broadcast carries out normal entertainment activities, and cannot be used or passed CC Live broadcast of any profit-making or other improper behaviors, including but not limited to CC Any virtual item of the live broadcast carries out any transaction without the permission and authorization of NetEase in any way (including but not limited to any form of offline transaction, if not authorized by NetEase / Recharging on licensed platforms / exchange / transaction / obtain CC Live broadcast virtual goods, or take any method not approved by NetEase CC Live broadcast virtual goods can be exchanged in any way / Transactions are collectively referred to as "offline transactions");

(XII) Publicizing or publishing illegal information: CC In the live broadcast, any speech or behavior involving violation of national laws and regulations, social public order and good customs, and social ethics and civilization standards, including but not limited to propaganda or participation in pornographic, gambling, propaganda of heresy, reactionary, terrorism and other words and deeds;

(13) Other violations: In addition to the above circumstances listed in this article, if the user has other violations of laws and regulations, social ethics or this agreement, user rules or CC live broadcast rules.

III CC Live broadcast staff interaction management rules

Courtesy calls for reciprocity. Going without coming is offensive ; It is not polite to come but not go. The Book of Rites - Quli Part I

(1) On CC Experience and explore in the live broadcast platform CC All the live services are wonderful experiences. When you get help from other users, please be grateful. If not, please try to get some information through your own efforts. We sincerely hope to communicate with you on the premise of mutual respect.

   one CC Genie: In most cases, if you encounter consulting problems, you can PC Connect with“ CC Get in touch with the elf, and you will receive a quick reply.

   two , Help Center: At CC If you encounter problems during the live broadcast, you can view the help and solve the problems by yourself. Help Center Link:

   three Online customer service: CC The live online customer service function is powerful CC You can try to contact it for any problems encountered in the live broadcast, and it will provide you with fast and high-quality service. You can click PC My CC Customer service "contact customer service or contact online customer service through the online customer service link:  

   four CC Live forum: official forum is mainly used for user communication CC You can log in to The page communicates with more users.

(II) hope CC The communication between the live broadcast staff and you is helpful, but please abide by the relevant regulations. We will seriously deal with the following behaviors, and NetEase has the right to take one or more of the punishment measures listed in the "Summary of Punishment" above according to the provisions of this agreement (including the user code) and the severity of the case, and can announce the results of the punishment:

   one , impersonating the system or official staff: CC During the live broadcast, some users may impersonate the system or official staff. If you find it, you can report it to the official staff through the official online customer service, official forum and other contact methods, and assist in verification. Once verified, we will take severe punishment measures against them.

   two , cheat or attempt to cheat official staff: CC During the live broadcast, please don't try to use our trust in you to cheat or try to cheat the official staff. If found, we will take severe punishment measures against such users. Attempts to deceive official staff include but are not limited to misleading official staff, refusing to provide or providing false information, and any attempt to "defraud" official staff.

   three Violation or neglect of the tips given by the official staff: CC In the live broadcast, in order to ensure the common interests of most users, maintain the normal CC In the live broadcast order, the official staff may prompt the user to perform certain operations or stop performing certain operations. Any act of ignoring or obstructing this work may result in the user account being punished.

   four Interference with official staff: CC During the live broadcast, the following behaviors will be deemed as improper interference with the work of official staff:

   four point one Ask official staff for any CC live broadcast virtual goods (including but not limited to value-added service tokens, CC live broadcast virtual goods, etc.);

   four point two Frequently calling official staff or sending requests without substantive content;

   four point three . Repeatedly send help requests that have been answered or solved to official staff.

   five , abuse or maliciously attack official staff: CC During the live broadcast, it is not allowed to abuse or maliciously attack official staff. If found, we will take severe punishment measures.

    six disturb CC Live broadcast order: CC During the live broadcast, we will take severe punishment measures for the following behaviors

   six point one Any malicious clearing and extortion

   six point two Threatening or inciting other users to participate in the abnormal use of CC live broadcast (including but not limited to spreading negative and untrue information, gathering people to make trouble, and any behavior of advocating/inciting other users to boycott CC live broadcast)

(3) Retrieve password:

If you log in with Netease email account and Netease mobile phone account CC Live broadcast and password forgotten or lost. Please try to log in yourself as soon as possible Page retrieval. If the password cannot be retrieved, you can collect the relevant information to retrieve the password and log in to the "Account Repair Support Center"( )Submit, we will have special staff to verify and handle for you.

No official staff will be here CC Ask users for your account password and other information in live broadcast and forum. Please pay attention to identification to avoid unnecessary losses.

4、 Naming management rules

If the name is not right, then the words will not be right, and if the words are not right, then the things will not be successful. Confucius

   CC The name in the live broadcast started as a form of address, but as you CC The experience in the live broadcast will not only be a title, but also represent a person's character and ability. Please carefully use the right granted to you, and let your name follow you in CC Write a beautiful chapter in the live broadcast.

Although you can name customizable content such as person nickname, room name and group name CC Live the cleanness and harmony in the world, CC Live broadcast is not allowed, including but not limited to ethnic groups / Race, national politics, national leaders, obscenity / Vulgarity and slander / Names of threats, religious or religious figures, staff, offensive, insulting and possibly misleading contents.

If found, NetEase has the right to take one or more of the punishment measures listed in the "Summary of Punishment" above in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement (including the User Code) and the severity of the case, and can publish the results.

5、 Utilization CC live Bug And client / Server usage management rules

Do not take one's own interests as interests, but make the world benefit from them ; Do not harm yourself, but let the world release its harm. (Huang Zongxi)

We strive to provide users with a fair and harmonious CC Live environment. Any damage CC Live broadcast of fair behavior in our CC Live broadcast is unpopular in the world and may be severely punished. Let's work together for maintenance CC Live broadcast platform in a harmonious, beautiful and fair environment. In case of the following circumstances, NetEase has the right to take one or more of the punishment measures listed in the "Summary of Punishment" above according to the provisions of this Agreement (including the User Code) and the severity of the circumstances, and can announce the handling results:

  (I) utilize CC live BUG And cheating: BUG Means CC Vulnerabilities or unreasonable phenomena in live broadcast system, program, settings, technology, playing methods, rules, etc

Users are obliged to report to the official staff CC The BUG

Direct or indirect use is strictly prohibited BUG Etc. or cheating to gain or disrupt CC Live order, or use BUG Or achieve personal purpose and/or any other improper purpose by cheating.

(II) Unlicensed third-party software: third-party software refers to the software used in CC Gain advantages in live broadcast, but not《 CC Any file, software or program that is part of the live broadcast software, including cheating plug-ins and related auxiliary plug-ins (including but not limited to automatic gift grabbing, automatic task completion, and automatic parsing / analysis CC Play methods, rules, settings, acceleration nature of live broadcast or beyond CC Live broadcast setting range and other operations)

Any and《 CC The external third-party software used in the live broadcast will probably CC The live broadcast has adverse effects, including but not limited to CC The live data transmission is not smooth, resulting in frequent disconnection or jamming of users. External application software may also make the user's computer or mobile device infected with viruses, spyware and other unknown programs. Third party software may also lead to the disclosure of user information stored in computers or mobile devices, such as personal information such as account numbers and passwords

(III) Modifying the client: Modifying the client refers to any behavior that changes the official version of the client published by NetEase in any way, so as to change or add or reduce the functions preset by NetEase, or cause the data sent by the client to the server to be abnormal. It is a kind of cheating

6、 Penalty rules for account theft and account theft related behaviors:

To ensure a pleasant experience for users CC Live broadcast to protect the legitimate interests of users from being infringed. NetEase's response to account theft and related acts (including but not limited to account theft CC Live data, user profile, operation and transfer CC Live broadcast of virtual goods) will be severely punished. Once verified to be true or required by the competent authority, NetEase has the right to take immediate measures, including but not limited to limiting authority and withdrawing CC NetEase reserves the right to investigate the legal responsibility of the users involved in the case of serious punishment measures such as live broadcast of virtual goods, temporary prohibition of login, closure of accounts, etc

Although you have not actively participated in the number theft CC Live broadcast virtual goods are obtained by others through ID theft, and then transferred or distributed to you, in order to protect the rights and interests of the stolen users and CC NetEase has the right to decide whether to take back the money you bought and obtained CC Live broadcast of virtual goods

In the process of verifying user theft, NetEase will ask relevant users to assist in the investigation in order to quickly investigate and deal with problems, including but not limited to temporary prohibition of login, online communication, offline communication, etc

VII CC Live broadcast fraud management rules:

Honesty is CC Basic principles in live broadcast. The fraud here refers to cheating other users by false promises, fabricating facts, concealing the truth, deliberately misleading, posing as others, deliberately confusing, etc. for the purpose of illegal possession CC Live broadcast of virtual goods (including but not limited to C Coupons, etc.) or other properties, including nicknames similar to fraud, impersonation of friends, impersonation of officials and other forms.

If a user commits fraud, we will take various measures listed in the "Punishment Overview" above according to the user's fraud, including but not limited to one or more of the following (not fully listed here):

one , Withdrawal CC Live broadcast of virtual goods;

two . Temporarily restrict login;

three . Account closure;

four . Bear legal responsibility.

Although you have not actively participated in the fraud CC Live broadcast virtual goods are obtained by others through fraud and then transferred or distributed to you, in order to protect the rights and interests of stolen users and CC Fair and just in live broadcast CC NetEase has the right to decide whether to take back the order you purchased and obtained CC Live broadcast of virtual goods.

8、 And recharge relevant Behavior handling rules for

You can only use the CC Recharge in the live broadcast or through the platform designated and recognized by NetEase. Without the permission of NetEase, you shall not entrust any third party to CC Live account recharge or exchange / purchase CC You are not allowed to publicize you and / Or a third party CC Any user of the live broadcast provides recharge or redemption / purchase CC Live virtual goods service

Good faith is also the basic principle that users should follow in their recharge related behaviors. The user was successfully CC After the live broadcast service is recharged to obtain the right to use virtual goods or value-added services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "recharge income") CC If there is any misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, suggestions or other demands in the live broadcast service, you can notify NetEase through the customer service area at any time. If the user does not choose such a method but conducts another refund operation, he/she should immediately notify NetEase through the customer service area to deduct the corresponding recharge income; If the user still has the recharge income after the refund operation is dishonest, NetEase will severely crack down and punish, including but not limited to one or more of the following: warnings, prohibitions, backoff values, restricted permissions, forced offline frozen CC Live broadcast of virtual goods and recovery CC Live broadcast of virtual articles, deletion of content, closure of accounts Initialization of personal information And take other measures to prevent users from engaging in such acts; If the circumstances are serious, NetEase reserves the right to investigate users' legal liability (including but not limited to civil liability and criminal liability)

9、 Account protection and data exception handling rules

one If you report that your account has been stolen, hacked or has other abnormalities, or NetEase finds that your account has been stolen, shared or abused or other abnormalities, in order to avoid C If coupons and virtual goods are infringed by law, NetEase will investigate your account and take protective measures (including but not limited to temporarily freezing your account and freezing your account) during the investigation according to the circumstances CC Live broadcast of virtual goods, etc.). Please submit relevant materials to cooperate with NetEase's investigation according to NetEase's guidelines, so as to remove the protective measures for your account as soon as possible

two If NetEase finds that the user data is abnormal, or is suspected of committing crimes or other improper acts, and / Or any recharge different from normal users / use CC Live broadcast behavior, or other NetEase companies think that there are profit-making behaviors not for the purpose of normal entertainment interaction, or users CC The behavior of the live broadcast and the continuation of the activity will CC If the normal operation and order of the live broadcast platform cause serious interference, NetEase has the right to investigate and take corresponding measures, including but not limited to: warnings, prohibitions, forced offline, restriction of authority, temporary prohibition of login, account closure, freezing CC Live broadcast of virtual goods and recovery CC Live broadcast of virtual goods, discount value, deletion of content, initialization of personal information, dissolution of organization, legal liability, etc. User agrees CC Such investigation of the live broadcast shall cooperate with NetEase's corresponding measures, and NetEase is not required to assume any responsibility

X CC Rules for using live pictures         

Without the prior written permission of NetEase, you are not allowed to publicly display, copy, disseminate or broadcast all or part of it through third-party software CC Any live video (including but not limited to any audio) / Video screen), NetEase will have the right to take various measures according to the circumstances of your breach, including but not limited to one or more of the following, and NetEase reserves the right to further investigate your legal liability

one , Warning ;

two , taboo ;

three . Forced offline ;

four . Login is temporarily prohibited;

five . Restriction of authority;

six Freeze CC live broadcast virtual goods;

seven Take back CC live broadcast virtual goods;

eight . Account closure;

nine . Bear legal responsibility.

11、 Damages

If the user is in CC If the violations in the live broadcast cause damage to NetEase or a third party, you should bear the corresponding legal responsibility, and NetEase has the right to take all reasonable actions against your own damage, including but not limited to: recovery CC Live broadcast of virtual goods, and NetEase has the right to claim back from you and ask you to bear the reasonable recovery costs of NetEase


XII other

In order to avoid disputes, the user agrees to take the data stored in NetEase server as the judgment standard for the relevant data and technical issues involved in this agreement. NetEase guarantees the authenticity of the data


⊙ Important tips

Create comfortable, fair and humane CC The live environment is our goal. stay CC In the live broadcast, whether our staff or tens of thousands of other users are playing different roles and performing their respective missions. We respect CC Users who live the rules and respect others are full of gratitude and respect. Let's work together to create a green online game and weave a beautiful dream!

Teenager users must abide by the National Convention on Youth Network Civilization: be good at online learning and not browse bad information; Be honest and friendly in communication, and do not insult or cheat others; We should enhance the awareness of self-care, and not casually date online friends; It is necessary to maintain network security and not destroy network order; It should be beneficial to physical and mental health and not indulge in virtual space and time.

   As an annex to the User License Agreement, the User Code forms an integral part of the terms of the User License Agreement and has the same legal effect

   NetEase has the right to CC The right to modify this User Code is reserved for the development and needs of live broadcasting. When revising this User Code, NetEase will《 CC Live broadcast software or《 CC The official home page of Live TV announces the revised content without individual notification to users. If the user continues to use《 CC Live broadcast "software or service, it is deemed that the user agrees to the content modified by NetEase

   In case of any conflict with laws and regulations, the laws and regulations shall prevail



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