

one hundred and seven


Team name Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Overtime 1 Overtime 2
Xinjiang twenty-eight twenty-two twenty-seven thirty
Liaoning twenty seventeen twenty-two twenty-two




Game report
Xinjiang 26 points wins Liaoning 3-1, leading Salamu 24+11 sauna men 31+12

Netease Sports reported on April 16:

On the evening of April 16, Beijing time, Xinjiang continued to host Liaoning in the fourth round of the CBA semi-final. In this game, Xinjiang maintained its advantage all the way, and used the double foreign aid attack to constantly increase the difference. In the end, Xinjiang defeated Liaoning 107-81, leading 3-1 in total score. The scores of the four quarters were 28-20, 22-17, 27-22, 30-22 (Xinjiang team ranked first).

Extended reading:

The worst game of the season! Guo Shao was killed by Salamu with only 7 points in 2 of 9 shots

Play ball? Xinjiang's retro style of play has a miraculous effect, dominating the interior and destroying the Liao basket

12 out of 15! The strongest bug in Xinjiang is his sauna man 31+12 playing Basque


Technical statistics:

Xinjiang team: Stokes scored 31 points and 12 rebounds, Abdul Salamu scored 24 points and 11 rebounds, Feld scored 19 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists, and Yu Changdong scored 19 points and 6 rebounds;

Liaoning team: Hudson had 21 points and 6 rebounds, Bass had 18 points and 6 rebounds, and Guo Allen had 7 points and 7 assists.

Event related:

In the first three games of the semi-final, Xinjiang won two away games in a row and led 2-0 in the total score. In the third game, Liaoning won 109-100 away games and pulled the total score to 1-2.

Play back:

Abdul Salam scored 6 points in the opening game, Feld made two shots and one pass, and Xinjiang started 13-2. Aaron Guo made 2 penalty shots for killing, Abdul Salam threw the shot successfully, and Liu Zhixuan hit the 3-pointer. Yu Changdong and Abdul Salam made continuous achievements, and Xinjiang led by 12 points. Li Xiaoxu scored 2+1, Stokes scored 4 points from the basket, and Bass and Gao Shiyan made internal and external shots to catch up. Zhou Yixiang made a good long shot, Li Gen scored a layup, and Zhao Jiwei made a long shot at the buzzer. The first section ended in 28-20 Liaoning, Xinjiang.

In the second quarter, Feld contributed 4 points to the team and Liaoning team was stopped. Since then, the two teams of double foreign aid have launched a confrontation at the offensive end, and the score has risen alternately. After Hudson hit three points, Liaoning caught up to 29-36. Stokes hit 3 free throws for 4 consecutive injuries under the basket, and then hit the basket for another 4 points. Abdul Salamu and Fan Ziming hit consecutive free throws, and the difference widened to 19 points. Hudson Zhongyuantou scored 5 points in a row to respond strongly, and Liu Zhixuan scored three points at the buzzer. Halfway out, Xinjiang 50-37 Liaoning.

Yi Bian fought again, Stokes scored a successful shot in the middle, Aaron Guo scored three points, Yu Changdong and Abdul Salam scored successively, and Feldqiang made a surprise attack on Li Xiaoxu's fifth criminal and was replaced. Koran Pak shot in from a long distance, Feld and Abdulsalam made 4 hit free throws in succession, and Xinjiang's leading edge expanded to 20 points. Zhao Jiwei made a three-point hit, Bass scored five points in a row, and Hudson hit back to catch up to 54-68. Feld and Stokes joined hands to open the gap again, and Hudson hit the counter attack at the last time. At the end of the third quarter, Xinjiang was 77-59 ahead of Liaoning.

In the last quarter, Xinjiang continued to give play to the advantage of interior attack. Yu Changdong and Abdul Salam hit the basket one after another, and Stokes scored three points, and the difference between them increased to 24 points. Xinjiang team became more and more brave, Feld and Abdulsalam scored well in the interior, Yu Changdong scored three points, and Xinjiang led by 93-64 to 29 points. Liaoning, which fell behind by a big score, still didn't give up. Hudson chased 5 points, Feld and Abdul Salam responded, and Hudson stole the assist Li Xiaoxu to score. Koran Baike and Yu Changdong each made a long shot, and the difference widened to 30 points to lock the victory. In the end, Xinjiang defeated Liaoning 107-81 and took the lead 3-1 in total after winning the match point.

Both parties start:

Xinjiang Team: Fan Ziming, Abdulsalam, Yu Changdong, Koran Baike, Feld

Liaoning Team: Li Xiaoxu, He Tianju, Gao Shiyan, Hudson, Guo Allen

(Source of this article: Netease Sports Author: A Yong) end

The next 5 games in Xinjiang

2019-04-21 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2019-04-23 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2019-12-13 19:35 Xinjiang VS Qingdao
2020-02-01 20:00 Xinjiang VS Guangzhou
2020-02-04 20:00 Xinjiang VS Shenzhen
[Full schedule]

Liaoning's next 5 games

2019-04-21 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2019-04-23 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2020-02-01 19:35 Beijing VS Liaoning
2020-02-04 19:35 Beikong VS Liaoning
2020-02-07 19:35 Liaoning VS Shanxi
[Full schedule]

Season data comparison

Xinjiang data Liaoning
Three points
Free throw
Block a Shot
an error
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