

one hundred


Team name Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Overtime 1 Overtime 2
Xinjiang twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-seven eighteen
Liaoning twenty-five twenty-one thirty-six twenty-seven


one hundred and nine


Game report
Turn it back! Liaoning 15 points reversed 1-2 points behind Guo Shao 34 points Ha Shen 32+8

Netease Sports reported on April 14:

On the evening of April 14, Beijing time, in the third round of the CBA semi-final, the Xinjiang team returned home to play Liaoning team. Each side played a good game, and the first three quarters ended in a draw. At the end of the day, the Xinjiang attack was suddenly cut off, and Liaoning opened the gap with the attack of Guo Ailun and double foreign aid. In the end, Liaoning defeated Xinjiang by 109-100 with 15 points and pulled the total score to 1-2. This is also the first time that Liaoning men's basketball team won in Xinjiang in the playoffs. The scores in the four quarters were 27-25, 28-21, 27-36 and 18-27 (Xinjiang team ranked first).

Extended reading:

A lone hero! Guo Shao Struggles for 34 Points with Injuries; Hong Shan Attacks Him Hard

It seems that another win in Hongshan is not like that Mengliao Basketball can replicate the Shenzhen miracle?

It's up to him to survive! Hassan scored 32 points to welcome the outbreak, and 15 points in a single quarter. Who said he was old?


Technical statistics:

Xinjiang team: Stokes 22 points, 10 rebounds and 5 assists, Feld 17 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, Li Gen 15 points, Koran Pak 14 points, Abdul Salam 11 points and 7 rebounds;

Liaoning Team: Guo Allen stole 34 points and 4 rebounds, Hudson scored 32 points and 9 rebounds and 4 assists, and Bass scored 21 points and 10 rebounds.

Event related:

In the first two games of the semi-final, Xinjiang won two away games in a row and led 2-0 in total. The next three games will be all held in the home court of Xinjiang Team.

Play back:

At the beginning of the first quarter of the game, Abdul Shalam scored a three-point goal, Fan Ziming and Koran Pak successfully layup one after another, and Xinjiang was 7-3 ahead. He Tianju's long shot and Guo Allen's layup tied the score for Liaoning. Hudson broke through to get points, and Klaanbank hit a three-point shot. He Tianju and Guo Allen made foul free throws in succession. Feld and Koran Baike scored successively, Hudson scored three points, and the two teams took the lead alternately. Zeng Lingxu and Li Gen attacked successfully in succession, and Zhao Jiqiang hit a three-point hit. At the end of the first quarter, Xinjiang was 27-25 ahead of Liaoning.

In the second quarter, Li Gen and Hudson scored three points against each other, Stokes and Zhou Yixiang got a good layup, and Xinjiang stopped Liaoning 34-28. Li Xiaoxu, Bass and Hudson joined hands to make a 7-0 anti super score. Li Gen and Stokes took turns to attack the basket. Sun Tonglin scored 2+1, and Xinjiang took a lead of 6 points. Bass broke through and Feld scored 2 consecutive 3-pointers. Aaron Guo scored five consecutive points on the inside out shot, and Stokes scored on the long shot. After half-time battle, Xinjiang was 55-46 ahead of Liaoning.

Yi Bian fought again, Sun Tonglin and Stokes scored the basket, Feld scored three points, and Xinjiang's leading edge expanded to 16 points. Hudson scored 5 points in a row, and two foreign aid players from Xinjiang scored one goal each. Guo Allen scored 5 points in a row, reaching a 10 point gap. Stokes hit 2+1, Aaron Guo, Zhao Jiwei and Hudson broke through one after another, and Bass hit the middle of the pitch with the margin approaching 1 point. Yu Changdong cut into the basket to stop bleeding. Abdul Salam scored three points and Stokes added two points. Xinjiang stopped Liaoning 76-70. The scores of foreign aid from both sides were matched, and Hudson made a series of penalty shots to equalize the score. Bass 2 made a full shot, and Abdul Salamu pressed the whistle to pick up the basket. After three days of fighting, the two sides were 82 even.

In the last quarter, Bass and Aaron Guo took turns to attack the basket and score points. Li Gen scored 2+1, and Liaoning was 90-87 ahead. Then Bass and Aaron Guo continued their crazy offensive output, increasing the difference to 8 points. Xinjiang team fell into the low tide of attack and failed to shoot repeatedly. After Hudson's second attack, Liaoning 99-89 led Xinjiang by 10 points. The three points of the Koran and the white gram closed the gap, and Guo Allen and Zhong Cheng succeeded in attacking one after another, locking the victory for Liaoning. In the end, Liaoning won the away game by 109-100 and pulled the total score to 1-2.

Both parties start:

Xinjiang Team: Fan Ziming, Abdulsalam, Koran Baike, Yu Changdong, Feld

Liaoning Team: Gao Shiyan, Guo Allen, Hudson, He Tianju, Li Xiaoxu

(Source of this article: Netease Sports Author: A Yong) end

The next 5 games in Xinjiang

2019-04-21 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2019-04-23 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2019-12-13 19:35 Xinjiang VS Qingdao
2020-02-01 20:00 Xinjiang VS Guangzhou
2020-02-04 20:00 Xinjiang VS Shenzhen
[Full schedule]

Liaoning's next 5 games

2019-04-21 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2019-04-23 19:35 Liaoning VS Xinjiang
2020-02-01 19:35 Beijing VS Liaoning
2020-02-04 19:35 Beikong VS Liaoning
2020-02-07 19:35 Liaoning VS Shanxi
[Full schedule]

Season data comparison

Xinjiang data Liaoning
Three points
Free throw
Block a Shot
an error
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