

one hundred and eighteen


Team name Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Overtime 1 Overtime 2
Shenzhen twenty-four twenty-six thirty-eight thirty
Beijing eighteen forty twenty-three twenty-six


one hundred and seven


Game report
Three games in a row! Shenzhen 3-2 knocks out Beijing and will fight Guangdong to create a CBA history of 24 years

Netease Sports reported on April 4:

On the evening of April 4, Beijing time, the fifth life and death game of the CBA playoff quarter final was played by Shenzhen team against Beijing team at home. In the first half, each side played a good game. In the third quarter, the Shenzhen double foreign aid suddenly broke out, overtaking and opening the gap. At the end of the day, Shenzhen held on to its advantage, and finally beat Beijing 118-107 to advance to the top four with a total score of 3-2, becoming the first team in history to reverse the 0-2 upset and advance. They will face Guangdong in the semi-finals. The scores in the four quarters were 24-18, 26-40, 38-23, 30-26 (Shenzhen team ranked first).

Extended reading:

Worship the Emperor! Speed up 2 key layups+freeze Fang Shuo, he deserves to be on the national team

love to see and hear! Shenzhen's 5 clay cannons scored double points, and they stole the spotlight of foreign aid

Yashuai's Beijing lower limit is high and upper limit is low! Lack of an old horse like soul figure


Technical statistics:

Shenzhen team: Bex had 17 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists, Burton had 18 points, Shen Zijie had 18 points and 7 rebounds, Li Muhao had 15 points and 6 rebounds, Guo Xiaopeng had 13 points, Gu Quan had 13 points, and Lu Yiwen had 13 points;

Beijing Team: Hamilton had 34 points and 13 rebounds, Jackson had 22 points, 7 rebounds and 8 assists, Zhu Yanxi had 15 points, Fang Shuo had 16 points and 7 assists, and Zhai Xiaochuan had 11 points and 9 rebounds.

Event related:

In the first four games of the quarter finals of the playoffs, both sides won two away victories respectively, and the total score was tied to enter the fifth decisive battle. The Shenzhen team became the first team in the 24 years since CBA was founded, and its total score fell 0-2 behind to draw 2-2.

Play back:

In the first quarter of the game, Hamilton hit a 3-pointer from the bottom corner of De Hao and scored a successful mid-range shot. Gu Quan and Li Muhao hit the basket consecutively, and Shenzhen took a 7-2 lead. Fang Shuogan scored three points to close the gap. Li Muhao and Bex added points one after another, Lu Yiwen scored three points and Shenzhen 14-7 opened the gap. Gu Quan and Guo Xiaopeng continued to fire three points, and Shenzhen continued to maintain a seven point advantage. After that, the two teams scored alternately under the basket, and Zhu Yanxi scored a long shot. At the end of the first quarter, Shenzhen led Beijing 24-18.

In the second quarter, the joint attack of Beijing's two outfields improved. Shen Zijie scored 6 points in a row, and Zhu Yanxi and Zhang Cairen each hit a long shot. Li Muhao's strong attack hit 2+1, Zhai Xiaochuan responded with three points, Li Muhao received a violent dunk in the air and forced a shot at the basket to kill, and Zhu Yanxi shot well from a long distance. Li Muhao dunked under the basket again, and the difference was 10 points. Zhu Yanxi scored two three points in a row, nearly two points difference. Then the two sides started to play under the basket, and the difference was still tight. After Jackson played 2+1, he scored three points in the bottom corner and Beijing scored against him. Shenzhen pulled down Bex, and Beijing continued to open fire on both sides. At half time, Beijing was 58-50 ahead of Shenzhen.

Yi Bian fought again. Beijing's double foreign aid team scored points one after another, while Shenzhen's domestic players scored points. Beijing still has a 7-8 point lead. The fire of Bex and Burton recovered, and the difference was quickly approached by firing in turns. After Burton scored three points, Shenzhen trailed Beijing by one point to 71-72. Guo Xiaopeng scored three points in the bottom corner, and the two sides were 76 tied. Burton made two long shots in a row, making Shenzhen complete the anti overtaking. Fang Shuo made a breakthrough in 2+1, and Guo Xiaopeng and Bex made achievements one after another. At the end of the third quarter, Shenzhen 88-81 regained its leading edge.

In the last quarter, Guo Xiaopeng and Shen Zijie made great efforts in the basket. Zhu Yanxi made a long shot and Fang Shuo made a jump shot. Lu Yiwen and Zhai Xiaochuan scored three points against each other. Burton hit the board with three points, Hamilton scored five points in a row, and Shenzhen still maintained the lead. Yu Dehao threw the shot successfully, Shen Zijie flew to smash it, and Bex scored three points. Shenzhen 108-99 opened a nine point gap. Jackson fought for Beijing with injuries, but Yu Dehao's basket pick and Gu Quan's two consecutive three-point hits sealed the victory for Shenzhen. In the end, Shenzhen defeated Beijing 118-107 at home, and eliminated the opponents to the top four with a total score of 3-2. They will play against Guangdong in the semi-final.

Both parties start:

Shenzhen: Bex, Li Muhao, Lu Yiwen, Gu Quan, Yu Dehao

Beijing: Wang Xiaohui, Qiu Tian, Hamilton, Zhai Xiaochuan, Fang Shuo

(Source of this article: Netease Sports Author: A Yong) end

Shenzhen's next 5 games

2020-02-01 19:35 Bayi VS Shenzhen
2020-02-04 20:00 Xinjiang VS Shenzhen
2020-02-07 20:00 Shenzhen VS Shanghai
2020-02-09 19:35 Shenzhen VS Tongxi
2020-02-13 19:35 Guangsha VS Shenzhen
[Full schedule]

Beijing's next 5 games

2020-02-01 19:35 Beijing VS Liaoning
2020-02-05 19:35 Beijing VS Jilin
2020-02-07 19:35 Beijing VS Beikong
2020-02-09 19:35 August 1 VS Beijing
2020-02-12 19:35 Guangdong VS Beijing
[Full schedule]

Season data comparison

Shenzhen data Beijing
Three points
Free throw
Block a Shot
an error
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