

one hundred and forty-one


Team name Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Overtime 1 Overtime 2
Guangdong thirty-five thirty-nine forty-six twenty-one
Jiangsu twenty twenty-one twenty-one thirty-seven




Game report
Guangdong 42 points, Jiangsu 2-0 ahead, Weims 24+6, Li Yuanyu 16 points

NetEase Sports reported on March 27:

On the evening of March 27, Beijing time, the second round of the CBA playoff semi-finals continued to play Jiangsu at home. In this game, due to the absence of the main players of Jiangsu team, Radulica and Wu Guanxi, Guangdong team took a lead of more than 30 points in the first half of the game, and the game lost suspense early. In the end, Guangdong team won the match point with a total score of 2-0 in the home court of 141-99. The scores of the four sections are 35-20, 39-21, 46-21 and 21-37 (Guangdong comes first).

Relevant war report: Beijing won by 16 points, Shenzhen by 2-0 points, Hamilton by 33+14 points    


Technical statistics:

Guangdong team: Wems 24 points 6 assists, Marchan Brooks 19 points 10 rebounds 15 assists, Ren Junfei 17 points, Zhao Rui 11 points, Hu Mingxuan 14 points, Zeng Fanri 12 points, Yi Jianlian 9 points

Jiangsu team: Sloan 33 points, Hou Yifan 11 points, Li Yuanyu 16 points, Zhao Zhizhou 17 points

Competition related:

In the first match, Guangdong hanged Jiangsu with 29 points. The strength of the two sides was very different. Jiangsu insider Wu Guanxi was suspended for one game due to four accumulated violations, and foreign aid Radulica was also absent from the game.

Event playback:

At the beginning of the game, the Jiangsu team sent the whole Chinese team to play in the first round, and the Guangdong team came up to play a 7-0 start. The Guangdong team did not underestimate the enemy, but still maintained a good offensive state, and gained a double-digit lead in the first two and a half minutes. After the Jiangsu team paused, they sent foreign aid on the court. Zhao Rui scored three points and Sloan responded with a three point shot. Hou Yifan hit two free throws and Zeng Fanri hit a 26-15 jumper. Guangdong scored under the basket in a row, Zhao led the boat to hit three points, and Yi Jianlian scored a jumper. With Zhou Peng missing the layup, Guangdong took the lead 35-20 at the end of the first quarter.

In the second quarter of the game, Hu Mingxuan hit three points, Ren Junfei and Su Wei succeeded one after another in the basket, and Guangdong team increased the difference to 20 points. Wims assisted Ren Junfei to score a slam dunk, Zhang Youwei scored three points, Wims scored a quick attack layup, and Guangdong team continued to increase the difference between inside and outside shots. With Brooks on the basketball, Guangdong has led the opponent by 30 points. Sun Xin hit a three-point shot, Wims went to the basketball and scored. On the final attack, Hou Yifan missed the jumper. At the end of the half court, Guangdong was 74-41 ahead.

Yi Bian fought again. The Jiangsu team didn't score a point in the first two minutes. A wave of 8-0 in Guangdong forced Jiangsu to stop. Liu Wei's layup helped Jiangsu break the scoring gap. Yi Jianlian dunked and scored. Hou Yifan's inside out shot scored 5 points in a row, but the difference was still 30 points. In the subsequent match, Guangdong team still kept its pace of attack and after hitting three points in a row, Guangdong had widened the difference to 50 points. Hou Yifan sprained off the court to rest, and the Jiangsu team lacked another strong player. Su Wei got a technical foul, Sloan hit a free throw, Zhao led the boat to hit three points, and Du Runwang scored three points. After three quarters, Guangdong led 120-62.

In the last quarter, Sloan hit three points, Xu Jie and Hu Mingxuan scored three points one after another, and Guangdong team increased the difference to 60 points. Guangdong took a break from the main force early. Jiangsu team recovered some points by Sloan's free throw. The game had long been in suspense. Finally, Guangdong team beat Jiangsu at home 141-99, leading 2-0 in total.

Both parties start:

Guangdong: Hu Mingxuan, Weims, Zhou Peng, Ren Junfei, Yi Jianlian

Jiangsu: Sun Xin, Zhang Youwei, Hou Yifan, Liu Wei, Wu Minamateng

(Source of this article: Netease Sports Author: Zhou Xiaojie) end

The next 5 games in Guangdong

2020-02-02 19:35 Guangdong VS Tianjin
2020-02-05 19:35 Guangdong VS Shanxi
2020-02-07 19:35 Guangdong VS Tongxi
2020-02-09 19:35 Fujian VS Guangdong
2020-02-12 19:35 Guangdong VS Beijing
[Full schedule]

Jiangsu's next 5 games

2020-02-02 19:35 Qingdao VS Jiangsu
2020-02-04 19:35 Shandong VS Jiangsu
2020-02-07 19:35 Jiangsu VS Fujian
2020-02-09 19:35 Jilin VS Jiangsu
2020-02-12 19:35 Shanxi VS Jiangsu
[Full schedule]

Season data comparison

Guangdong data Jiangsu
Three points
Free throw
Block a Shot
an error
Planner: Zhang Zenghui, Lin Zhilin Fine Arts: Gao Jie Technology: Wu Zhaoxuan, Zhang Zhenpeng, Li Junkui, Wang Jidong Feedback
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