

one hundred and thirty-seven


Team name Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Overtime 1 Overtime 2
Guangdong thirty-one thirty-six forty-one twenty-nine
Jiangsu twenty thirty twenty-nine twenty-nine


one hundred and eight


Game report
Guangdong 29 points, Jiangsu 1-0, Yi Jianlian 21+12, Sloan Kongan 31+6

NetEase Sports reported on March 25:

On the evening of March 25, Beijing time, the first round of the CBA playoff quarter final started, and Guangdong team played Jiangsu team at home. In the first half of the game, Radulica was plagued by fouls, which affected the play of both ends of attack and defense, while the Guangdong team, led by Yi Jianlian, established a 17 point lead and entered the second half. In the subsequent competition, Guangdong continued to expand its lead, and the competition also lost suspense early. In the end, Guangdong defeated Jiangsu at home 137-108, ushering in the first win in the playoffs. The scores of the four sections were 31-20, 36-30, 41-29 and 29-29 respectively (Guangdong ranked first).


Technical statistics:

Guangdong team: Yi Jianlian 21 points and 12 rebounds, Zhou Peng 21 points, Ren Junfei 14 points, Brooks 27 points and 11 rebounds 9 assists, Williams 25 points and 7 assists, Zhao Rui 13 points

Jiangsu team: Sloan has 31 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists, Radulica has 30 points and 10 rebounds, Zhao Zhizhou has 20 points and Wu Guanxi has 13 points

Competition related:

After 12 years in the playoffs, the "Suzhou Guangdong War" was staged again. The collision between the two sides has some historical significance. Compared with last season, the two teams exchanged small foreign aid Mashan Brooks and Sloan, and their play against the old host deserves attention. The two teams played 67 games in history, and Guangdong team won 51 and lost 16; Among them, there were 13 playoff matches, and Guangdong won 11 and lost 2. The two sides have met twice in this season's regular season, and Guangdong won 111-105 away from home and 142-105 at home.

Event playback:

At the beginning of the game, Zhou Peng's free throw hit was the first for Guangdong. Zhao and Sloan hit three points one after another, and Jiangsu was 8-4 ahead at the beginning. Yi Jianlian hit 2+1, Wu Guanxi grabbed the offensive rebounds and scored a dunk. The Jiangsu team made two consecutive mistakes, and Guangdong seized the opportunity to counter attack and hit fast. Brooks hit a jumper, and Zhou Peng scored three points on the top of the arc. Later, the two teams failed several attacks. Yi Jianlian made a foul under the basket with two penalties. Zhou Peng scored three points again, and Guangdong Yibo's 11-2 point difference increased to double digits. Zhao led the boat and scored 5 points in a row. Yi Jianlian shot a basketball at the buzzer. At the end of the first quarter, Guangdong was 31-20 ahead.

In the second quarter of the game, Sloan scored in the middle of the pitch, Zhao led the boat to hit two three points, and Guangdong led by 5 points. Radulica scored with a single hand, and Ren Junfei kept killing people under the basket. Although Yi Jianlian rested off the court, the Guangdong team still kept ahead. Liu Wei hit three points, Ren Junfei responded with two points, Zhou Peng hit three points, Brooks dunked successfully, and the two sides held a stalemate for several rounds. The difference was still about 7 points. Wilms hit three points, Yi Jianlian scored four points in a row, and Guangdong once again opened the gap 7-0. Sloan made two free throws. Yi Jianlian made a jump shot and made the final attack. Zhou Peng hit three points at the buzzer. At the end of the half court, Guangdong was 67-50 ahead.

Yi Bian fought again. Radulica scored under the basket in a row. Yi Jianlian scored 2+1. Wu Guanxi's dunk was successful, and Brooks responded with three points. Wu Guanxi was accused of violating the body and fouled. Guangdong hit one of two penalties. Guangdong still kept a 15 point lead halfway through the third quarter. Although Radulica played well in this section, Guangdong's double foreign aid team was in good condition. After Brooks had a good layup, Guangdong's team was 93-73 ahead. Sloan scored two three points in a row, and Brooks immediately turned the other cheek. Guangdong continued to widen the difference. Zhao Rui grabbed the ball and directly layed up. Ren Junfei pressed the whistle to get a layup. At the end of the three quarters, Guangdong led 29 points into the last quarter.

In the last quarter, Xu Jie came up to hit three points, Sloan hit 3+1, Yi Jianlian shot the basket successfully, and Wems shot five consecutive points from the inside out. There were six minutes left in the fourth quarter, and Guangdong was 128-94 ahead. The Guangdong team also changed its main lineup to rest and began to practice. The game has long lost its suspense. At the end of the whole game, Guangdong team defeated Jiangsu 137-108 at home, leading 1-0 on the total score.

Both parties start:

Guangdong: Hu Mingxuan, Weims, Zhou Peng, Ren Junfei, Yi Jianlian

Jiangsu: Sloan, Zhao Zhizhou, Hou Yifan, Liu Wei, Wu Guanxi

(Source of this article: Netease Sports Author: Zhou Xiaojie) end

The next 5 games in Guangdong

2020-02-02 19:35 Guangdong VS Tianjin
2020-02-05 19:35 Guangdong VS Shanxi
2020-02-07 19:35 Guangdong VS Tongxi
2020-02-09 19:35 Fujian VS Guangdong
2020-02-12 19:35 Guangdong VS Beijing
[Full schedule]

Jiangsu's next 5 games

2020-02-02 19:35 Qingdao VS Jiangsu
2020-02-04 19:35 Shandong VS Jiangsu
2020-02-07 19:35 Jiangsu VS Fujian
2020-02-09 19:35 Jilin VS Jiangsu
2020-02-12 19:35 Shanxi VS Jiangsu
[Full schedule]

Season data comparison

Guangdong data Jiangsu
Three points
Free throw
Block a Shot
an error
Planner: Zhang Zenghui, Lin Zhilin Fine Arts: Gao Jie Technology: Wu Zhaoxuan, Zhang Zhenpeng, Li Junkui, Wang Jidong Feedback
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