eighteen billion three hundred and seventy-seven million three hundred and forty-one thousand and twenty

Mr. Huang - WeChat ID

Introduction to Guilin Ice Coffin Rental Company

We are a professional ice coffin rental service company, ice machine rental company and crystal coffin rental company in Guilin. Our business scope: Guilin ice coffin rental, Lipu ice coffin rental, Yangshuo ice coffin rental, Lingchuan ice coffin rental, Quanzhou ice coffin rental, Xing'an ice coffin rental, Yongfu ice coffin rental, Guanyang ice coffin rental, resource ice coffin rental, Pingle ice coffin rental. It is mainly for ice coffin service in all counties of Guilin.

And the price is reasonable and reasonable. At the same time, we also welcome customers who have business relations. We have an introduction fee.

Guilin Ice Coffin Rental Phone Number: eighteen billion three hundred and seventy-seven million three hundred and forty-one thousand and twenty

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Rental price of ice coffin

  •  Rental price of desk ice coffin

    Rental price of desk ice coffin

    The rental price of the desk ice coffin is 2000 yuan. If it exceeds 100 kilometers, you need to increase the fuel charge by 100 yuan

    Rental price of ice coffin 2024-02-20 seven hundred and seventy
  •  Rental price of portable ice coffin

    Rental price of portable ice coffin

    The rental price of portable ice coffins is 1500 yuan. If it is more than 100 kilometers, add 100 more fuel charges. We need to increase the fuel charges because of the long distance, so please understand. Tips: The portable ice coffin is suitable for summer when the weather is not very hot. If the outdoor temperature exceeds 35 °, it is not recommended to use the portable ice coffin. Table ice is recommended

    Rental price of ice coffin 2024-02-20 six hundred and thirty-four

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