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The 7th "Daxin Cup" Case Analysis Contest of School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University - Review Results of Preliminary Audit

Published on: April 27, 2023

According to the case analysis report submitted by each group in the preliminary contest, the judges evaluated according to the preliminary contest scoring standard. The competition organizing committee ranked the results of each group according to the scoring results of the judges, and selected the top 8 teams to advance to the final.

The name list of the finalists is as follows:


Team name

Good refueling HHJY

Four beauties set up audit team

Faith goes far

Four Walnuts

Fearless Rushing Team

All teams

Mickey Miaomiao

Fami Mao Team



1. The finals will be held at 13:30 on May 14, 2023 (Sunday) in Sidong 821 Conference Room.

2. Each team that is qualified for the finals needs a tutor.

3. On the day of the final, please ask the team leaders 1 hour in advance Six paper copies of PPT and analysis report shall be submitted on site, and the electronic version shall be copied. At the same time, draw lots to determine the order of playing. Those who fail to submit the above materials within the time limit will be disqualified.

4. See the appendix for competition rules and scoring standards.

5. If you have any questions, please contact Teacher Liu of the Case Center 51682895.

1. Final Notice. pdf

2. Competition Rules. pdf

8. Group Scoring Form.pdf

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