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The 2022 "Daxin Cup" Case Analysis Contest and the 7th Beijing Jiaotong University School of Economics and Management Case Analysis Contest Launching Conference were successfully held

Published on: March 10, 2023

The launching meeting of the 7th Beijing Jiaotong University School of Economics and Management Case Analysis Competition on the occasion of the 2022 "Daxin Cup" Case Analysis Competition was successfully held in Conference Room 821, Siyuan East Building, on the afternoon of March 9. Liu Guquan, Vice President of Beijing Zhiyuan Internet Software Co., Ltd., Gao Xiangli, Senior Director of the Strategic Development Department, Qiu Xiaodong, Deputy Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University, Gou Juanqiong, Professor of the Department of Information Management, and Zhang Le, Director of Student Activities of the MBA Center attended the launch conference. Director Zhang Lili of the Case Center presided over the kick-off meeting.



First of all, Director Zhang Lili introduced the theme of the case study contest and the guests attending the kick-off meeting, which also showed that the kick-off meeting of the case study contest finally ushered in the kick-off meeting of the case study contest due to the reasons and difficulties of the repeated delays of the COVID-19 epidemic, and announced the official start of the kick-off meeting.



Professor Qiu Xiaodong, Vice Dean of School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University, delivered the opening speech. On behalf of the college, Dean Qiu extended a warm welcome to the guests, teachers and students. He said that the purpose of holding the case contest was to attach importance to the knowledge base, strengthen the practical ability and expand the comprehensive quality. By combining the actual situation of the enterprise, the real problems in the enterprise were discussed, so as to improve the students' decision-making and analysis ability in the face of practice, build mature business thinking, promote the combination and application of theory and practice, and enhance the communication between students, Cultivate students' sense of competition and team spirit, and lay a solid foundation for students' future development. At the same time, we hope to take the case contest as an opportunity to strengthen the cooperation between schools and enterprises, build a platform for full communication for the future, achieve a win-win situation between schools and enterprises, and achieve common progress in management theory and practice.



Later, Liu Guquan, Vice President of Beijing Zhiyuan Internet Software Co., Ltd., introduced the background and development of the enterprise, including the impact of his personal work experience on the company, with the theme of "achieving high-performance organizations", pointing out that management is a means, and Zhiyuan's core idea is to establish a "collaborative operation platform" for customers. He emphasized that the development of the company should adapt to the changes of the times and make various transformations and upgrades, and introduced the development prospect of artificial intelligence and the future market of the Internet to us in combination with the hot ChatGPT. During the Q&A session, the students enthusiastically raised questions, and General Manager Liu gave detailed answers to the technical iteration problem, the update of the base code of the application transformation problem, and the trade off between business and benefits.



Later, Professor Gou Juanqiong from the Department of Information Management of the School of Economics and Management analyzed the situation of software enterprises and their dilemma for students in detail with the theme of "industrial change and business model exploration of management software". Professor Gou first specifically introduced how feelings can be substituted into business reality, then raised the question "What is needed in the innovation era?", pointed out the importance of the scheme, and emphasized the problems of knowledge transfer, industrial change, and digital transformation, which inspired students to think deeply about the plight of management software. Professor Gou creatively described the smiling curve of digital transformation, emphasizing collaborative innovation, agile operation, and the operation mode of various products, tools, stores and services. It also explains organizational ecology and innovation ecology. The students put forward relevant questions in depth, and Professor Gou gave detailed answers and put forward personal opinions.




Finally, Director Zhang Lili of the Case Center summarized the wonderful speeches made by the two guests and encouraged students to think creatively and put forward workable solutions to problems. The case launching conference was a complete success.

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