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The School of Economics and Management held a lecture on knowledge and practice cases: research on the development of top 100 cases

Published on: May 11, 2024

In the afternoon of May 7, 2024, the first session of the Knowledge and Practice Case Lecture of the School of Economics and Management in 2024 (the 82nd session in total) was successfully held in Room 821, Siyuan East Building. This activity was jointly organized by the College Case Center and the Young Teachers Committee. Ouyang Taohua, a professor from the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, was invited to do the event, which was entitled "Development and Research of Top 100 Cases Based on One Stone and Many Birds". Qiu Xiaodong, vice president of the School of Economics and Management, attended the event and delivered a welcome speech. Zhang Nana, director of the Case Center, presided over the lecture.


Professor Ouyang Taohua continued to track China's leading enterprises, focusing on research topics such as digital transformation of enterprise strategic organizations and technological innovation, and made important achievements in the field of teaching cases and research cases. Before officially entering the topic of this lecture, Professor Ouyang pointed out that the case, as a good carrier, can run through teachers' entire career and help to integrate theory and practice. Combining her own teaching and scientific research experience, she told everyone how "cases" run through all aspects of her career, such as talent cultivation, teaching, research, internal reference writing, training, etc., and summarized her experience of case studies for many years into four points: grasping a good theme, developing a series of teaching cases, giving consideration to teaching and research Apply for national projects with cases as the carrier.


Professor Ouyang explained in detail the difficulties and solutions of case development and research and excellent case development.

First of all, Professor Ouyang led us to re understand case development and research from the perspective of how management scholars practice the epochal task of constructing philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style proposed by the General Secretary.

Secondly, Professor Ouyang analyzed the difficulties and solutions of excellent case development from four aspects: topic selection, construction, writing and polishing. In terms of topic selection, Professor Ouyang pointed out that case selection should focus on the existing, valuable, scarce and sustainable high-quality management innovation practice activities. He summarized "5" "no choices" and introduced the application of topic selection canvas from four dimensions of organizational practice, theoretical perspective, management challenges and solutions. In terms of phenomenon conceptualization, Professor Ouyang pointed out that the process of phenomenon conceptualization is the process of teaching case development, which involves six modules: teaching objectives, case practice, teaching design, theoretical perspective, case text, case analysis/teaching thinking questions. In terms of the writing of the case text, Professor Ouyang pointed out that the story layout can be carried out from the three lines of time line, decision-making line and knowledge line, and described how to layout in combination with the case of Ruiniu Cultural Innovation and the case of China Manned Space Project. After telling the story, Professor Ouyang pointed out that it was time to write the case manual. At this stage, the focus was on how to design a good story to inspire thinking questions, and introduced four types of questions step by step: laying knowledge points, analyzing knowledge points, deepening knowledge points, and summarizing. After designing the heuristic question, there are two ways to conduct case analysis: multi theoretical case analysis and single theoretical case analysis. Professor Ouyang vividly compares the process of case analysis to "peeling onions".

Finally, Professor Ouyang summarized the portraits of excellent cases, pointing out that the case selection should be both tension and focus, the case text should be interesting, the case analysis should have a sense of hierarchy, and the teaching design should reflect the value of teaching objectives. Professor Ouyang quoted the "Three Realms" of Qing Yuan Xingsi, a Zen master in the Song Dynasty, "Look at the mountain is a mountain, look at the mountain is not a mountain, look at the mountain is a mountain" to describe the three realms of case development, and believed that case researchers need to constantly improve their cognitive ability.


At the end of the lecture, the participating teachers and students had a warm exchange and discussion with Professor Ouyang on various problems and difficulties in the case development process. Finally, the lecture ended with warm applause from the teachers and students attending the meeting, and this lecture on knowledge and practice cases ended successfully.

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