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Survey on our website: "Heart to heart training" platform "late night service" is seriously involved in pornography

Liu Baoqi, Chen Wei

15:57, August 20, 2020 Source: People's Network People's Venture Capital

Every late night, Huang Ting opens the Bing Peilian APP, and the message "Ding Ding Ding" rings ceaselessly. When she clicks open, most people ask if she has "late night service".

Huang Ting is not surprised by this kind of hidden language, but she can't help cursing. After she quit her stable job a year ago and became a companion trainer on the competition platform, she often received "players ”Harassment information, provocative and explicit language.

Bixin sparring is a game sparring platform. At present, there are more than 30 million game player users nationwide, and more than 3 million platform certified game sparring gods. Among them, nearly 1.5 million people have earned income through game skill sharing. They have received investment from IDG Capital, and Shanghai Netfish Cafe invested by Wang Sicong's Putsi Capital is also a shareholder.

However, a reporter from People's Daily Online found that some female trainers, under the command of the gang behind the scenes, took the initiative to "players ”Sell "late night services", mainly including naked video chat and sex services.

The female trainer chatted naked on WeChat, and her language was provocative and explicit (the picture is a live screenshot)

"Late night service" video naked chat clearly marked price

Trainer Xu Huiwei has been busy soliciting customers on the platform.

The guests were called "bosses" by her. She usually lurks on the matchmaking platform and takes the initiative to chat up male players. Sometimes players also take the initiative to ask her if she is "late night service". She priced herself 188 yuan/20 minutes for naked video chat, and 388 yuan/20 minutes for appearance.

She repeatedly promised that in the video naked chat between the two sides, the boss could verify whether the performance was real through voice communication and command, "I receive many such lists every day. If it is a liar, the customer must report on the platform."

To prove that she is not a liar, she sent a screenshot of the customer's WeChat. The picture shows that after the two people communicated by voice, the customer paid her 200 yuan and 188 yuan twice.

The reporter of People's Daily Online contacted two female trainers on the company training platform. After WeChat payment, the two women sent videos on their own initiative. In the video, they speak provocative language while doing indecent actions.

At first, Chen Wei was just a game trainer. A strange man actively contacted her on the competition training platform and asked her if she would do the video chat business, and was recommended by customers. She didn't refuse because she didn't show her face and it was easy to earn money. "We all have bosses behind the scenes. They recommend them to my customers. The list price is 150 yuan and 140 yuan, and they draw 40 yuan and 50 yuan."

Chen Qing is one of the gang commanders behind the scenes. She sends pictures of women from all over the country in her circle of friends every day, and writes suggestive words such as "Welcome to Nanjing" and "I have everything you like". She has been lurking in the game platform for half a year, and is platinum level 4. According to her introduction, she provides female trainers with services, including night package and fast food, with prices of 5000 yuan and 2500 yuan respectively. She has repeatedly guaranteed that she can provide services throughout the country. Customers will choose people through photos and pay when they are satisfied.

After asking for the reporter's address on People's Daily Online, Chen Qing took the initiative to send pictures of two women, asked if she was satisfied, and said she could arrange someone at any time. However, she claimed that the hotel was unsafe. Customers could go to the girl's home, and the girl had to pay a deposit of 100 yuan in advance to go to the customer's home. If she was dissatisfied, she could also guarantee the girl's round-trip fare.

Screenshot of WeChat chat: Chen Qing guarantees to provide nationwide services and customers are satisfied with the payment

Bixin sparring platform was reported for involvement in pornography. On the Black Cat complaint platform, a player placed an order twice in the competition, one price was 40 yuan/hour, the other 160 yuan/hour, but the trainer sent him a yellow video via WeChat. "I thought the video content was too disgusting, so I just hung up."

Zhu Yan, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, said that the trainer's online dissemination of pornographic information was suspected to constitute the crime of illegal use of information networks and the crime of spreading pornographic materials. The network platform can not timely manage the pornographic information spread within the platform, and the network service provider is suspected of constituting the crime of refusing to perform the obligation of information network security management. If users and service providers who participate in offline sexual transactions through online contact, they are suspected to constitute the crime of luring, sheltering or introducing others to prostitution under the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.

"The problem of playing with girls is very serious." Wang Qin, a female trainer, said that the problem of playing with girls is also divided into online and offline. Online is in the process of live games, and female trainers are exposed through implicit hints or anchors. Offline, it mainly depends on the relationship between the trainer and the player. It's hard to say what happened to the two offline players. After all, it's hard to define whether they are involved in pornography or not.

Minors are not in the minority

Not only adults, but also minors, are lurking in the competition.

Huang Ting once received a list of the King's Glory Games on the competition platform. The "boss" was a 13-year-old boy. "I listened to his childish voice and specifically asked him how old he was. He said he was 13 years old and still a student at school." She didn't have the heart to accept his order after completing the order.

Huang Ting is at the level of God in the competition platform. The price of a single order is 19 yuan, which is close to 30 yuan. She wondered where the boy's order money came from and why he was able to log in to the Bixin Peilian platform. "He may play games with an adult mobile phone."

Teenager mode is set on the training platform. This mode reminds that in order to protect the healthy growth of minors, the platform specially introduces the youth mode, in which some functions cannot be used normally. The supervisor should take the initiative to select and set the monitoring password.

Huang Ting said that the competition training platform is dominated by adults, who are mainly social practitioners and college students, each accounting for half. There are also many junior and senior high school students mixed in the platform, but these people often live in low price consumption areas.

According to the data of the first quarter of 2020 released by Bexin Peilian, the game Peilian God has increased more than 1.02 million people in the past single quarter, and the cumulative registered users have exceeded 30 million. According to the data of the 2019 White Paper on Game Companion Training, the average age of game players is 23.27 years old, and 2/3 of them are post-95.

"Some sparring platforms do not strictly review the age of players." Wang Qin said that when she first engaged in the playing industry, there were not many minor players, but now the number is increasing.

The female trainer releases seductive videos in the circle of friends, hoping the customer will accept the order

"Eighty percent of games are aimed at young people between the ages of 14 and 22. There are strong or weak sexual connotations in the playing industry, which has a very bad impact on the mental health of young people." Fan Jingren, founder of Beijing Xin'an Exploration Psychological Consultation, said.

He believes that adolescent boys have a natural sense of curiosity about sex. As female trainers increase their game experience, they are also very attractive to teenagers, which not only makes them have the habit of extravagant consumption, but also makes online practice possible to turn to offline dating, which will undoubtedly lead to early love, early sex and other problems. In addition, the main force of the game industry is the junior and senior high school students, who are addicted to games and divorced from reality, which is likely to lead to academic neglect. Frustration in learning further deepens the sense of self defeat, which may cause incalculable losses to future social and family life.

Qi Haifeng, a psychological consultant from Zhonghe Psychological Consultation Studio, believes that teenagers can easily materialize the opposite sex by communicating with the opposite sex online through pictures, sounds, videos and other ways, and evaluate and communicate with the opposite sex in terms of beauty, body and other aspects from a single dimension, which not only causes teenagers to misunderstand the concept of love and marriage, but also foreshadows sexual crimes.

"I don't know what their private transactions are." Wang Qin, a female trainer, said that on the game practice platform, game skills are not important, while sweet voice and beautiful appearance are the most important bargaining indicators. This is the same as the anchor industry. The higher the popularity, the higher the price of accompaniment.

The sparring industry under the pursuit of capital needs supervision urgently

The predecessor of the competition sparring platform is the fish bubble.

At that time, the online project of Fish Bubble included 12 categories and 43 sub items, and games and voice optimization accounted for the vast majority of projects. The game is divided into online and offline games, covering current popular games, including League of Heroes, King Glory, Jedi Survival and many other games. Voice actors include waking up, sleeping and chatting. In addition, Fish Bubble has also extended to the pan entertainment category, introducing offline dining, karaoke, love consulting and other skills sharing.

Bixin Peilian Platform was established in 2014 (Yuanyu Paopao APP). At the beginning of 2019, Bixin Peilian removed functions such as emotional consultation and canceled offline game Peilian services.

Enterprise investigation data shows that Bixin Peilian has obtained two rounds of financing, and obtained IDG's round A financing of tens of millions of dollars in 2018. Angel Wheel received an investment of 50 million yuan from the fishnet cafe, and Wang Sicong's Pusi Capital is the investor of the fishnet cafe. Previously, Wang Sicong had been the "platform" for the company training platform. He set the price of company training for himself at 666 yuan/hour, making him the most expensive person in the field of game company training.

Accompanied training industry has also risen rapidly under the influence of capital. In 2019, Taobao launched the "Taobao Peilian" channel, and then tentacle, tiger teeth, and fighting fish launched the Peilian business. The industry competition entered the stage of competition between giants. Du Mingjiang, vice president of Beside Training, once said that game practice has become a new "10 billion market".

Fan Jingren said that with the rapid development of the game industry and the rapid increase in the number of game players, "playing with others" has become a fashion. In essence, the game accompaniment, like bar accompaniment and KTV accompaniment, is nothing more than improving the user's consumption experience accompanied by the opposite sex. If the number of people experiencing it increases, corresponding supporting services will naturally appear. The Nanchang Evening News once reported that some users used the probing platform to publish online information about soliciting prostitutes, and users involved in pornography published the Wechat and QQ numbers of soliciting prostitutes on their avatars and signatures to induce users to add. In the same year, Probing APP was required to be taken off the shelf by relevant departments due to the dissemination of pornographic and other illegal information.

As early as 2016, the Ministry of Culture issued the 25th batch of investigation and punishment list of illegal Internet cultural activities, and many online live broadcasting platforms, such as Douyu, Tiger Teeth Live, YY, were included in the investigation and punishment list because they were suspected of providing Internet cultural products that promote obscenity, violence, instigate crime, and endanger social morality. In the following year, the Beijing Municipal Cyberspace Office, the Public Security Bureau, and the Municipal Cultural Market Administrative Law Enforcement Corps jointly interviewed Today's Headlines, Volcano Live Broadcast, and Pepper Live Broadcast, investigated and dealt with the above websites for illegal provision of pornographic content, and ordered them to rectify within a time limit.

This year, the National Cyberspace Office, together with relevant departments, conducted a comprehensive inspection of the content ecology of 31 major webcast platforms in China. Ten webcast platforms had problems in spreading vulgar content, and were interviewed according to law.

The person in charge of the Department of Culture and Market of the Ministry of Culture once said that there were two types of violations of the online live broadcasting platform investigated and dealt with. One was that the live broadcasting platform for performing arts provided online performances containing content that publicized obscenity, pornography and harmed social morality. Some "anchors" sexually teased and hinted through body and language, and there were violations such as "flash" and "saumai".

The female trainer issued a cryptic message on the training platform and said that she would provide services for going out

"I think the main thing is diversion." Wang Qin said that in the early development process of game platforms, the phenomenon of pornography is quite common. Some platforms employ part-time staff to lure other players to download software under the guise of pornography.

A well-known social platform staff said that some game platforms and companies are in the financing and start-up stages. If internal and external supervision becomes stricter, user growth will slow down and revenue will decline. Some vulgar content appears on social platforms, which also turns a blind eye. "No one can guarantee anything when interests are in the forefront."

Chen Wei's "late night service" account was closed.

Chen Wei said that she was trying to attract customers on the Companion Training Platform. Because she talked too much, her account could not be logged in, but she and her former customers had moved to other social platforms, and she was not worried about no customers.

Wang Qin believes that in the live broadcast industry, the anchor may be banned due to inappropriate words and exposed clothing, but this fear does not exist in the play industry. The trainer can say some provocative words and sexual hints on the platform everywhere.

Zhu Yan believes that in recent years, electronic games have become increasingly popular, and game playing services have become a popular industry for investors while meeting users' needs for in-depth social interaction. However, the game playing industry has the attribute of difficult Internet supervision, which may breed various forms of criminal acts in the barbaric growth period, such as prostitution, fraud, intimidation, gambling, smuggling Extortion and other illegal and criminal activities.

In his opinion, there are many interfaces in the game playing industry, which makes it difficult to track. The online connection between users and service providers is one-on-one, and when using secret language in the transaction process, pornographic content is hidden under legal transactions, while the sparring platform may not have a good effect on keyword shielding. Off line, both parties play games in private places, which also increases the difficulty for the public security organs to investigate and deal with.

"The problem of Internet platforms involving pornography is as difficult to eradicate as cockroaches." Xue Jun, deputy dean of Peking University Law School, said that the biggest challenge faced by regulation is that there are many pornography related issues, illegal activities are more hidden, and effective market regulation is more difficult.

"At present, the playing industry market is too small to attract the attention of the regulatory authorities." Wang Jin said that with the further development of the online game market, the playing industry and the game industry may be jointly regulated.

Zhu Yan said that from the perspective of national supervision, law enforcement departments such as public security, online communications, industry and commerce, and judicial departments such as procuratorates and courts are linked to crack down on the Yellow River related issues from both law enforcement and justice levels. At present, the public security department has taken relevant net operation, and has maintained a high pressure on combating cyber crime and pornography related issues.

He also said that according to the provisions of the Electronic Commerce Law, e-commerce operators have the obligation to prevent online crimes on the platform, and the platform party should be the first person responsible for supervising and regulating pornographic content on the network platform. Since the network platform manager knows the relevant content released by the platform, once someone is engaged in online criminal activities on the platform, he should timely handle them according to law and report to the relevant departments. In addition, the industry association can also restrict the operators of suspected illegal network platforms and related services by formulating industry access agreements, formulating industry rules, establishing industry integrity lists and other ways.

Wang Jin believes that the artificial intelligence identification technology for pornographic content in the live broadcast industry is relatively mature now. Once the technology is introduced into the play industry, it will also have some effect on solving the pornographic problem of the practice platform.

(Huang Ting, Xu Huiwei, Chen Wei and Wang Qin are pseudonyms in the article)

(Editor in charge: Huang Sheng, Wang Zhen)

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