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      Caoxian People's Hospital: "Great show of good people"

      Released at 22:15:32 on June 21, 2023, Long term effective , 159 Browse
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    • Area: Caoxian
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    Dr. Xu Guangxiu, director of obstetrics and gynecology department of Caoxian People's Hospital, used his good deeds to interpret extraordinary stories and continue to convey the positive energy of warming people's hearts. His tenacity, fraternity, kindness and responsibility demonstrate the true power of upward mobility. This is the most beautiful moral brilliance in human nature. It is recognized that he has one of the most shining business cards, which is the "Great Show of Good People".

    Industry, agriculture, commerce, military learning, 360 lines, there are rules, ethics is the core. For decades, Xu Guangxiu has been like a day, "Don't stop doing good things because they are small, and don't stop doing evil things because they are small." This is the source of spirit, belief, and strength. It is his three views that make positive and healthy values take root and blossom in his heart, so that he will never give up his moral adherence and responsibility; It is his noble character that shines, illuminating the moral starry sky of Caoxian health sector, and reflecting the real achievements of the "Four Virtues" project construction in Caoxian.

    What kind of values will lead to what kind of professional ethics and codes of conduct. His character is famous. No one can mention him without praising him as a good man. He is a talented student who graduated from Weiyi Medical College. He married an illiterate rural girl, Xiao Qin. He has no job until now. He has never left without fighting or scolding. A good man is a good man. He has many female "show fans", but there has never been any tidbit news. Some people may have been Chen Shimei. Guangxiu has four sisters. He is the eldest, two younger brothers and one younger sister, and is called "Daxiu". His father is old and his mother is gone, so he takes the responsibility of being the eldest son. His younger brother and sister go to school, get married, and settle down, all of which are handled by the Guangxiu couple. Xiaoqin takes great care of his younger brother and sister in law. She said, "This is his own sister and younger brother, and nothing can be done too much."

    Filial piety comes first. He is not only filial himself, but also teaches the staff in the department to be filial. Wang Fang, a young doctor, had a son and a daughter on his father-in-law's birthday. At that time, Wang Fang's son was just a few months old and planned not to go because he had to go to work. When Guangxiu heard that, he immediately mobilized: "I will give you a day off, and you must take your children to live for the old man! On the birthday of the old man, the most wanted to see must be his grandson. If you don't go, the child is too small to go, wouldn't it hurt the old man? Family life is harmony, and the old man's life is watching his grandchildren grow up!", Colleagues all asked Wang Fang how he felt when he returned home. Wang Fang was overjoyed: "Thanks to the director's words, my father couldn't keep his mouth shut when he saw his grandson all day. Otherwise, how depressed he would be!" Everyone in the department criticized the matter of parents in law, parents in law or parents in law, He immediately dissuaded and patiently taught: "Our hospital especially advocates filial piety. It is not allowed to say what is wrong with the elderly. We should think in terms of the elderly. We can only focus on how to repay the kindness of the elderly."

    The "children" in the department said that he was a good teacher, a good friend, and a father. He took care of everyone in the department, just like his own children or patients. In life, "children" regard him as their father, and he also regards the young medical staff as their children, caring and caring from a subtle point of view. After giving birth to a child, a young female doctor suddenly suffered from suppurative appendicitis and rolled over in pain. At 4:00 a.m., she asked the director for help. The director asked 120 cars to pick her up at the hospital overnight, and contacted Liu Xinhong, director of the Third Department of General Surgery, to check the operation, and to contact him personally when changing the dressing. With tears in her eyes, she said that her wife was not at home when she gave birth to a sick child. With the director's concern, she felt that her father was around. A father just did this. A few years ago, a sister's marriage in the department appeared a "red light". When Teacher Xu saw that she was depressed, he mobilized medical staff such as Li Sumei to care about her, but the most careful female compatriots who were recognized by the world did not find out. He was like this. Like his own patients and relatives, he carefully captured the changes of his colleagues and cared about their health, Full of love.

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