Hamburg fried chicken shop joined in the operation and management of "seven steps", new skills get!

2020-05-09 11:28:09   Source: China Franchise Network   633 people participated

Now the market prospect of fried chicken franchise stores is very good. Since the consumption level of consumers is rising and the taste demand is changing, operators need to master more business methods. Master the following seven points, you can easily operate!

Store image is the first step to attract customers

Most catering enterprises attract customers' attention by updating their store image, which is the premise of realizing store sales. That is to say, we have done a good job in attracting customers.

From the perspective of competition, its store image is far more attractive than its surrounding stores. The role of store image can be shown in a relatively short time, but this does not mean that your sales will be successful. It is also necessary to reflect the competitive advantage of enterprises through further contents.

Service image is the second step to warm customers

The service image, on the one hand, is reflected in the external performance of employee image and employee clothing, on the other hand, it is also reflected in employee service attitude, service details, etc. The service image directly makes customers feel the service level and standard of a restaurant.

If the customer does not hear the reception of an employee or see a smiling face when entering the restaurant; I didn't hear greetings such as "Welcome" and "Thank you for coming"; "Sorry, there are a lot of people, please wait for a moment!", "Hello, your food, please take your time". The customer certainly won't like this store.

Detail care is the third step to move customers

Details are the key to moving customers. Especially in catering enterprises, there are too many details to explore. From the perspective of details, we can achieve differentiated attention to details for different customers and move customers as much as possible.

For example, can you place a mat in front of the door in rainy days; Place a rain gear hanger at the entrance; Give appropriate help and greetings... etc. These are fragmentary examples, but as a professional operator, it is beneficial to find more details.

Time efficiency is the fourth step to attract customers

Time speed is the foundation of fast-food enterprises. Low time efficiency is the fatal internal injury of catering enterprises, especially fast-food enterprises. This not only makes the customers in a hurry impatient, but also makes the customers impatient. It is possible to reprimand the store service staff.

There are also quite a few restaurants with disputes over time. In addition to quality assurance, the big competition is speed competition. The meal is served quickly, which will make customers feel the efficiency of the restaurant and generate favorable feelings.

New product recommendation is the fifth step to facilitate customers

New product recommendation is to give customers, especially the old customers in the store, a sense of freshness. The store keeps changing new products to increase its turnover. Some new customers sometimes need recommendations from the store.

Put the special recommendation and regular food in the same eye-catching position, which will create a sharp contrast for customers. When we see that the price is similar, the psychology of tasting fresh food will often promote the sales of new products. It's very convenient for customers, and it also increases sales for restaurants.

Standard specification is the sixth step to comfort customers

The embodiment of norms and standards is a kind of image display in fast food restaurants, and also a kind of expression of going towards normalization. Standards and norms are not only reflected in personnel's dress, language, behavior and professional ability, but also in the table and chair placement, color matching, utensils use, paper towels, toothpicks, condiments placement, product production standardization, etc.

Serving every customer who comes to the restaurant through the internal soft environment and standardized program services is the core of the Hamburg Fried Chicken Fast Food Chain, which is the basis for fast food enterprises to replicate and develop rapidly.

Product taste is the seventh step to win customers

The taste of dishes is an important key for catering enterprises to win customers. In addition to the environment, it is very important that the food can catch the customer's stomach.

The main consumers are ordinary consumers, so most of them come for taste. Therefore, the quality of the first six steps is an external skill, while the taste is an internal skill of the catering enterprises.

Do these seven points well, and do not worry about no customers.

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