What do you need to have to open a Chongqing C hotpot restaurant?

2017-11-29 11:21:17   Source: China Franchise Network   1231 people participated
  • Business scope:
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 50~100 ten thousand
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The shore of the Yangtze River is the source of hot pot. The story of Chongqing hot pot has been told from the Eastern Han Dynasty to today. The dock culture has never been forgotten in the story, which is a complex in people's hearts for hot pot. Moreover, hot pot is taken from the folk and sublimated in the temple. Whether it is a peddler or a pawn, a dignitary or an official, a scholar or a poet, a merchant or a farmer, or a red man or green woman, or a yellow haired man or woman, the love for hot pot is expressed in words. Hot pot is not only a simple need for food for diners, but also a continuation of feelings.

Chongqing hotpot, as a key part of the catering industry, is the preferred choice of countless hotpot franchisees. What should we pay attention to when choosing to join a hotpot restaurant? What should we prepare? Now, Chongqing C Hot Pot will give you a brief introduction, hoping to enlighten you:

   1. Psychological preparation before opening a store

Be prepared to suffer for a long time. Many people who want to open stores only see the benefits of "good cash flow and ideal goals", but ignore the hard side of the industry. Be prepared to "walk out of the relationship misunderstanding". Some of the wise people choose to open a shop with the idea of "I have more relationships, more friends, and how much I and my friends eat outside in a year". In fact, the catering industry is a real market industry, and the relationship can only be icing on the cake. Be prepared to "beware of time bombs".

There are two time bombs hanging high in the catering industry: fire safety and food hygiene. Fire fighting work should not be sloppy. Be careful when using fire, electricity and oil in the kitchen. Once an accident occurs, you will not only suffer economic losses, but also bear criminal responsibility; If we do not pay attention to food hygiene, which leads to a group event of food safety, the enterprise will also suffer from disaster.

   2. Purchase of raw materials and equipment for hotpot

There is a saying in the industry: "There is money everywhere, and there are holes all over the body." The previous sentence means that the hogwash, waste cardboard, wine bottles, bottle caps, etc. of a hot pot shop after normal business can be changed into money; The latter sentence means that a little waste of money and money in all aspects of the kitchen and "a little way" in the procurement will lead to the phenomenon that "it seems that the operation is very good, but the boss can't make money".

Purchasing is an important part of catering management. Usually, the purchasing staff is the boss's relatives or confidants. The important thing is the management system and methods. Otherwise, any credible person will have problems after a long time. At the beginning of the business, the procurement work was well done by the boss himself, which has four advantages: 1, understand various products; 2. Understand the situation of each market; 3. Find out the price; 4. Learn to identify the quality of products.

  3. Selection of store location and storefront

If a good location is selected, the success rate of the hotpot restaurant will exceed 50%. It takes a lot of time and energy to select a site, because mature places have been occupied, and some new places are relatively immature, which requires time to "support". Generally speaking, a good store has the following characteristics: there are more permanent residents and floating population; Catering is relatively intensive; There are enough parking spaces. Usually, there are at least 40 parking spaces for a 600-800 square meter hotpot restaurant. Those who are not ideal should give up; The image of advertising space and door head is good; The internal structure of the house is relatively reasonable, and the columns cannot be too many, otherwise it will cause obstacles to the decoration and layout, affecting the business area; The floor height shall not be too low, and shall be more than 2.8m; The distribution of customers within 2km around the store, the achievement of goals and consumption habits should conform to the market positioning.

   4. Decoration of hotpot shop

The environment will affect people's mood, thus influencing the taste of hot pot imperceptibly. A well decorated hotpot restaurant has a rich theme and connotation. Customers can feel the unique cultural influence and sentiment, the combination of eating and music, strong participation, relaxed and harmonious atmosphere and other characteristics. In addition, the clothes of hotpot shop staff must be consistent with the decoration style.

  5. Recruitment and training of employees

Catering is a labor-intensive industry, which is difficult to recruit, and the staff are not skilled, so a 600-800 square hot pot restaurant should prepare about 70 staff (50-60 staff for normal configuration). Moreover, in order to save time, we also need to recruit and train employees while decorating. The first is to recruit management personnel, including store managers, front office managers, supervisors, chefs, finance, warehouse keepers, and purchasers. The investigation of their work experience and experience should be carried out as far as possible in the places where they have worked. Because some people can speak but can't do practical things well, while others can do well without expression, they must go through various investigations, Only then can we fully understand their working ability and professionalism.

   6. Opening preparation

The preparation for opening should start from the following three aspects:

1、 At the later stage of decoration and training, preparations for opening will be made about half a month in advance. First choose a lucky day, preferably on the weekend, and then develop a marketing plan. In order to create an atmosphere and attract people, inflatable arches, air pillars, colored balls, and congratulatory flower baskets are usually set outside the store, and if conditions permit, some singing and dancing performances are held on a good tower stage.

2、 It is also important to formulate preferential measures during the opening period, but discount is a double-edged sword, which may bring a lot of popularity in a short time, but after the discount period, the popularity may ebb like a tide.

3、 In addition, a fund of about 50000 yuan should be prepared, and newspapers, television, radio and other media should be selected for advertising a few days before the opening.

These are some experiences Chongqing C Hot Pot has shared for you, and I hope they can help you! Later, Chongqing C Hot Pot sincerely wishes you success in opening your store, prosperous business and extensive financial resources!

If there are other unknown places, you are also welcome to call us: 400-886-2125!

Chongqing C Hot Pot Franchise: http://www.jiameng.com/cqbinghuo/
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