Ranking of Sushi Franchise

2017-09-07 15:02:54   Source: China Franchise Network   1744 people participated
  • Business scope: sushi, drinks, desserts, simple meals
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Korean dramas of different styles are popular in China. They are crazy about Korean fans. Korean dramas occupy an impregnable position in the domestic film and television market. The popularity of Korean dramas has promoted all industries related to South Korea. Clothing, food, etc. are popular in China. In particular, the food appearing in Korean dramas has promoted the development of food in the catering market, and the romance of sharing food between male and female characters on the screen is enviable. Now the Korean style is coming, food is in the ascendant, sushi is in the ascendant, and millet sushi has realized the romance in the eyes of movie fans and satisfied the appetite of food eaters.

Now, sushi is very common in the domestic market. A laver skin wrapped with rice, added some vegetables and spices, and then cut into small pieces. This is the practice of sushi. The taste is very simple. People do not think it is delicious. In fact, it is not authentic Korean sushi, so the taste is not authentic.

Millet sushi is different from ordinary sushi. It is dedicated to the traditional taste of sushi, but it removes all the traditional connotations of sushi, retains better skills, and combined with the pickles, powder wrapping, and sprinkles, it improves/increases the taste of millet sushi, which is more unique and more popular among consumers of all ages. The principle that millet sushi sticks to is that delicious food on the tip of the tongue is equal to making condiments and customized ingredients. Xiaomi sushi makes every mouthful of sushi that consumers eat healthy and delicious.

In addition to the delicious sushi series, millet sushi also launched a series of special drinks for diners. Sweet milk tea, fashionable coffee, fragrant kumquats, colorful and colorful fruits, green plum that can produce saliva and quench thirst, and fresh green tea... Each one is a romantic interpretation of Korean dramas. Each mouthful is fresh, sweet, and delicious, which can relieve boredom and add flavor, Delicious food blooms heartily on the tip of the tongue.

If you also have a strong interest in the catering industry, millet sushi sincerely invites you to join and lead you to further expand the market.

Xiaomi Sushi Comes: http://www.jiameng.com/xmssll/
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