Rich is a handmade pasta, which makes you rich! Look quickly

2022-06-27 14:17:49   Source: Global franchise network   70577 people participated
  • Business Scope: Catering
  • Number of stores: 160
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Lenin, the great thinker, said, "Don't be a giant in thought and a dwarf in action.".

Do you still have to do your present job to live despite your entrepreneurial ideal?

Have you ever thought about starting a business, but because you have no experience, you can't afford too much capital, and you can't afford the pressure of failure?

Do you look forward and backward, daydreaming, but can't move?

Boss Li, a franchisee of Funaijia's handmade pasta store in Hangzhou, also had a deep feeling about this. He browsed all kinds of entrepreneurial project information in his circle of friends every day and almost fell into the trouble of entrepreneurship every day. Now he has become a successful entrepreneur.

So, what did he experience during this period? How to complete this transformation?

Let's approach his work and life together, hoping to bring us some inspiration for entrepreneurship.

According to Boss Li, at that time, all industries hit hard by the epidemic began to recover. As the catering industry is a high frequency rigid demand industry that is not easy to bubble compared with other industries, he was inspired by the epidemic and decided to move to the catering industry.

What kind of category do you choose?

·Without experience in catering entrepreneurship, professional team training and full support are required.

·Without too much financial support, we should choose the food and beverage delivery category, with small investment and light operation.

·If you don't want to invest too much in the labor cost, you can choose one that is simple and easy to copy without a chef.

·Want a brand with high market acceptance, novelty and reputation.

After making this sort and reflection, I will observe every time I go out to eat, observe the dining rate of the store, product taste and everyone's eating habits. Through observation over and over again, plus in the circle of friends, I saw the information about Funaijia's manual pasta investment promotion. Boss Li fixed his eyes on Funai Family and asked why he answered···

Boss Li shared. I am very optimistic about the spaghetti of fast food and simple meal track. After all, I am not sure whether we will spend more money on a dinner after the epidemic. Dinner is like a luxury with low frequency and high consumption; Fast food is a necessity to meet people's basic food and clothing, so fast food has a larger dining circle and demand than dinner.

Boss Li told us that he was not indecisive and would do anything if he had an idea. So after investigating the headquarters of Funaijia and determining the brand strength, he resolutely signed a contract to open the store.

01 Zero experience can be used quickly

Easy to operate, easy to copy!

Funaijia's operation is simple, fast, and easy to copy. Each product has a standardized process and is taught by a professional training team. Xiaobai can quickly start without experience.

02 Elite team, full support

Help you open the store smoothly!

The training department will also teach the operation skills of each position of the store one-on-one. In short, Funaijia brand can give more support, so that you can quickly start a store with zero experience!

03 Elema brand merchant

Double line revenue of take out+meal!

Next, he immediately started signing contracts, selecting business districts, training, preparing for opening

Completely inexperienced, he soon opened his own store with the support of the headquarters of Funaijia. It has been more than a year, and business is as good as ever!

Although it is hard to start a business, he has been greatly improved in terms of economic level, quality of life and spiritual prosperity.

If you want to be an easy boss, Funaijia will be your best choice. Funaijia will lead you to the throne of wealth and create a palace of dreams for you!

Funai Family Pasta Makes You Avoid detours

The location of Kaifu is flexible, the investment is small, and the market development prospect is broad. You can easily open stores in shopping malls, pedestrian streets, colleges and universities without experience.

Choosing to become rich is family pasta, so that entrepreneurs can avoid detours and realize their entrepreneurial dreams.

Funaijia's Manual Pasta Cooperation Process

Multiple franchise store models

2022 New supportive policies

Comprehensive internal supply and marketing system

Multiple training strategies

Store operation guidance and quick store opening

label: Spaghetti joining Burning Noodle Franchise
 Qinghe Pie Franchise
  • one thousand two hundred and fifty-eight people Focus on catering
  • eight thousand four hundred and seventy-two people Consulting catering

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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