How much is it to open a music restaurant

2017-05-10 16:57:18   Source: China Franchise Network   11934 people participated
  • Business scope: Western food
  • Number of stores: 50
  • Single store investment: 50~100 ten thousand
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Now more and more people call themselves foodies. You should know that food is a great temptation for a foodie. Now people are paying more and more attention to diet. Therefore, it is a good choice to open a special restaurant. Music restaurant is a good choice. So, How much is it to open a music restaurant What about? Now, I will ask you to answer my questions.

 How much is it to open a music restaurant

Music tavern, In 2013, the first store was set up in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Creative Culture Park. Its bar | restaurant | coffee shop, with its mixed cultural orientation, has attracted countless diners with cultural feelings and become a leading brand in the industry.

Music taverns integrate food, wine, music and performance, from warm tea in the afternoon to rich dinner, as well as leisure time in the late night, becoming a one-stop entertainment lifestyle with more cultural atmosphere than bars and providing cost-effective drinks and food.

How much is it to open a music restaurant? In fact, there is no certain standard, because it depends on your region and per capita consumption level. First, you need to pay for joining the music restaurant 50000 to 100000 yuan for brand improvement/increase. Then, after taking into account the rent, utilities and staff salaries, your initial expenses need to be about 100000 to 200000 yuan, so you can open a music restaurant and start your own business as a boss.

The music restaurant allows the majority of diners to eat the same dishes at affordable prices, which makes them feel different. In a clean and tidy dining environment, customers feel at home with professional and considerate service. Now the number of music restaurants in the country has reached There are more than 500 and increasing.

Now you know how much it costs to open a music restaurant. The wisdom of opening a music restaurant is small and low, which is the best choice for your entrepreneurial wisdom. It is a wise choice to join the music restaurant. At present, numerous franchisees have achieved success in their careers. The music restaurant is looking forward to your joining.

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