Grand Lotto Results

Big lottery

Section two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-seven stage Grand Lotto Results

At 21:25 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 2 yuan for each bet, with the highest prize of 10 million yuan

Total sales: 284,089,108

 three  eleven  fourteen  twenty  twenty-two  six  nine
And value span Interval ratio Single to double ratio blue ball
seventy nineteen 2:3:0 2:3 large single

History lottery

time Issue Lottery result Total sales (yuan) Award pool (yuan)
2024-06-12 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-seven three eleven fourteen twenty twenty-two six nine 284,089,108 -
2024-06-10 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-six thirteen nineteen twenty twenty-four twenty-five six seven 273,100,690 -
2024-06-08 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-five five ten eighteen twenty-six twenty-seven three six 309,719,434 -
2024-06-05 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-four five twelve twenty-one thirty-two thirty-three eight nine 288,277,616 -
2024-06-03 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-three seven twelve sixteen thirty-three thirty-four one three 292,831,289 -
2024-06-01 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-two five fourteen fifteen sixteen thirty-three three five 315,884,493 -
2024-05-29 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-one one twelve nineteen thirty-one thirty-three five eight 299,445,616 -
2024-05-27 two million twenty-four thousand and sixty three twenty-one twenty-five twenty-eight thirty one twelve 296,628,686 -
2024-05-25 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-nine seventeen eighteen twenty twenty-five thirty-one three twelve 324,880,212 -
2024-05-22 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-eight six ten thirteen twenty thirty-two one two 309,602,010 -
2024-05-20 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-seven nine twenty-five thirty thirty-three thirty-four three nine 318,410,232 -
2024-05-18 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-six sixteen seventeen eighteen twenty-seven thirty-five six twelve 336,018,142 -
2024-05-15 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-five seven seventeen twenty-two thirty thirty-four five seven 317,431,264 -
2024-05-13 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-four five six nine eleven twenty-two one three 320,575,371 -
2024-05-11 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-three one seven nineteen twenty thirty-five three nine 336,156,975 -
2024-05-08 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-two two three thirteen twenty-two thirty-four four eight 310,107,521 -
2024-05-06 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-one five twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-nine one two 315,085,775 -
2024-05-04 two million twenty-four thousand and fifty three four fourteen eighteen twenty-six seven nine 317,239,170 -
2024-05-01 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-nine four six nine ten twenty-two one eight 314,130,981 -
2024-04-29 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-eight twelve eighteen twenty-one twenty-six twenty-eight eight nine 334,634,953 -
2024-04-27 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-seven eleven nineteen twenty-one twenty-six thirty-five ten eleven 359,497,689 -
2024-04-24 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-six six twelve seventeen twenty-nine thirty seven eleven 339,369,342 -
2024-04-22 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-five nine ten fourteen thirty-one thirty-two three eight 340,035,744 -
2024-04-20 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-four three thirteen fifteen seventeen twenty-two six ten 363,290,238 -
2024-04-17 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-three three four eight fourteen twenty-seven five seven 337,646,989 -
2024-04-15 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-two one eight fifteen twenty-three thirty-five five twelve 347,841,577 -
2024-04-13 two million twenty-four thousand and forty-one six eight fourteen sixteen twenty-eight three five 370,223,535 -
2024-04-10 two million twenty-four thousand and forty five twelve sixteen twenty-nine thirty three six 350,033,896 -
2024-04-08 two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-nine three ten eleven twenty twenty-two six ten 349,193,612 -
2024-04-06 two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-eight fifteen twenty-two twenty-four twenty-five twenty-nine one five 364,876,225 -
2024-04-03 two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-seven seventeen nineteen twenty twenty-nine thirty-five seven eleven 343,086,982 -

Introduction to Lotto

Rules for winning the lottery


Conditions for winning the lottery

Single bet bonus

Additional bonus

the first prize


●●●●●+ ●●

Up to 10 million

Single injection 0.8x

second award


●●●●●+ ●

Up to 5 million

third award



ten thousand


Fourth prize


●●●●+ ●●

three thousand

Fifth prize


●●●●+ ●

three hundred

Sixth prize


●●●+ ●●

two hundred

The seventh prize



one hundred

Eighth prize


●●●+ ●



●●+ ●●

The ninth prize





●●+ ●


●+ ●●



the first prize When the capital of the Super Lotto pool is less than 100 million yuan, the total bonus amount is the sum of 78% of the current bonus amount minus the total fixed bonus amount and the accumulated bonus in the pool. The single bet bonus is equally divided according to the bet, and the maximum single bet limit is 5 million yuan. When the fund of the prize pool is more than 100 million yuan (inclusive) and less than 800 million yuan, the total amount of the prize includes two parts. The first part is the sum of 58% of the total amount of the current prize minus the fixed prize and the accumulated bonus in the prize pool. The single bet bonus is equally divided according to the note, and the maximum limit of the single bet is 5 million yuan; The second part is 20% of the current bonus amount minus the total fixed bonus amount. The single bet bonus is equally divided according to the bet, and the maximum limit of single bet is 5 million yuan. When the fund of the prize pool is more than 800 million yuan (inclusive), the total bonus includes two parts. The first part is the sum of 28% of the current prize amount minus the total fixed prize amount and the accumulated bonus in the prize pool. The single bet bonus is equally divided according to the note, and the maximum limit of single bet is 5 million yuan; The second part is 50% of the current bonus amount minus the total fixed bonus amount. The single bet bonus is equally divided according to the bet, and the maximum limit of single bet is 5 million yuan.

second award The total amount of bonus is 22% of the total amount of the current bonus minus the total amount of the fixed bonus. The single bet bonus is equally divided according to the bet, and the maximum limit of single bet is 5 million yuan.

Rules of big lottery

There are various ways to bet "35 to 5 plus 12 to 2" in the Super Lotto. In addition to single betting, you can also bet with the courage to drag and double betting. Each basic bet amount is 2 yuan. The biggest highlight of the Super Lotto "35 out of 5 plus 12 out of 2" is that buyers can make additional bets on the basis of basic bets, and each bet can add 1 yuan.