C++development language, Leading position in the programming world

C language is a high-level language with portability, process oriented, close to the bottom layer and fast running speed

C++language is widely used in basic software, desktop system, network communication, audio and video, game entertainment and many other fields
Is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world

  • 80% large online games
    Developed by C++programming language

  • Most basic software is composed of
    C++programming language development

  • More than 90% of desktop systems
    All are written in C++language

  • C/C++Technology in Network Communication
    Huge application

Steadily rank in the forefront

According to the latest data of TIOBE
It is shown (March 2019) that C and C++languages have been named respectively
The second and fourth positions in the ranking list.

Steadily rank in the forefront

According to the latest data of TIOBE
It is shown (March 2019) that C and C++languages have been named respectively
The second and fourth positions in the ranking list.

C++software talents are scarce, Broad career prospects

C++software engineers are on the rise in enterprise demand, and the development of talent demand is strong

Can be engaged in industries: algorithms to achieve network security Internet of Things graphics/video/multimedia processing underlying data processing blockchain load balancing reverse proxy

Test how much salary I can get

20 year iteration, The courses originate from the needs of enterprises and keep up with the times

The R&D team will continuously improve the syllabus of each session of Dane by combining hot technologies and enterprise needs

• Computer overview • Standard C basic syntax • Data structures and algorithms

Development environment building, common commands of Linux, data types, type conversion, decimal conversion, process control, standard library functions, arrays, pointers, IO streams

Stack, queue, linked list, binary tree, bubble sort, insert sort, quick sort and various search algorithms

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• Linux file system • Linux memory management • Linux process management
• Linux thread management • Network communication

File read/write operation, file descriptor, file read/write lock mechanism, system standard IO

Memory management, process mapping, virtual memory, and establishment and removal of memory mapping

Sub process creation, inter process communication (message queue/shared memory/pipeline, etc.), signal capture and processing

Creation of sub threads, synchronization between threads (lock mechanism/semaphore/condition variable, etc.)

Network and network protocol, TCP, UDP network communication bottom protocol

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• C++Foundation • OOP • Exceptions and IO streams • QT open source framework library
• C++templates • STL standard template library • MySQL

Namespace, overload, operations of various data types, classes and objects, construction, deconstruction, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, smart pointer, auto type deduction, exception handling, IO stream operation, decltype type calculation, right value reference, transfer construction, lambda expression, etc

Template origin, function template, class template, template skills, template practice, basic list container, self-made linked list container, vector, double ended queue, list, stack, queue, priority queue, mapping, multiple mapping, set, multiple set, hash hash, etc

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• QT framework library

QT overview, code conversion, QT parent window, QT signal and slot

QString class, object-oriented QT programming, QT designer, QT creator, basic controls, Qt layout management

Separating window, docking window, stack window, Qt basic dialog box, menu, toolbar, image coordinate transformation, drawing, Qt model/view structure, Qt event

QT connection database, QT multithreading, thread synchronization mechanism, QT network programming foundation, UDP broadcast communication, TCP network chat room, HTTP communication

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• Dane Live • MySql database

Message protocol, database table structure, tracking server, server class, ID server, storage server, client, HTTP server, testing and debugging, media player, distributed storage, etc

Database overview, MySQL basics, database management, table management

Create table, data type, constraint, DML operation, basic query, table connection

Condition query, sorting, group function, group query, subquery, index, view

Variables, functions, process control statements, stored procedures, error handling, cursors, transaction mechanism, C language connection to MySQL database, dml operation, query operation

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Dane C/C++ Starting from the whole package, the collision between classic and innovation

Linux+Windows dual system

Cultivate engineers with dual system software development ability


Advanced "High Efficiency" Software Development Engineer

Hacker attack and defense

Cultivate cutting-edge developers

Go Language

Solve the core high concurrency problem


Deploy reverse proxy server to achieve load balancing
New Curriculum

Multi field Project practice , help you advance your position

Project landing+reconstruction, help you not only to program - more precise programming
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV

HTTP Server


The Web server can parse the HTTP protocol sent by the client and give response data (static web pages, pictures or dynamic pages) according to the user's request.

Internet worm


The information of the search engine comes from the Internet, and the massive information of the entire "Internet" is obtained locally through "web crawlers" (Entrance to search engine)

Telecom billing system


The telecommunication department collects, analyzes, transmits and stores the login information of telecommunication users, which is the basis for the tariff of telecommunication users.

Remote monitoring

Remote Control

Cancel all input control functions of the remote machine, and realize local machine monitoring and controlling all input and output operations of the remote machine.

According to the knowledge points of the day, build or reconstruct the project, understand the difference between different programming methods, and choose the appropriate implementation method.

Online Q&A

Starting point of modern programming language, cross industry and cross platform Develop artifact

C language has been refined for nearly 40 years and is widely used in various industries
More industries

Efficient learning Start from a comfortable teaching environment

Good learning atmosphere+common progress partners, with them, you are closer to your dream

Deeply cultivate front-line practical lecturers and teach them for many years Industry experience

Modular teaching, each lecturer is responsible for his/her field of expertise

Zhang Jiwen C++Director of Teaching and Research

Min Wei R&D Director of C++Teaching and Research Department

Yang Jian C++Practice Lecturer

Ma Zhiguo C++Practice Lecturer

Wang Jianli C++Practice Lecturer

Zhang Shumin C++Practice Lecturer

Jiang Guiliang C++Practice Lecturer

Li Hui C++Practice Lecturer

Lecture on standard STL, webcrawler, and Windows kernel programming. 10 years of software development experience and 7 years of teaching experience. He used to be a senior software development engineer and project manager of CNOOC Tech. Be good at summarizing knowledge points, combining with real life when analyzing problems, easy to understand, humorous and humorous language, and strong ability to control classroom atmosphere.

Dane Practical school Talent training program

educational services
Actual project details