Seeing your build tool in nightmares?
Try Brunch!

Brunch lets you focus on what matters most — solving real problems instead of messing around with the glue.

Small configs

By being opinionated about your build pipeline, Brunch is able to provide a smooth and fast experience, and makes your config files take a drastic cut.

Three simple commands

It doesn't take much to get around with brunch:

  • brunch new to create a new project
  • brunch build to build
  • brunch watch to live-compile

Productivity and happiness

  • NPM support
  • source maps out-of-the-box
  • fast from-zero builds
  • incremental builds
  • and more

Yes, the configs are much simpler

Typical Gulp config


Typical Brunch config

 var app, base, concat, directory, gulp, gutil, hostname, path, refresh, sass, uglify, del, connect, autoprefixer, babel; var autoPrefixBrowserList = ['last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1', 'ios 6', 'android 4']; gulp        = require('gulp'); gutil       = require('gulp-util'); concat      = require('gulp-concat'); uglify      = require('gulp-uglify'); sass        = require('gulp-sass'); connect     = require('gulp-connect'); del         = require('del'); autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); babel        = require('gulp-babel'); gulp.task('connect', function() { connect.server({ root: 'app', livereload: true }); }); gulp.task('images-deploy', function() { gulp.src(['app/images/**/*']) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/images')); }); gulp.task('scripts', function() { //this is where our dev JS scripts are return gulp.src('app/scripts/src/**/*.js') .pipe(babel({ presets: ['es2015', 'react'] }) .pipe(concat('app.js')) .on('error', gutil.log) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('app/scripts')) .pipe(connect.reload()); }); gulp.task('scripts-deploy', function() { return gulp.src('app/scripts/src/**/*.js') .pipe(concat('app.js')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/scripts')); }); gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/scss/init.scss') .pipe(sass({ errLogToConsole: true, includePaths: [ 'app/styles/scss/' ] })) .pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: autoPrefixBrowserList, cascade:  true })) .on('error', gutil.log) .pipe(concat('styles.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest('app/styles')) .pipe(connect.reload()); }); gulp.task('styles-deploy', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/scss/init.scss') .pipe(sass({ includePaths: [ 'app/styles/scss', ] })) .pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: autoPrefixBrowserList, cascade:  true })) .pipe(concat('styles.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); }); gulp.task('html', function() { return gulp.src('app/*.html') .pipe(connect.reload()) .on('error', gutil.log); }); gulp.task('html-deploy', function() { gulp.src('app/*') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); gulp.src('app/.*') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); gulp.src('app/fonts/**/*') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/fonts')); gulp.src(['app/styles/*.css', '! app/styles/styles.css']) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); }); gulp.task('clean', function() { del('dist'); }); //this is our master task when you run `gulp` in CLI / Terminal //this is the main watcher to use when in active development //  this will: //   startup the web server, //  start up livereload //   compress all scripts and SCSS files gulp.task('default', ['connect', 'scripts', 'styles'], function() {'app/scripts/src/**', ['scripts']);'app/styles/scss/**', ['styles']);'app/*.html', ['html']); }); gulp.task('deploy', ['clean'], function () { gulp.start('scripts-deploy', 'styles-deploy', 'html-deploy', 'images-deploy'); });
 exports.files = { javascripts: { joinTo: { 'vendor.js': /^(?!app)/, 'app.js': /^app/ } }, stylesheets: {joinTo: 'app.css'} }; exports.plugins = { babel: {presets: ['latest', 'react']}, postcss: {processors: [require('autoprefixer')]} };

package.json :

 { "devDependencies": { "brunch": "^2", "babel-brunch": "^6", "postcss-brunch": "^2", "sass-brunch": "^2", "uglify-js-brunch": "^2", "autoprefixer": "^6", "babel-preset-react": "^6", "babel-preset-latest": "^6" } }

Both configs are functionally similar.

The example is meant to highlight the difference in terms of boilerplate for a pretty common front-end dev setup, as well as in terms of approaches (imperative vs declarative).

Take a look at the docs to learn more about Brunch.


Installation is one-line, once you have node.js . In your console, run:

 npm install -g brunch

To learn more about Brunch, head over to the docs .

(For some unbiased perspective, see this article .)

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