Spareribs are ribs

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 Film and TV: The most cruel prince, Emperor Qing advised me to calm down

Lun Hui awakened the transmigration system before his death. In the first world, he passed through the world of more than Qingnian and became the son of Emperor Qingdi. In the face of the danger in the inner courtyard of the palace, Lun Hui decided to play low key. Emperor Qing: "When there is a sudden drought in the territory of Qing, how can disaster relief prevent trouble?" Lun Hui: "It is very simple to mix some sand into the porridge." Emperor Qing: "There are too many corrupt officials in the imperial court, so what should we do?" Lun Hui: "Take the initiative to lure corrupt officials and reuse them. When they are fattened, they will be slaughtered, and all their assets will be filled into the national treasury." Emperor Qing: "Xihu has been destroyed, and there is only one six-year-old child left in the king's tent. I can't bear it. What should I do?" Lun Hui: "Since this child is exposed on his own initiative, there must be someone hiding. First pretend to leave, then give him a knife in the back hand, and then hide in the dark to observe, wait for his brother or sister to appear, and then send their family together." Emperor Qing: "The little emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty ruled in person, and his national strength was growing. He looked around to protect the Dongyi City, and the princes were obedient. Do you have a good plan for that?" Lun Hui: "I have a plan, I can swallow the Northern Qi Dynasty, and the Dongyi, and rule the world." Emperor Qing quickly stopped him. "Good emperor, sit down first. The situation is not serious enough!"

Spareribs are ribs ·The heavens ·Serials ·141000 words

Chapter 63 of the latest chapter Reincarnation of Prince Yang, a very familiar beginning! 2024-05-27 12:48:03

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