Thunderstorm 3848
2024-05-03 07:01:09

We are all familiar with the story of "Guan Ning cut his seat". Who would you choose, Guan Ning and Hua Xin?

There is a famous story in the textbook of primary school, Guan Ning cuts the mat. Guan Ning is a descendant of Guan Zhong. He, together with Pingyuan Huaxin and Tongxian Bingyuan, is a famous person. He was praised as a dragon by people at that time. Hua Xin was the leader, Bing was the belly of the dragon, and Guan Ning was the tail of the dragon. Guan Ning and Hua Xin were weeding in the garden. When they saw a piece of gold in the soil, Guan Ning still waved his hoe, as if seeing tiles and stones. Hua Xin was happy to pick up the gold, but after seeing Guan Ning's look, he threw it away. Once, when they were reading on the same mat, an aristocrat in Chinese clothes and a luxury car passed by the door. Guan Ning was still reading as before, but Hua Xin put down the book and went out to watch. Guan Ning cut off the mat and said to Hua Xin, "You will not be my friend in the future."
This story has been circulating for thousands of years. Do you know the outcome of these two people?
At that time, it was the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the situation was turbulent, Guan Ning went to Liaodong to avoid chaos for more than 30 years. Later, the Wei Dynasty was established, and Guan Ning returned to his hometown. The imperial court has repeatedly recruited him to become an official without giving up, and died in cloth clothes.
Many people judge Hua Xin by the story of Guan Ning's resignation, which is actually one-sided. In fact, judging from the way of life, Guan Ning lacks the tolerance to please others. The reason for Guan Ning's resignation is that Hua Xin is suspected of advocating wealth, which also reflects that Guan Ning is a person who ignores other people's feelings and only acts according to his own heart.
Hua Xin has another story. When he was recruited as an official, his friends and old friends sent him many gifts, worth a hundred gold. If he refused in person, it would be embarrassing. So Hua Xin accepted them one by one, but made marks secretly. Before embarking on the ship, he took out all the gifts, saying that the valuable things on the way were not safe. He returned them to his friends on the pretext of "the crime of holding a treasure", not only taking care of the friendship of friends, but also maintaining his integrity.
Hua Xin still regards Guan Ning as a friend all his life. When Cao Pi was in power, Hua Xin recommended Guan Ning, but Guan Ning didn't follow; When Cao Rui was in power, Hua Xin wanted to give up his position and Guan Ning. His twice recommendation of Guan Ning should be from the heart, which also shows Hua Xin's tolerance!
Hua Xin and Guan Ning are really very different in personality, and they are both people who live to their heart's content. Guan Ning had never been an official in his life, and he refused to work even when he had the opportunity in his later years. The Emperor Wei Ming once granted Guan Ning the title of Guanglu Doctor, and gave him a guard of honor, horses and attendants, but he refused to accept it. Hua Xin had a smooth career. In the reign of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, he was elected as a dutiful and honest man, and later as a minister. Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was the governor of Yuzhou at that time. During the war of Guandu, he was the minister of letters. Cao Pi bowed to the throne and was granted the title of Anle Marquis. After Emperor Wei Ming ascended the throne, he was granted the title of Bole Marquis, realizing his lifelong ambition.
As schoolmates and friends who lived together since childhood, Guan Ning and Hua Xin, two talented people, were so different in personality and destiny. So, who do you agree with today? If it were you, would you choose Guan Ning's way of life or Hua Xin's way of life?