2024-04-22 08:28:33

Posting is not a matter of hands! What? no way? How can I post?

Well, I was informed the next morning that I could not approve a post posted at 10:00 p.m! In the afternoon, I found the notice and changed it to two versions.
But the wordless thing is that after the review is passed, the number of views is gone, and the replies and likes are gone... I thought I didn't send this post, and repeatedly asked my friends to help me confirm
So... how can I post? Send good posts? And collect a wave of wool by the way!
1. I won't say more about the above example. It's all tears.
2. The best book you want to recommend is not only "go to the square" (knock on the blackboard), but also write a text with a title (how to attract people) (not too short, more than 100 words?). Take this book with you, get some good pictures, and add a few hot topics (only three are too few), which is absolutely an attractive excellent post with pictures and texts!
3. The posts that can cause interaction are absolutely good. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at it. You can brainstorm.
4. Reply to the likes and interactions under the posts of book friends with the logo of "storyteller", and don't be too straightforward (this is a secret script). Generally, the book friends with storytellers are very active, and most of them will reply. If one is not good, they will interact more. Reply posts should also be related to the content in more than five words. Only punctuation marks or irrelevant content within five words may be judged as invalid replies.
I really revealed the truth! Fellow bookfriends~If you have money, please hold a money market. If you don't have money, please hold a personal market~[Comparison. JPG]
The ancient words written in this novel are very common, neither passing through nor rebirth, nor good writing. I don't know if it is my first two books that have a little mental retardation. This book feels that reactive power is a little good.