Chapter 690 Roar Dead

  • Returning Mysterious Expert
  • Dark rain at night
  • 3138 characters
  • 2019-03-26 20:53:06

The other party is here to find fault.

This is the subconscious idea of Qin Fang and his three colleagues.

But Qin was unmoved.

But Lin Er said angrily, "No, this is ours. You should eat it and go hunting yourself."

"Lin Er is right. If he has the ability, he will hunt by himself. If he has no ability, he will watch us eat."

Cang Lan said coldly.

When Lin'er heard the words, he smiled and said, "Of course, if you don't mind, you can pick up the bone dregs left by us later."

After saying that, Lin'er opened his mouth and hit

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