Chapter 624 Deadlocked Battle

  • Returning Mysterious Expert
  • Dark rain at night
  • 2257 words
  • 2019-03-26 20:53:06


Qin Fang was a little confused.

Although he had known the power of Tiejiang for a long time, when he saw the destructive power of his knife, he was still a bit shocked.

I'm afraid this guy's power is enough to destroy a moon sized star, right?

When Qin Fang's heart was trembling, Tiejiang's attack was launched again.

Qin Fang knew that if he had been beaten passively, he would have died in the hands of the other party sooner or later.

Immediately clenched his teeth, his eyes showed a hint of fanaticism.

"The devil seed in the heart of Tao, Qi."


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