Chapter 347 Dead

  • Returning Mysterious Expert
  • Dark rain at night
  • 3201 characters
  • 2018-08-21 16:49:13

As Qin Fang walked out of the western restaurant, the atmosphere outside the western restaurant at the moment was very solemn.

The group of policemen looked at the young man surrounded with alert faces and said, "Han Chao, do you know what crime it is to hijack a policeman? If you know how to look, let her go quickly, or we will not blame you."

When the gangster Han Chao heard this, he could not help but snort, "You're welcome? You should show me how rude you are. Anyway, I don't believe that this stinking woman is in my hands now. Don't you dare to make trouble?"

"You......" The police were speechless when they heard this.


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