Chapter 153 Lei Dan

  • Returning Mysterious Expert
  • Dark rain at night
  • 3100 words
  • 2018-06-11 20:46:08

The Thunder Seal is a weapon of treasure level. It is powerful, and Qin has seen it before.

However, as a treasure at the bottom of the box, he did not intend to use it at the beginning.

However, the power of the spirit weapon array is too strong. Even if the strong people in the golden elixir period are trapped in it, they may die and die. Qin Fang is not sure that he can retreat completely.

Of course, in addition to the Tianlei Seal, the Qin side can use many weapons, such as the claw of the Blood Wolf King.

Since the accurate weapon claw has been refined by itself, it is more powerful than before. If it is put in the body of a strong person in the Golden Elixir Period to warm up

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