Chapter 137 Siege

  • Returning Mysterious Expert
  • Dark rain at night
  • 3051 words
  • 2018-06-04 12:43:07

At the moment that Oros released his blood light, Qin Fang knew that something was wrong.

However, this was expected by him. After all, it was better than Oros. If there were no cards, it would be unreasonable.

Compared with Qin Fang's calm and calm, the smiles on women's faces, such as Ah Ning, who were about to cheer up not far away, immediately froze on their faces, one by one, dumbfounded, a little at a loss.

After all, the second before, Oros was injured and vomited blood by Qin Fang, and the second after that, the other side unexpectedly recovered completely.

Not only that, but he is also murderous, even though he is so far away

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