Chapter 30 White Ink Brokens to Love

Xie Wanyan raised his foot and walked towards the windowsill. Seeing Xie Wanyan step by step, Su He's face turned white.

She picked up one of the small and exquisite green flowers. The green flowers were very novel. "This flower is called Zihan flower, and it has a strong cold nature. My aunt must have come here to rest frequently before. The cold nature of Zihan flower gradually entered my aunt's body

She put down the flowers in her hand and continued, "If I hadn't happened to come to see her today, I was afraid that the child in my aunt's belly would have become a pool of blood!"

It occurred to everyone that Xie Wanyan saved the life of Aunt Yue's child.

The doctor also came to look at the pot of cold flowers and said, "Yes, this cold flower is very rare. I have seen its record in the book before, but I can't recognize it just now. The princess has good eyesight!"

He watched a great show today. In the eyes of outsiders, the arrogant and domineering Princess Minghua was in her own home, but no one cared for her. Tut tut... It was also widely reported that how the people in Taifu Mansion obeyed Princess Minghua

Aunt Yue's face turned pale. Just now, she followed others to recognize the guilt of An Yimo. She completely forgot what the princess did. She felt ashamed.

The old lady will look at Xie Wanyan with heartache and change her face faster than turning a book

Xie Wanyan lowered his eyes and pretended not to see it. She sneered from the bottom of her heart. Will it hurt? Isn't this loving grandmother the first one to put a piece of shit on her head?

As for the most ferocious Taifu, he didn't say anything, but he looked at Xie Wanyan with fierce disgust, more than before.

Aunt Yue's personal girl didn't expect such a turn, "it's a crook."

The old lady spread the crook, and the thin body of the crook trembled

Xie Wanyan noticed that Qu Er looked at Su He from time to time when he begged for mercy. I'm afraid that Su He had directed this. He wanted to get rid of the child in Aunt Yue's womb, and he also found a person who could carry the pot. If she hadn't looked around, I was afraid that she could not escape this time.

What a close call!

The old lady snorted, "Spare your life? Spare your life. Who will spare your life? Drag it down and beat it to death. If anyone is not careful in the future, it will be your fate!"

Qu Er looks pale. She asks for help and looks at Su He. "Husband..."

Before she could say anything, she was dragged down by the powerful Mammy.

Su He's face is much better. She says Amitabha. She can't bear to look at Qu Er's tragedy. "What happened today really wronged Wan Yan."

The old lady's face also relaxed. She looked at Xie Wanyan and looked at his face carefully. "Wanyan, you don't blame your grandmother, do you? Grandma is also worried about your brother's excesses."

Xie Wanyan bit his lower lip and looked very aggrieved. "Wanyan understood that there were too many things happening today, and Wanyan wanted to go back and have a rest."

Seeing that she was leaving, the old lady couldn't stop her.

Back at the Minghua Courtyard, Xie Wanyan drank a big mouthful of tea and quenched his thirst caused by what he had just said. Then he ordered him to go on, "Ah Yan, go and take out the piece of cloth that Aunt Yue sent to her, and give it to Yi to send it to Aunt Yue. He said that I didn't like the color of the cloth, and I was greatly wronged."

Although Ah Yan was puzzled, he still found it and gave it to Ah Yi. Ayi smiled, "Don't worry, Princess, Ayi knows how to do it."

If she doesn't lose her temper after being wronged, others will think that she is too insightful.

Ayi came back after a long time. "Princess, the lady just asked the maid to tell her about the princess, or she would kill her father."

Xie Wanyan had expected that Su He would do this. She asked curiously, "Then what?"

"Then Ayi agreed with her, but she didn't know that the real Ayi was killed by her father, who was a bully. I was just a top dog, and she killed the bully, which was exactly what I wanted." Ayi smiled. If she hadn't hurried to enter the house, she would have killed the beast first.

Xie Wanyan and Ayi looked at each other and laughed.

Most of them knew that Xie Wanyan had been wronged. Both the old lady and Su He expressed that they had sent a lot of things. Aunt Yue was no exception, but she gave a gift once, and Xie Wanyan refused once. After several times, Aunt Yue stopped.

Prince Mo's Residence.

Bai Mo is very upset these days. Every time he calms down, he will think of the tenderness on his lips that night. It is not this that makes him upset, but his own non repugnance!

He felt that the woman must be sick and infected him!

Otherwise, how could he be so abnormal?

She even sent someone to search what she had done recently.

If you want to assassinate a tricky variable, you must naturally understand her dynamics. Bai Mo feels more and more irritable when he thinks about it.

When Su Mian came to find him, he saw that he was practicing martial arts, and all the bodyguards were put down without mercy.

He tutted, "Oh, our lord, what's the matter?"

Bai Mo stopped moving. He didn't speak. He shook his hand. The dark iron mask reflected dazzling light in the sun.

Seeing Su Mian coming, the guards who fell to the ground were relieved. God knows what their lord has been smoking these days. They practiced martial arts with them every day and beat them black and blue. But they can't move a single hair of white ink together. They can only be abused unilaterally, which is absolutely tragic!

Su Mianzhi smiled and came up to find the unusual white ink. He smacked his lips and guessed, "Is there something strange at the border?"

Bai Mo said nothing.

"That is... Are you lovelorn?"

Su Mianzhi couldn't help laughing when she finished saying that her friend was not close to strangers, not to mention falling in love. She didn't even talk to anyone who dared to approach her, except some annoying and disgusting Princess.

Is it the Princess?

But it doesn't feel like it

Friends always treat that princess as air.

What makes your friends so unusual?

Bai Mo changed his clothes before he came to the study.

Su Mianzhi was already impatient with the question in his heart. When he saw Bai Mo coming in, he went up to him and asked, "Xiao Mo, what's wrong with you? Look, I'm offended by you. Could it be that the princess's highness knocked you down? I didn't say, but I really didn't like the princess."