Chapter 8 Transformation

"What?" Sima Linlin asked.

"My blood." Xuanyuan Kongkong said, "Master, you just had a spiritual shock. Now you need something to make up for, but there is nothing left. You can only use other substitutes. And I am an ancient god beast, and my blood has an unimaginable effect on you..." Xuanyuan Kongkong did not continue to say, with a mysterious look in his eyes. At this time, a blond blood floated up and came to Sima Linlin's eyes.

Sima Linlin was moved a little, but he pretended to repel him and said, "Xuanyuan Kongkong, you don't want to train your master to be a bloody monster, do you? I don't like your master to be always with blood."

Xuanyuan Kongkong said: "Master, don't worry, this kind of opportunity is rare. Usually if anyone dares to drink my blood, it is to die, and it will definitely explode. Master, because you have spiritual veins, you have been in a period of energy shortage. Now the spiritual veins have just recovered and need energy, so I have this proposal. After missing this period, it will be useless to drink again."

After listening, Sima Linlin didn't say any more. He opened his mouth gently, and the golden blood flew into Sima Linlin's lips automatically. As soon as the blood entered her throat, Sima Linlin felt a strong burning sensation. This drop of blood was like a perfect tonic pill, which made her blood want to rush out. At this time, a cold, soft feeling quickly swept over her body, wrapped the burning blood quickly, and swallowed it softly. Sima Linlin felt like he was going to have a fire in his body, but it was suddenly put out. The whole process was fast and indescribable, which made her a little unresponsive.

"Congratulations, master, your spirit is very powerful, and you can absorb the energy in my blood so quickly." Xuanyuan Kongkong smiled.

"Congratulations?" Sima Linlin suddenly showed a wry smile. "Xuanyuan Kongkong, tell me, as long as I start my spiritual vein, I will not be an ordinary human from now on."

Xuanyuan's empty face was a little stunned, and immediately responded: "Master, yes, you are no longer an ordinary human, but a powerful human."

"Is it strong?" Sima Linsi cabled. Just now, she suddenly had the illusion that she was no longer like a human being, but Xuanyuan Kongkong said that she became strong. Is it because of strength? Scientists who have been doing scientific research for so many years have always thought that they know human body very well, but today, why do they suddenly feel that all this comes so quickly, so suddenly?

"Yes, master, in the future, you will become a great person who dominates the world and a strong person standing on the peak!" Xuanyuan Kongkong seemed to look out of the window through the paper, with incomparable yearning in his eyes.

"Well, it's back to reality." Sima Linlin gave Xuanyuan Kongkong a rude knock on the head. Now he is just a beginner, so he is an invincible person? I have to laugh off other people's big teeth. "When can I start to deliver Xuanli to you?"

Xuanyuan Kongkong said: "Master, today is just the beginning. You should consolidate your foundation first. I will tell the master when the time comes."

"All right," said Sima Linlin. "By the way, Xuanyuan Kongkong, are you male or female?"

"Master, I'm still young now, and my gender will change when I see what I like when I grow up." Xuanyuan Kongkong explained despite his doubts.

"Well, stay here. I'll go out for a while." She picked up her usual clothes and prepared to go out.

"Master, are you? Do I go too?" Xuanyuan asked in doubt. When the owner and pet are just together, shouldn't they have more contact and cultivate the foundation of feelings?

"Take a bath." Sima Linlin said angrily. The pet occupied his room without realizing it. Giving up the right to use the room on his own initiative was to avoid the trouble of running in and out. Don't you even know that?

"Master, what about me?" Xuanyuan Kongkong asked persistently.

"You?" Sima Linlin helplessly raised his forehead. It seems that there is a difference between people and animals. The other finger pointed to the low couch and ordered, "That's your position. Don't follow me."

After saying that, he left without hesitation.

Sima Linlin went to the kitchen and picked up the water that had been on the stove. He thought that he had foresight, so he didn't have to bother boiling water. Alas, I'm really used to the modern life. It's really troublesome to sit up in ancient times for these homely things. Do you want to invite some real servants to boil water, wash clothes, cook and do chores?

Just then, Sima Linlin suddenly noticed a small spider crawling slowly in the corner of his kitchen, slowly weaving a web. The body color of this spider is almost the same as that of the wall. How could he notice it? Sima Linlin suddenly thought of this problem. At this time, she found that she could still hear the breathing of those people who had great cultivation in the yard, who were specially protecting themselves. Sima Linlin felt extremely happy about what happened to her at the moment. She finally grew up! Finally, one day, she will have a strong ability. Sima Linlin can't help clenching his hands. Those who look down on me will one day trample on you all!

After getting the water and adjusting the water temperature, Sima Linlin came to the special bathing room for the first time to wash his body. She found that there was a layer of black stuff on her body, which was sticky and greasy. It was even more disgusting than the stuff from the first day of practicing Xuanli last time, as if it was the impurities discharged from the depths of her body.

After quickly washing away the dark things, Sima Linlin found that his skin became more delicate and smooth. Compared with the skin that seemed to be sixteen years old before, it was almost like returning to the skin that was fourteen years old, tight and delicate, with youthful vitality. So, as long as you keep practicing, you will become more beautiful no matter what? Sima Linlin immediately began to talk happily. For women, no matter what stage, appearance and youth are the most important things they care about. And he can not only become strong, but also keep looking and beautifying, which makes Sima Linlin's little heart keep beating and happy.

After cleaning several times, I finally felt relaxed. Sima Linlin walked with a relaxed step, and his face was still, but he could see and hear everything around him. With Xuanli, she felt that things began to slowly hold in her hands, and with pets, she felt that she had a little security. However, when she opened the door and was ready to go to bed, she found that the Xuanyuan, which was supposed to sleep well on the couch, was empty, and it was so damned that she slept on her pillow, looking extremely comfortable, as if she was making a wonderful mefro. Sima Linlin's evil was born from the edge of his gall. He picked up the hollow ear of the Xuanyuan and threw it on the couch without mercy. For her, the bed is her own private territory, and no foreign objects are allowed to occupy it!

Lying down contentedly, Sima Linlin looked at Xuanyuan Kongkong, who was exposed in the air, smashing his mouth on the couch and turning over. After thinking about it, he took a small blanket and gently covered Xuanyuan Kongkong's body.

The night is slowly extending, and what kind of warm stories will emerge between the master and servant.

After taking the pet Xuanyuan Kongkong, Sima Linlin found his life was very crowded. How can I say? Xuanyuan Kongkong sticks around her every day and deliberately doesn't hide. She sees a doctor and jumps on her legs. She eats and sits on the stool next to her. If she doesn't pay attention, she even jumps directly onto the table. She is not as noble or stable as she was when she first came here. One more thing, who said that ordinary people's things are not rare at all, and they only take the panacea that integrates the aura of heaven and earth? This is clearly a kind of food that has never seen the world before. No matter what she is eating, she is interested in it. No matter what she is eating, it looks like it is greedy. Its drool is about to flow out, so she has to say, "Master, would you like to have something to eat?"

However, although they want to eat everything, they don't eat everything. Sometimes, some female patients will give Xuanyuan a snack or two when they see Xuanyuan empty and cute (small, cute and natural after all). Sima Linlin, who has seen Xuanyuan empty and greedy, thought that Xuanyuan empty would jump on it, but she was surprised, Xuanyuan Kongkong was arrogant and ignored her, hurting her heart... But when the goods left the public view, she would look at her greedily and pretend not to care about what it was.

Sima Linlin couldn't help asking, "Xuanyuan Kongkong, since you like it, why don't you eat it?"

When Xuanyuan heard the words, he looked at Sima Linlin awkwardly. Then he hummed proudly, "I have a master, and I don't want to eat food from hell!"

Oh, look at the integrity, look at the demeanor. But Xuanyuan is empty. How can you be so greedy? Sima Linlin was secretly complaining. Previously, he could eat a month's rations alone. If he came to Xuanyuan Kongkong's mouth, he would be sure to solve the problem in a week. After eating the food, he still said, "Master, is there anything else? It's so delicious, I can't help it." However, after eating so much, Xuanyuan's empty body is still not big or fat, which makes Sima Linlin puzzled.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Kongkong didn't eat ginseng eye socket and shark fin. Sima Linlin was glad to say that she also secretly decided not to let these things appear in front of Xuanyuan Kongkong, so as not to let one slip into eternal hatred.