Chapter 27 The Undercurrent of the Beiliang Road surges, and the Liangwang Mansion is abundant every year (3)

Li Gongde raised his hand, and Wang Xihua, who had suffered two losses, immediately flashed away. Only then did he find that there was no dirt in the hands of the economic strategist. Li Gongde said, "It's not as easy to play with you as playing with a monkey.". It is reasonable to say that Li Gongde, who had won the battle without warning between the old enemies, should have been proud of himself. But Li Gongde, who was proud of himself in Beiliang, did not expect to be happy. Instead, his face was as heavy as water and full of haze. At first, Wang Xihua's face was cloudy and sunny, but when Li Gongde's back was gone, Wang Gongcao's mouth turned up quietly, where there was a little bit of anger, and she whispered: "Crab Li, Crab Li, look

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