Chapter 77 Help Each Other (Next)

"Hoo -"

Another huge stone hit. Chen Zhining slowed down when he dodged. The demon followed him.

"You two little people are dead!" The demon roared loudly. "Little people" was the evil clan's scornful name for the human clan, just as the human clan scolded them as "evil kids".

Chen Zhining didn't even have the strength to answer back. He pressed his lips tightly, and his eyes were always firm. He carried Song Qingwei forward with the fastest speed.

At his feet, there was red earth. There is no final conclusion on how the Wusheng Red Land came into being. It is said that Wusheng Red Land was actually a fertile place in those days. But a long time ago, a drought dam fell here, so the vibrant land was engulfed by endless red flames, and the fire burned for hundreds of years, turning it into a barren land.

Some people also say that because there is a rare fire vein in the center of the earth under this land, the baked earth is lifeless.

Recently, it was claimed after research that there is a big problem with the power of stars in the sky. Under the influence of the power of stars, it will become like this.

In any case, it is really desolate here, and there is no green plant in the vast area.

Every time Chen Zhining's feet fall on the ground, he can feel a glow through the soles of his shoes.

"You can't escape!" The demon's voice was full of bitterness, but it was just telling a fact.

Chen Zhining's heart sank more and more. He turned a valley, and a broken earth appeared in front of him. On the desolate plain, there are red "scars".

A heat wave is escaping from these cracks in the earth, making the whole plain show a strange and beautiful scenery.

"Boy, Red Fog Rehe is ahead. If you want to die quickly, you can go in!" The voice of the demon came from behind. Chen Zhining gritted his teeth and rushed in.

A heat wave came to Chen Zhining's face, and he felt some pain in his face. He quickly released the Iron Leaf Pill again. After being severely wounded by the drug demon, the power of the Iron Leaf Pill has not been replenished. Now the light of the ancient gods and figures is still very dim.

But it is still no problem to resist the external heat attack.

Chen Zhining, carrying Song Qingwei on his back, quickly walked through cracks. The terrain here is complicated. No wonder the demons assert that this is a place of death. Once you enter it by mistake, there is no other danger, but the terrain here can trap people here.

The monster roared from behind. He didn't expect Chen Zhining to be so determined.

Chen Zhining quickly moved forward and was slightly relieved when he heard the voice of the demons behind him gradually receding. The demon chased in, but because there were too many forks and the terrain was complicated, he might have pursued another wrong path.

He ran forward for a while, and suddenly a sense of extreme danger suddenly rose in his mind. Chen Zhining did not want to stir up the golden liver and fire lungs, and the whole person suddenly accelerated several times.

A red aura shot out from the ground where he had just been, covering a radius of ten zhang. Chen Zhining would be enveloped by this aura if he slowed down a bit.

The duration of phosgene is not long, and it disappears soon after spraying, but that piece of ground has been burned into glaze!

"How dangerous!" He dared not stay, and continued to run with Song Qingwei on his back. Another time in the middle, the earth suddenly fell, and there was a sea of lava fire below! Chen Zhining used the golden liver to spray the wind into the air and escaped luckily.

Running for more than ten miles, Chen Zhining finally stopped after five crises. His ears and eyes were bright. He listened carefully. There was no voice of the demon behind him. He put Song Qingwei down.

He has checked this place. The ground is very solid, and there should be no danger in a short time.

"Whew..." He sat down and was too tired to move a little finger. The healing elixir worked. The wound on his shoulder was no longer bleeding and was slowly recovering.

He looked at Song Qingwei on the ground, wondering how to break the ban on her.

Song Qingwei leans against the stone wall, looking at him with big clear eyes, blaming, surprised, guilty and grateful.

Chen Zhining finally regained his strength. The power of the bipolar spirit body was reflected, and the reckless gas in his body was bubbling up. He drew some from the surrounding hot environment and added something.

He looked at Song Qingwei, who did not move, but had lively eyes and was able to speak. Suddenly, he became narrow-minded. He got up and forced his face to show an exaggerated obscene smile.

But Song Qingwei didn't respond at all. Chen Zhining was getting closer and closer, but she was embarrassed: it didn't scare people!

He stopped awkwardly two feet in front of Song Qingwei. Song Qingwei smells good, like the faint orchid in the valley. He wants to lean up and smell it carefully, but when he sees Song Qingwei's clear eyes, he shamefully counsels her.

When Chen Dashao sat back angrily, he said, "Do you believe me that way?"

Song Qingwei could not speak, but gave him a contemptuous look. Chen Zhining was stimulated and jumped to his feet. "I am the second generation of lecher..."

Song Qingwei chuckled out, "Just you?"

Chen Zhining was stunned, and Song Qingwei also responded with surprise: "The prohibition has been broken!"

The demon itself left Song Qingwei not much evil spirit in her body, which has dissipated for so long.

Chen Zhining breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, "beating a swollen face and being a wolf" was just a moment of fun. As a result, Song Qingwei despised him and refused to step down.

Song Qingwei got up to exercise her hands and feet, looked around again, and said with concentration, "The barren land, the red fog and the hot river, are ferocious. I've heard of them all in the capital. Although we escaped the demon, it's not easy to get out alive..."

As she was talking, the ground and the surrounding stone walls suddenly cracked into countless stones. The two felt the whirl of heaven and earth, and a huge and ferocious animal head suddenly popped out from the ground they stood on.

The head of the beast was full of sharp bone spurs and a pair of eyes were covered with thick scales. After it easily smashed the ground, it made a loud noise and vomited a mass of hot yellow phosgene after opening its mouth.


The ancient gods and figures were enveloped in the air, protecting Chen Zhining and Song Qingwei, but only for a moment, the ancient gods and figures were dim and broken by the hot yellow light.

The two seized the opportunity, and Chen Zhining pulled Song Qingwei and flew hundreds of feet into the air, not forgetting to give the monster dozens of ice cones.

The ice cones were all shot at the monster's eyes, but the monster only needed to close its eyes slightly. Under the protection of thick scales, the ice cones were broken and quickly evaporated by the heat.

Chen Zhining's ice cone attack only made him feel uncomfortable at most.

It roared and rushed out of the ground. Chen Zhining and Song Qingwei saw its full picture and were scared out of their wits. Song Qingwei exclaimed, "It's a fifth order ferocious beast, Huohe Ancient Turtle. Run, run!"

The Huohe Ancient Turtle, with a huge body of fourteen or fifteen feet long, rushed out of the ground like a moving hill, and its limbs moved quickly, chasing Chen Zhining and Song Qingwei.

The huge and ferocious beast's head was long and raised, the wrinkles on its neck were all flattened, and it bit fiercely one by one.

Fortunately, this huge beast can only run on the ground. Chen Zhining, driven by the golden wind, rose high and narrowly escaped three times of hot light from the fire river turtle, and finally got rid of this huge beast.

However, when they fell down, they were ambushed by a group of first-order ferocious animals, Huowei Macaques. Chen Zhining blocked Song Qingwei, fought hard for more than a dozen scars on his body, and finally defeated the Huowei Macaques.

The first order ferocious beast has become very powerful for the two people. This group of fire tailed macaques has seven heads. If it were not for Chen Zhining, Song Qingwei would not escape the fate if she met alone.

The scars on Chen Zhining's body are scratches. Although they are not heavy, the paws of the fire tail macaque contain fire poison, and the wound is very painful.

Song Qingwei carries a healing ointment with her. She helps Chen Zhining deal with the wound. When she smears it, Chen Zhining whimpers: "Be gentle, it hurts! Don't touch it there..."

Song Qingwei looks at him blankly and smiles inwardly. It's really hard to overlap this "weak second ancestor" with the little man who resolutely stood in front of her just now.

After dealing with the wound with difficulty, Song Qingwei begins to find a way out with what she has learned in her heart.

Chen Zhining moved his limbs, and his body, strengthened by the ferocious beast Xiantao, showed a strong recovery ability. He felt that these external injuries were no longer a problem, but the hidden wounds left by fighting with demons in his body were still dull and painful.

He wandered around as if doing nothing and searching for something. Song Qingwei looks at him askew and asks, "What did you find?"

Chen Zhining searched through the broken stone cracks around him - that was the result of the battle just now.

"Don't you think it's strange that a group of fire tail macaques appear so accidentally on our way forward

Song Qingwei's eyes brightened: "You mean they are not ambushing us here, but... they are here."

Chen Zhining said with a smile, "So this is actually their nest. These animals are very powerful. I'm afraid they are a nearby bully. I'll find out if there will be any unexpected gains."

Song Qingwei chuckles, stands up lightly, and takes two steps around. The lotus feet are slightly heavy. After falling, she senses the earth's shock, and sees a hint from the subtle differences.

She quickly walked to a broken stone heap, pointed and said, "It's behind here."