Chapter 47 Meeting Friends with Treasures (Part 1) Seeking Points, Seeking Collections!

While Chen Zhining was secretly cultivating arrays, he went out to watch some big arrays in the county from time to time. He appeared many times, which gradually attracted the attention of intentional people.

In the county school, recently, there are often disciples talking in the dining hall: "Have you noticed that Chen Zhining's realm seems to be stagnant."

At that time, Chen Zhining surprised the whole county for the second time. More than 20 days later, when all the disciples had to look up, including Fang Yicheng.

Everyone feels that it is impossible to catch up with Chen Zhining in this life.

But unexpectedly, a month has passed and the situation has changed. Fang Yicheng has approached Chen Zhining's realm, and Chen Zhining has not made any progress in this month!

"I heard that after the second time, Mr. Mu gave him the back part of Tao Yi. He is not short of skills. Why hasn't he made any progress in a month?"

"Hum, it's still a dandy. I'm afraid I've been hiding at home and playing with girls for a month."

"Great blue talent is wasted..."

"It can be seen that no matter how talented and born we are, if we don't work hard and give up, even if we can use our talent to amaze our talents, we will eventually sink completely. We can still surpass him if we practice hard!"

Someone shook his head and said, "He is not worth surpassing. Our real goal is Fang Yicheng. His talent and hard work are our goals. Chen Zhining... is the past of Qi/Dong County."

With Chen Zhining's previous achievements, he did not move forward for a whole month. Apart from his laziness and giving up, people could not think of any other reason.

During this period of time, Fang Yicheng stood up again.

Originally, he was desperate, but he didn't expect that Chen Zhining's first appearance in this month was in the late stage of the Yuan Dynasty, the second or the third time

He chased after him little by little, while Chen Zhining stood still. Later, when he approached the late stage of the Yuan Dynasty, he couldn't believe it: Is this catching up?

Confidence returned to his body little by little, and again expanded into arrogance.

Those disciples who wanted to make friends with Chen Zhining began to appear beside him again.


"Puff --"

A golden wind gushed out from the acupoints of the whole body, swirled around him, and condensed into a pale golden fog outside him.

Chen Zhining thought, and the golden wind suddenly blew out. The golden wind was far sharper than the throwing knife, and it could not enter into the sky. In a moment, a huge copper tripod that was used as a target in front of him was quickly "blown away" like a sand pile in the wind!

With just a few breaths, the huge copper tripod, which was only one person tall, had been transformed into copper powder all over the sky in the golden wind. As soon as Chen Zhining stopped his magic, the copper powder flopped down and accumulated a thick layer under his feet.

Chen Zhining nodded with satisfaction: "Its power is no less than that of fire lung, but its attributes are different. When it comes to magic competition, you can choose different means for different enemies, and you will get twice the result with half the effort."

It took him half a month to reluctantly modify the array in the Six Harmonies Array stele, draw out the six groups of dark golden wind, and strengthen his golden liver.

Now, he has completed the "Five Element Divine Visceral Skill", which is only short of the final "Lei Pi", and Qi/Dong County is about to enter the summer.

"It seems that Lei Pi can be cultivated before the animals are removed from Hongshan. When he enters Hongshan, the Five Element Divine Organ Skill will be a great success. There is no doubt that he will win the first place."

Although the magic practice is smooth, Chen Zhining always grins at the thought of realm practice.

He knew that Cai Hao was under great pressure, so he never urged him to avoid making Cai Hao more urgent. However, he was really worried. He was at a standstill for a month. This feeling was really bad.


Song Qingwei put down the scroll in her hand and stretched her waist lazily, unaware that she had perfectly displayed her soft and curved figure.

Chao Yun'er smiles and asks, "Qingwei, do you really want to hide here all the time?"

Song Zhiye returned to the capital long ago, but left his daughter in Qi/Dong County. Song Qingwei showed a trace of distress on her face: "The powerful children of the capital are more noble and romantic than each other. They often make some annoying moves. It's better here. It's quiet and uncontroversial. Let me take a break here."

She joked again, "Why, do you dislike your sister?"

Chao Yun'er smiled and said, "But how can I remember that you told me before, Sister Qingwei, that there are many heroes in the capital?"

Song Qingwei was stunned for a moment and remembered that she had said so when she disparaged Chen Zhining. She immediately rushed to her with shame and indignation: "You dead girl, you have learned to catch your sister's speech sickness. Let me see how I can deal with you!"

Chaoyun shouts to resist, and the two women become a mess again.

"Sister, I said something bad about the boy. You can remember now, don't you admit that you have already loved someone?"

"No! That little rascal is after you, sister. Every time he sees you, he can't move his eyes..."

Two good sisters were arranging for each other when suddenly a voice sounded outside: "Is the teacher there?"

The two women were like two frightened white rabbits. They raised their ears and looked at each other. They were talking about the little villain. Why did he come?

There was a feeling of being caught on the spot. The two women hurriedly sorted out their clothes, smiled at each other, and shouted back to Chaoyun: "Grandpa is closing the door."

She opened the door and invited Chen Zhining in.

In fact, Chen Zhining is in a bad mood. He came to the county to study today, and the talk behind him never stopped. He was very angry, but he could not attack on the spot.

He knew that his realm would stagnate for a month, and he would certainly be discovered, and the current results were also expected.

It's just that it's not that I don't work hard, but I feel very aggrieved to bear such a curse. But he didn't know when he would get the back part of Qingyun Annals. His ignorance of the future made him anxious.

However, when the door opened and two young faces appeared, Chen Zhining felt that the anxiety and anger that had wrapped around her heart vanished in an instant.

He smiled heartily: "Hello, Yun'er and Qingwei. I have something important to do with my teacher. When will he leave?"

Chen Zhining came here today to deliver the peach with one yuan Xuandan.

Before the wandering caravan of the Yaoke nationality came, the peach was about to mature, but he later used up all the Lingyu. After his mother sent the Lingyu, he saw that the peach was about to mature, and decided not to waste the Lingyu, waiting for "natural maturity", but he did not expect that this wait would be nearly a month.

Fortunately, there was no news that the injury was deteriorating towards the east in this month. It seems that the Xiantao of Yuyangmaru had let him control the injury.

Chao Yuner asked, "What's important, can you tell me.

He took out a box and thought about the words: "This is what I promised to exchange last time. If the teacher leaves the customs, please give it to him immediately."

Chaoyun suddenly realizes what it is. Her cherry red mouth grows a little, but she doesn't say anything. After receiving the box, he nodded solemnly: "Don't worry."

Chen Zhining smiled and looked at the two women. Although he wanted to stay here, it was obviously inappropriate, so he waved regretfully: "Well, there's nothing I can do first."

Song Qingwei nodded her head slightly and said hello.

Chen Zhining was reluctant to turn around, and his movements were slow for several times. Just as he was about to walk to the door, when he was in despair, he suddenly said to Yuner behind him, "Brother Zhining, Zuo Yue, the nephew of Zuo County Magistrate, will entertain Sister Qingwei and me in Tuyuan tomorrow. Would you like to go with us?"

Chen Zhining immediately felt that he had returned to heaven from hell, and hurriedly turned back and nodded: "Of course!"

Chao Yuner smiled sweetly, "Well, we'll wait for Zhining brother to pick us up tomorrow morning." She seemed worried, wrinkled her nose, and said, "You can't be late."

Chen Zhining scratched his head and knew that he was "famous". He laughed dryly, "Don't worry, I will never be late for such a thing."

Song Qingwei is a little reluctant, but since Chao Yuner asked for an invitation, she would not fail to show her good sister's face and gently remind her: "Zuoyue's banquet tomorrow is about meeting friends with treasure. Go back and prepare. Don't be caught off guard tomorrow."

Chen Zhining replied with a smile: "Thanks for reminding me." Then he reluctantly looked at the two women, and left with more than he wanted.

Song Qingwei covers her face with her hands and shakes her head

Chao Yun'er said with a small mouth, "At least he is really temperamental. He doesn't look like Zuo Yue. He also has Duan Shiqi and Duan Xiqi. Hum hum, he clearly wants to pursue his sister, but he puts on airs and makes friends with treasure. It's just to show off. Cut -"

Song Qingwei smiled bitterly and couldn't argue: "I can't help others. Zuo Yue met me in Beijing before. See you now. If I don't give face, I'll be unkind."

Chao Yuner was still dissatisfied: "So I called Brother Zhining on purpose to make those guys die. Hee hee, just like that, isn't it unfair to Brother Zhining? I use him as a shield."

Song Qingwei is not so optimistic: "I'm afraid Chen Zhining can't stop those people's ambitions tomorrow."

Chao Yuner was stunned. Song Qingwei explained, "Don't you notice that Chen Zhining's realm has not been improved for a whole month?"

"Ah?" Chao Yun suddenly remembered: "I'm afraid... those two guys won't give up."