Chapter 36 Younger Martial Brother Wu, he dare not come again

After returning home and parting with Li Tianbiao, Zhou Yu rode an electric bike to the old house with two puppies. With these two Labradors, the tiger was also a companion.

When the gate was opened to enter, the tiger rushed out of the yard and barked at the two puppies in the electric bicycle basket.

One of the puppies in the basket stopped in front of the other and made a faint cry to the tiger.

Zhou Yu suddenly smiled. The dog looked brave. He patted Huzi on the head, pointed to the two dogs and said, "Huzi, these two dogs will be your followers in the future. Be good to them."

The tiger's cry also stopped and went around the car basket, as if to remember them.

After entering the yard, Zhou Yu took out the two puppies and put them on the ground. The tiger immediately surrounded them.

Seeing this scene, the two puppies immediately stood up straight and made a faint cry towards the tiger.

The tiger did not take their threat to heart at all, and pushed their bodies with his paws with great interest.

Zhou Yu couldn't help laughing. The tiger was used to being bullied by the little white fox. Now that he saw these two weaker partners, he also recovered his strength. He picked two clusters of grapes from the vine and put them on the ground. "Well, tiger, don't tease them to play, eat grapes."

Seeing the grapes, the tiger rushed over first, picked up the grapes and began to eat them, while the other two dogs seemed to smell the smell and rushed to the grapes with small steps.

When they finished eating the grapes, Zhou Yu picked up the two puppies, thought for a while, and gave them a name, "Later you will be called Dabao, and you will be called Xiaobao."

These two Labradors are male and female, and they are twins. Dabao is the elder brother and Xiaobao is the younger sister.

Next, Zhou Yu accompanied Huzi and Dabao and Xiaobao in the yard for a while. Although they had just come home, Dabao and Xiaobao had become much closer to him.

Before he knew it, the sky was getting dark. He spent the day in testing the spirit gathering array and buying Jade Dew and puppies. Tomorrow, his Jade Dew planting business will usher in two new partners.

Amber Jade Dew and White Snake Legend Jade Dew, each of which can be called beautiful works of art, he believes that they will become more beautiful with the spirit gathering array and the spirit calming liquid.

Zhou Yu took the fishing rod and walked out of the yard. After a while, he fished some fish, roasted three, and then stewed two.

But his skills in barbecue and fish stew are not even beginners, and he can barely eat.

After leaving enough food for himself, Zhou Yu gave the remaining fish to three dogs. But when he gave it to Dabao and Xiaobao, he picked out all the thorns in the fish to prevent the two young dogs from causing some harm to their bodies when eating.

After he had eaten enough, he made several cups of grape juice with the juicer. Looking at the sea, it was a wonderful enjoyment. He considered that there would be more spirit gathering arrays in the yard in the future, and he could plant a little vegetable inside.

After returning to his room, Zhou Yu lay in bed and browsed the posts of Xianrouyuan on his mobile phone. Every day, many people would send him short messages, hoping to buy some meat or a leaf.

While browsing the forum, someone in the WeChat group took a look at him again. Without guessing, he could imagine that it must be Han Yahui.

When I opened it, I found this annoying guy. "Everybody, let me show you the two jade dews that the second generation of rich people bought. They are amazing. One is black skin jade dew, and the other is Pan Deng jade dew brocade."

"The amount of Pan Dengyu dew that produced the brocade is rare and precious. When he bought it, he spent 50000 dollars, and the black muscle jade dew spent 10000 yuan, a total of 60000 yuan, which is more than the salary of some people for one or two years. At this time, I think I should pay special attention to the universe and let him see what is the big god of flesh."

With these words, Han Yahui sent out several pictures. Zhou Yu suddenly burst into laughter when he saw them. He did not expect that Han Yahui knew the second rich generation, who was the son of Qi, and the two jade dew on the picture were the ones he sold to him yesterday.

This guy should be blind. If he knew that these two jade dews were sold to Prince Qi himself, would Han Yahui bump into the wall and vomit blood to death.

Although he only met with Prince Qi once and talked for a while, Zhou Yu felt that it was impossible for him to make friends with people like Han Yahui based on his character. Maybe Han Yahui had some contacts with Prince Qi through other people.

"These two pieces of jade dew are really good. Pan Deng's jade dew brocade is as crystal clear as an ice lantern. Fifty thousand yuan is really rare, and black muscle jade dew is also very beautiful. Ten thousand yuan is worth ten thousand yuan." Zhou Yu replied in WeChat, but he couldn't help laughing on his face. This is what he praised himself for.

Originally, Zhou Yu thought he would feel inferior and would not speak, but now when he saw such a picture of Zhou Yu praising himself, Han Yahui was a little stunned. "The little universe really deserves to have raised a lot of meat. It's amazing that it knows these two kinds of jade dew. Now let's have a good time. After all, it's not something that ordinary people can afford."

"A few days later, I will discuss with this rich second generation to let everyone go to see the Pan Deng Yu Lu Brocade. There are some other good goods in his shop. By the way, I will organize a dinner party and let everyone know when the time comes. Xiaouniverse, you must go. The chance to see Pan Deng Yu Lu Brocade is very rare." In the end, Han Yahui did not forget to tease Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu was too lazy to pay attention to these contents. Han Yahui will die in his own hands sooner or later.

He took his mobile phone and played for a while again. When it was almost ten o'clock, he glanced at the radio and involuntarily showed his expectation. Then he turned off the lamp and went to sleep.

When it was almost early in the morning, he opened his eyes slightly in confusion and immediately saw the bright light on the table, which made Zhou Yu immediately get up from his bed.

On the table, the radio was emitting the familiar white light, which seemed very warm. Zhou Yu gently picked up the radio, and the light on it slowly disappeared.

Pushing the switch open, his face looked expectant. I don't know whether it was the Xianyin Gate where Suxin Fairy was, or whether it was back to the Xuantian Sect where Martial Uncle Wu was, or whether it was another frequency.

Holding the radio, Zhou Yu slowly turned the FM button and began to adjust the frequency downward. When he was about to reach the frequency of the Suxin Fairy last time, his heart beat involuntarily for several times, expecting to hear the wonderful piano sound again.

Unfortunately, when the frequency pointer reached this position, he heard only Zizi's voice. He sighed lightly and continued to adjust downward.

Finally, when he reached the frequency of Martial Uncle Wu, he heard a strange voice coming from inside, "Ha ha, Martial Brother Wu, your Holy Grass Garden is really good. It's full of inspiration, and there is food and drink. After staying here for a few days, I'm a little embarrassed."

"Yes, Younger Martial Brother Wu, I think the thief hiding in the dark should be intimidated by our power and dare not come again." Another strange voice came later.