Chapter 72 Escape

  • Rebirth Herb Fragrance
  • Jiukong
  • 2046 words
  • 2016-01-02 08:34:30

People on the street are bustling. Xiao Jia, with He Ranran, broke through the heavy encirclement and ran away, so Anchen Road can naturally follow.

It was hard for Liu Xinhui behind to run out with Xiao Ying, so she was squeezed behind and didn't follow.

The three men ran into a not so busy alley, looked at each other, and even grinned.

Xiao Jia was afraid of meeting those two again, so she took He Ranran and An Chen Road to a nearby park.

On the way, He Ranran teased Xiao Jia and said, "You are willing to do that! The little prince of piano -"


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