Chapter 35 Persuasion

  • Rebirth Herb Fragrance
  • Jiukong
  • 2137 words
  • 2015-11-29 21:24:39

At noon, He Ranran sat in the classroom, listening to his classmates' chattering questions, while Ji Lingling was boasting exaggerated facts.

He Ranran cocked his head and let Ji Lingling say those words. The questions were childish and the answers were childish. But there is no boredom, because maybe only the present friendship will be more real?

Before the class bell rang, the students went back to their seats after a 'hula'.

Eh? Why is it suddenly so quiet? He Ranran raised his head in wonder.

He Ranran looked up and Zhang waved to him.

He Ranran nodded doubtfully. President Zhang nodded his head vigorously and pointed to himself.

He Ranran bowed his head and smiled. Unexpectedly, this headmaster Zhang was very cute. Then he trotted out of the classroom door.

As soon as I ran out, I heard the class bell ringing.

The teacher who came to class saw that He Ranran was running outside. Although the teacher thought that He Ranran's performance was good and he was obedient, it did not mean that he could run freely in class! The teacher thought in his heart.

But although she was jogging, she had already run out. She couldn't stop her.

Entering the classroom, he asked angrily, "Why did He Ranran go out just now?"

At this time, the teacher was angry, so his voice was very harsh, so no one dared to say anything.

No one spoke, and the classroom was quiet. Of course, the teacher was even more angry, so he asked more loudly: "Is there anyone who has gone there just now? Do you know what to say?"

"Teacher, He Ranran was called out by the headmaster just now." Ji Lingling said trembling, without the usual flexibility.

"Called by the headmaster? In that case, let's forget, let's go to class first!" Although he said so, he must have a grudge in his heart.

He Ranran trotted into the office with President Zhang. He never thought of such a thing.

Perhaps, even if he thought about it, he would not think that there would be such a careful teacher, right?

He Ranran followed the headmaster into the office. He Ranran stood in the corner of the office and did not move much.

President Zhang came up carefully and asked tentatively:

"What a long time! Are you going to finish in our school?"

"Yes, if nothing unexpected happens, I'm going to read it all here!" He Ranran said without a pause.

"Oh, it seems that a teacher came to your house yesterday?" Principal Zhang asked carefully.

"Well, yes, that's Director Li, who is the director of the school in the town." He Ranran nodded and added.

"Well... what did he say?" Principal Zhang felt a little uneasy.

"He asked me to turn around, but I didn't agree." He Ranran stated the facts.

"Oh, that's it!" Zhang took a deep breath, and then he got very tangled.

He Ranran saw his mouth open, but he didn't say anything, but he seemed to want to say something. In the end, he didn't say anything. Just waved his hand and let He Ranran go back to class.

He Ranran went back to the classroom and shouted: "Report".

The teacher squinted at Ho Ran, nodded and said, "Come in!"

What's going on?

I couldn't help but look at Ji Lingling in doubt. If she had been speaking quietly in ordinary times, Ji Lingling would have written a few words carefully today and handed them to He Ranran.

He Ranran looked at it carefully and found that it was "Do a good job quickly!" He Ranran suddenly felt very strange. When did Ji Lingling love learning so much?

But then the teacher looked at He Ranran and said sternly, "Listen carefully!"

He then understood that the original teacher was ill, and the new substitute teacher might be more severe!

So I listened to the class conscientiously, although... I knew all these things.

Soon, the class was over. He Ranran leaned leisurely on the desk and turned to Ji Lingling's side. Ji Lingling also leaned on the desk like He Ranran. The two men stared at each other.

After a while, Ji Lingling couldn't hold back and began to talk about what happened in class.

He Ranran nodded disapprovingly after listening, and said, "It's OK, I know."

"But this teacher is a little stingy!" Ji Lingling sighed deeply.

"A little, but it's OK. Aren't you also listening carefully?" He Ranran said jokingly.

"Alas, she is too strict! It's scary!" Ji Lingling is like vegetables beaten by frost at this time.

"Then your performance will be better!" He Ranran tried to persuade.

"Well, that's it!" Ji Lingling said with a curly mouth.

He Ranran smiled and looked up to find the headmaster beckoning to himself!

He Ranran didn't know what to say, so he had to trot along again.

It happened that this lesson was still the teacher's, and the scene was seen by the teacher again, but the teacher did not stop He Ranran.

This is a tragedy.

The teacher, who was not young at all, frowned deeply, and his face was as dark as that of Lord Bao.

"Class!" This cry was particularly loud.

"Stand up, good teacher!" After the students shouted, they felt that the temperature in the air had dropped a lot of degrees, which made people tremble.

"Where did you go again?" the teacher on the platform said calmly.

"She...... She was called by the principal again." Ji Lingling said in a trembling voice.

Ji Lingling was really afraid this time, and she could not help thinking: What a long time, what a long time! Why are you throwing a mess back at me? Alas!

He Ranran could not help sneezing when he was on the road.

Eh? Why did you sneeze so well! He Ran Ran rubbed his nose and thought. But Ji Lingling is already in flames.

He Ranran stood in the office of President Zhang again, and waited for his question.

"He Ranran, I want to tell you something! Our school is really inferior to the county in the town. If you want to transfer to another school, it is not impossible to develop better. No one will blame you. Don't think too much. I really don't want to confine you to this small circle. You are very smart and deserve better development." Principal Zhang said earnestly, Looking at He Ranran's eyes, he also felt reluctant.

"Principal Zhang, I want to be in this school, just in this school!" He Ranran looked firm.

"Alas, you are too young. You'd better go back and think about it!" Principal Zhang waved, paused and said, "Tell your parents what I said!"

Seeing the look of the headmaster, He Ranran knew that it was no use saying anything again, so he had no choice but to leave the office.