Chapter 114 Apology

  • Rebirth Herb Fragrance
  • Jiukong
  • 4124 words
  • 2016-02-02 22:52:43

The two walked to the school gate, but they were not in the same class, so they had to separate. When Ji Lingling left, she mumbled: "Ranran, this time, you must reveal Wang Ting's true face!"

He Ranran looked at Ji Lingling in surprise and said with a smile, "Why, you still know to disclose it? I thought you would quarrel with her directly!"

When Ji Lingling heard what He Ranran said, her face became hot, "I'm not so reckless! I also want you to recover your innocence quickly!"

"Puff, cough, cough, innocent body?" He Ranran was shocked by his own saliva

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