Chapter 82 For Yourself in Past and Present Lives

As early as Shen Qi had just returned from his rebirth, he carefully recalled the exam questions in the middle school entrance examination.

If you can remember the test questions he had taken in his previous life, then it is not impossible to remember the answers according to the test questions.

It's a pity that this is too long ago for Shen Qi. In addition, after he dropped out of school, he almost didn't touch books. After a long time of careful reflection, his mind is also blank. The only thing that has some fragmentary memories is the Chinese composition.

He remembered that Xu Yang's composition for this year's senior high school entrance exam was: 2010, going with __.

But as we all know, the Chinese composition is only 60 points, and this 60 points is the kind with great flexibility. Maybe this marking teacher gave you more than 50 points. If another marking teacher came to see your composition, it would be another score.

Shen Qi has always been a strong point in composition from childhood to adulthood. He doesn't have to memorize a composition in advance, so that the only "topic" he remembers becomes a chicken bone.

It can't be said that it is useless. Before the exam, a few days ago, he consciously mentioned that the composition question might be this with several familiar classmates around him, such as Sui Hao and Shao Lingkai, and asked them to prepare for it. But whether they believe that they will prepare in advance has nothing to do with Shen Qi.


With his examination permit, pen and draft paper, Shen Qi enters the examination room.

His examination room is located on the third floor. Apart from him, there is only one student in Shengli No. 1 Middle School, but not in Class 3, but in Class 2.

Coincidentally, he knew the students in Class 2, and they were quite familiar with each other.

Like Shen Qi, there are many students who want to return to villages and towns when they take the high school entrance exam because of the problem of residence registration.

This is also the case for Peng Jiaming, who shares the same examination room with Shen Qi.

The reason why they became familiar with each other is that he also transferred from No. 4 Middle School to No. 1 Middle School of Shengli. Although he did not know each other when he was in No. 4 Middle School, there is one reason why he will inevitably get closer.

The exam began at eight o'clock, and Shen Qi arrived at the exam room at half past seven. Because he didn't bring books, he sat in his seat and chatted with Peng Jiaming.

Of course, it couldn't be so coincidental. The two people were sitting in front of and behind Shen Qi, but because the examinee sitting in front of Shen Qi hadn't come yet, Peng Jiaming directly sat there.

Two invigilators came into the classroom just before the beginning. One of them held a stack of sealed test papers, opened them, and divided them into eight pieces.

As the exam bell rang, the invigilator handed out the graded papers to the first examinee in each row and quickly passed them back.

The high school entrance exam... officially kicked off!


Shen Qi answered very carefully. In his mind, although many things have changed since his rebirth, the high school entrance examination is undoubtedly one of the great turning points in life.

Now he is still acquainted with some former classmates, but what about after the high school entrance exam? As long as he entered the county high school, he would recognize some people he had never met in previous lives, and he could say that he really went to another road.

Shen Qi doesn't know where this road will lead, but he will go on carefully and patiently

During the three-day exam, the first subject was Chinese.

Shen Qi's answer paper was very fast. It took him two and a half hours to answer the paper. It took him one hour to answer the final composition question.

He did not make mistakes in his memory, and the topic of his composition was the same as that of his previous life.

In fact, Shen Qi never thought that there would be changes. Butterfly changes also need to be linked between the two. After his rebirth, the impact is only small. For example, there is a new boutique writer called Feifeng in the online literature world, and there is a small supermarket in Bincheng.

Even in this life, he was still a senior high school student who applied for the exam in Shengli No. 1 Middle School, and there was no change from his previous life. The test paper could not be changed because of him.

In the final analysis, he is just a "nobody", even if he is a reborn person.

Two invigilators, one sits on the front platform, the other moves a chair and sits at the back of the classroom.

The whole examination room was quiet, only the screeching of writing.

The title of the composition has not changed. Shen Qi can't help thinking of the composition he wrote in the previous life.

In his previous life, he wrote a composition titled 2010, Walking with Dreams.

In his previous life, when he was in No. 4 Middle School, he never thought that he could go to high school.

At that time, he was too lazy to do his job. He didn't have a chance to finish the last few exams with two or three hundred points.

But after turning back to No. 1 Middle School, there was no Internet cafe around, and his mobile phone was confiscated by Second Aunt at that time. At that time, he really calmed down to study.

When he went to No. 1 Middle School in his previous life, the course had been finished and the whole class was in the state of review.

This is an opportunity for Shen Qi to pick up the lost knowledge and understand the knowledge he has not learned.

Shen Qi has scored more than 600 points in the three mock examinations of his life, and Shangxian is a mark that will not cause any accidents.

But in his previous life, he was very impressed. On the test paper with a full score of 750, he took the first test more than ten days after returning to No. 1 Middle School. He scored 370 points.

Don't think that this score is very small. When he was in No. 4 Middle School, his exam scores were very stable, ranging from 200 to 300.

This undoubtedly gave him hope at that time. For the first time, he felt that maybe he could still pass the high school entrance exam?

Few people want to degenerate. Maybe you degenerated for the first time because of lack of self-control. But many times, you may wonder if it's time to make efforts? But after trying for a while, I suddenly find that there is no egg to use, so I give up again.

At that time, Shen Qi was in such a mindset that he completely gave up the hope of going to high school when he was in No. 4 Middle School. As a result, after he came to No. 1 Middle School and studied hard for a period of time, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a little hope, and high school was not so difficult?

Just like a drowning man, if you give him a straw, he will really catch it.

Shen Qi began to make real efforts in the whole third stage of the junior high school. He could not say that he had to hang the beam and prick the thigh, but he had done many times in that period of time to study at night.

In the second practice exam, he scored 430 points,

The third time, 450 points.

He scored 480 points in the middle school entrance exam in his previous life.

Xuyang is even a third tier city. For schools like Liucheng High School, the admission line is about 440 points.

So he successfully went to high school. And the performance in the whole Class 3 can even be considered to be above average.

Although it's a long story, Shen Qi just skips it in a flash.

Grasping the pen, Shen Qi "once again" wrote "2010, walk with dreams" on the topic of his composition

In addition to the title, he can only remember the general content of his compositions written in previous lives.

He wrote about his experience during that period. He had poor exam results. He became aware of himself on the eve of the high school entrance exam and began to work hard. He also wrote about how to prepare for the next 10 years.

This composition was given a high score of 56 by the marking teacher at that time.

He forgot how to write it at that time, but now he will write it again.

Write to yourself in the past life, write to yourself in this life.