Chapter 37 Yuan Benchu's Defeat Turns into Guan Yunchang's Seal and Seal

But Yuan Shao wanted to kill Xuande. Xuande calmly entered the room and said, "Duke Ming only listened to one side of the story, but he was totally indifferent to the sun. When he was separated from Xuzhou, his second younger brother, Yun Chang, did not know whether he had survived or not. There are many people with the same appearance in the world. Why didn't Duke Ming observe that?" Yuan Shao was a man who didn't advocate. Hearing what Xuande said, he blamed Professor Ju for saying, "If you listen to your words by mistake, you will kill a good man." So he still asked Xuande to sit in his tent, Talk about avenging Yan Liang. A man under the tent answered and said, "Yan Liang and I are like brothers. Today I was killed by Cao Thief, and I can't hate him." Xuande looked at him. He was eight feet long and looked like Xie Zhi. He was a famous general in Hebei, Wen Chou. Yuan Shao was overjoyed and said, "You can't avenge Yan Liang. I crossed the Yellow River with 100000 soldiers and chased after the Cao bandits!" Ju Shu said, "No, it's the best policy to stay in Yanjin today and divide troops into officers to cross the river. If you cross the river lightly, if there is a change, everyone can't pay back." Shao Nu said, "It's all because you have delayed your military spirit and delayed the sun and the moon, which is harmful to big things! Don't you hear that soldiers are superior and quick?" Ju Shu said, He sighed and said, "If you want to make progress, you should do your best; if you want to make progress on the Yellow River, you should do your best!" So he asked his patient not to attend the meeting. Xuande said, "There is no reward for your great kindness. I intend to go with General Wen: one will report the virtue of Minggong, and the other will find out the truth of Chief Yun." Shao Xi called Wenchou and Xuande to lead the front. Wen Chou said, "Liu Xuande's repeated defeats against the general are detrimental to the army. When the Lord asked him to go, he divided 30000 troops and taught him to be the rear." So Wen Chou led 70000 troops first, and ordered Xuande to lead 30000 troops to follow.

When Cao Cao saw that Yun Chang had killed Yan Liang, he was more respectful and told the court that he had made Yun Chang the Marquis of the Longevity Pavilion of the Han Dynasty and cast a seal to send it to Guan Gong. It was suddenly reported that Yuan Shao had sent General Wen Chou across the Yellow River and had taken over Yanjin. Cao first sent migrants to Xihe River, and then led his troops to welcome them; Pass the general's order: the later army is the former army, and the former army is the later army; Grain and grass go first, and army and soldiers come later. Lv Qian said, "What do you mean when food and grass come first and soldiers come later?" Cao said, "Food and grass come later and are often plundered, so they are ordered to come first." Qian said, "If the enemy robs them, what can we do?" Cao said, "When the enemy arrives, we will pay attention to them.". The operator ordered food supplies to travel along the river to Yanjin. When Cao Cao was in the rear army, he heard the front army shouting, and when he was eager to teach people to read it, he reported: "When the general Wen Chou of Hebei arrived, our army abandoned food and grass, and ran in all directions. The rear army is far away, what would it be like?" Cao Yi whipped his guide Fu and said, "This can be avoided." The men and horses rushed to Tufu. The drillmaster ordered the soldiers to take off their clothes and rest less, and let their horses go. The army of literary clowns covered up. The generals said, "Thieves are here! You can quickly stop the horses and return to the white horse. You know what you mean, but don't say it again. The Wenchou Army not only had to fight with grain, but also robbed horses. The sergeant does not follow the team and is in a mess. However, Cao Cao ordered his army and generals to go to Tufu to attack him. The army of Wen Chou was in chaos. Cao's soldiers encircle the future, Wen Chou stands up to fight alone, and the soldiers trample on each other. Wenchou couldn't stop, so he had to pull his horse back. Cao pointed at Tufu and said, "Wen Chou is a famous general in Hebei. Who can catch him. Xu Huang yelled: "The thief will not let go!" Zhang Liao ducked, hit the helmet with an arrow and shot the Zanying. Liao tried hard to catch up again, sat down and was shot in the cheek by Wen Chou. The horse fell on its knees and Zhang Liao landed. Wenchou came back and Xu Huang stopped the fight with a big axe. The soldiers and horses behind Wen Chou arrived together, but they were surprised that they could not defeat him, so they rode back. Wenchou came along the river.

Suddenly, he saw more than ten horsemen riding, their banners flipping over, and a general came flying with his sword in his head. Guan Yunchang shouted, "The thief will stop!" He fought with Wen Chou, who was afraid and rode around the river. Guan Gong quickly caught up with Wen Chou and cut him off with a knife in the back of his head. When Cao Cao was in Tufu, he saw that Guan Gong had cut down the literary clowns, and drove his men and horses to cover up. Most of the Hebei army fell into the water, but Cao Cao still recaptured the crops and horses.

Cloud long argument rides east and west. Liu Xuande led thirty thousand soldiers to arrive just before the attack. The sentinel horse in front found out and reported to Xuandeyun, "It's the red faced long beard that killed the clown again this time." Xuande hurriedly came to see a group of people and horses across the river, flying back and forth. The flag said "Han Shouting Pavilion Marquis Guan Yunchang". Xuande thanked heaven and earth secretly and said, "My brother is really at Cao Cao's place!" He wanted to meet Cao Cao when he was escorted by Cao's army, so he had to withdraw his troops. Yuan Shao took him to Guandu and went down to the stockade. Guo Tu and his judges met Yuan Shao and said, "It was Guan who killed Wen Chou again this time, and Liu Bei pretended not to know." Yuan Shao was furious and scolded, "Big eared thieves! How dare you do that!" Shao Qing, Xuande arrived, and Shao ordered to kill him. Xuande said, "What's your crime?" Shao said, "How can you be innocent because you made your younger brother bad my senior general?" Xuande said, "Let's stretch out and die in a word: Cao Cao has always been wary of being prepared. Now he knows that he is at the Duke of Ming and is afraid of being prepared to help the public, so his special envoy, Yun Chang, killed two generals. The public will be angry if he knows it. This is to kill Liu Bei by the hand of the public. Let the Ming public think about it." Yuan Shao said, "Xuande's words are true. You have made me suffer from the reputation of sages. " Drink back and ask Xuande to sit down. Xuande thanked him and said, "There is no way to repay the generosity of Duke He Ming. He wants to make a secret letter to see Chief Yun, so that he can know the news of Liu Bei. He will come at night to assist Duke Ming and kill Cao Cao together, so as to avenge Yan Liang and Wen Chou." Yuan Shao was very happy and said, "I have got Chief Yun, which is ten times better than Yan Liang and Wen Chou." Xuande revised the letter, but no one sent it. Shao ordered the army to retreat to Wuyang, and the company battalion stood still for tens of miles. Cao made Xiahou Dun lead the troops to guard the Guandu Pass, and his class returned to Xudu to feast all the officials. He Yunchang's contribution. Therefore, Lv Qian said, "In the past, I used to use food and grass in the former to bait the enemy. But Xun Gongda knew my heart and ears." Everyone was amazed. During the banquet, it was suddenly reported: "There are yellow scarves, Liu Pi and Gong Du in Runan, which are very rampant. Cao Hong was tired of fighting and was not good, so he begged for soldiers to save him." After hearing the words, Yun Chang said, "Guan is willing to do the hard work to break down the bandits in Runan." Cao said, "Yun Chang has made great achievements, but if he has not paid heavily, how can he return the hard work and enlist?" Gong said, "Guan will be ill if he is idle for a long time. He is willing to do it again." Cao Cao was strong, Fifty thousand soldiers were ordered to make Yu Jin and Le Jin vice generals, and they would do it the next day. Xun Yumi said to Cao, "Chief Yun always wants to go back to Liu. If he knows the news, he must go. He must not order him to go to war frequently."

Cao said, "This time, I will stop teaching the enemy."

Let's just say that Commander Yun led his troops near Runan and camped in the camp. Two special workers were brought outside the camp that night. When Yun Chang saw it, he recognized one person inside, Sun Qian. Guan Gong rebuked him and asked Qian: "Since he has been scattered, he has never heard of anything. Why is he here today?" Qian said: "I have fled from exile and wandered in Runan. Fortunately, Liu Pi took me in. Why is the general here at Cao Cao today? Did you not know that Gan and Mi are all right?" Guan Gong explained the above matter in detail. Qian said, "I heard that Duke Xuande was at Yuan Shao's place and wanted to vote for him, but I didn't get the chance. Today, Liu and Gong are obedient to Yuan Shao and help attack Cao. Fortunately, the general came here. He ordered a small army to lead the way, teach someone how to work carefully, and report to the general. The two should be defeated for a while in the future. The public can quickly lead the two wives to Yuan Shao's place to meet Duke Xuande." Guan said, "Since my brother is at Yuan Shao's place, I will go there at night. But I hate that I killed the second general of Shaoxing, and I'm afraid that things will happen today. " Qian said, "I should go first to find out the truth of the enemy, and then report to the general." The official said, "I saw my elder brother, and though I would die, I will leave Cao Cao today when I return to Xuchang." He secretly sent Sun Qian that night. The next day, the Duke of Guan led the soldiers out, and Gong all went to battle with their clothes on. Guan Gong said, "Why do you rebel against the Imperial Court?" Du said, "You are the one who rebel against the Lord. Why do you blame me?" Guan Gong said, "What am I?" Du said, "Liu Xuande is at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, but you are from Cao Cao. Why?" Guan Gong did not talk, but slapped his horse and waved his sword forward. Gong Du left and Guan Gong caught up. They all turned back and told Guan Gong, "Don't forget the kindness of my old lord. You should move quickly, and I will let Runan." Guan Gong, with the intention, drove the army to cover up.

Liu and Gong feigned defeat and scattered. Head Yun seizes Dezhou County. Anmin is settled. The class teacher returns to Xuchang. Cao Cao went out to greet the soldiers and rewarded them. After the banquet, Yun Chang went home and paid a visit to the second sister-in-law outside the door. Mrs. Gan said, "Uncle has been out of the army twice. Do you know if Uncle Huang has heard from him The wife said, "How do you know that?" The army said, "I went to war with General Guan, and someone told me on the battlefield." The wife called Yun Changzhi hurriedly and said, "Uncle Huang has never been responsible for you. Now you are indebted to Cao Cao, and you forget the righteousness of the old days. Why don't you tell me the truth?" The Duke of Guan suddenly said, "You are really in Hebei today. If you don't dare to teach your sister-in-law to know, you may be leaked. Things should be slowed down. Don't hurry." Mrs. Gan said, "Uncle, please tighten up." He retreated, pondered over the plan, and fidgeted.

It turned out that Yu Jin found out that Liu Bei was in Hebei and reported to Cao Cao. Zhang Liao came to investigate the general will of Guan. Guan was sitting in a stuffy seat when Zhang Liao came to congratulate him, "I heard that my brother knew Xuande's news on the battlefield, and I came here to congratulate him." Guan said, "Although my lord is here, I haven't seen him, and I'm not happy!" Liao said, "What's the difference between brother and Xuande?" Gong said, "My brother and friend are friends; my brother and Xuande are friends, brothers and ministers: how can we talk together?" Liao said, "Now Xuande is in Hebei, will you go there?" Guan said, "I will remember the words of the past! Wen Yuan must pay tribute to the Prime Minister for me." Zhang Liao told Cao Cao about Guan's words. Cao said, "I will keep it."

It is said that Duke Guan was thinking about it when he suddenly reported that an old friend had visited him. And please come in, but don't know each other. Duke Guan asked, "Who are you?"

He replied, "I am Chen Zhen from Nanyang, a subordinate of Yuan Shao." Duke Guan was shocked and retreated to the left and right. He asked, "Do you want to do something here?" He wrote a letter and handed it to Duke Guan. Publicly, it is a book of Xuande. It slightly said: "Prepare with your feet, form an alliance from the Peach Garden, and vow to die together. Why does the middle way run counter to each other today, and cut off gratitude and righteousness? You must want to gain fame and fortune, and be willing to offer the first level of preparation to complete your feats. If you don't write well, you will die." After reading the book, Guan Gong cried, "I don't want to find my brother, but I don't know where it is. Is Anken trying to be rich and noble, and betraying the old alliance?" Zhen said, "Xuande is eager to see you. Since you don't want to back from the old alliance, you should meet him soon." Guan said, "There is no end in life. It's not a gentleman. I understand when I come, and I must understand when I go. I'm writing a book today, and I hate you to know your brother before you leave. Let me leave Cao Cao and meet him with my second sister-in-law." Zhen said, "If Cao Cao won't let me, what can I do?" The duke said, "I would rather die than stay here for a long time!" Zhen said, "I will write a letter quickly to avoid the suspense of envoy Liu." The duke of Guan wrote a letter and replied, "I am not ungrateful to steal news of righteousness, and I am loyal to death. Yu has studied since he was young, and he has a rough knowledge of etiquette and justice. He has never stopped sighing and weeping when watching the story of sheep horn mourning and Zuo Botao. He guards the Pi in front. There is no grain inside and no reinforcements outside; If you want to die, you must be the second sister-in-law. You have never dared to give up your head to lose your trust; Therefore, I will detain myself for the time being and hope to meet later. As far as Runan, I know my brother's letter; That is to say goodbye to Cao Gong and return to Feng Ersao. Yudan has different intentions, and God and man kill together. It is hard to be poor in writing. There is a time for worship, but I can only learn from it. " Chen Zhen wrote his own book.

Guan Gong informed his second sister-in-law that he was going to the prime minister's residence to bid farewell to Cao Cao. To know what is coming is to hang an escape sign at the door. Guan Gong came back reluctantly and ordered him to follow people in the old days, pick up the horses and wait on them sooner or later; In the house, all the original gifts should be kept, and you should not take any with you. The next day I went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to say goodbye, and the door head hung a challenge sign. Guan Gong went several times without seeing him. I went to Zhang Liao's home to talk about it. Liao also tried to cure his illness. Guan Gongsi said, "It is the intention of Prime Minister Cao not to allow me to go. I have made up my mind to go. How can I stay?" He wrote a letter to thank Cao Cao. The book briefly said: "Yu is less concerned with the emperor's uncle and vows to live and die. The emperor and the land behind him have heard eloquent words. The former failed to defend himself in the Pi and asked for three things. Now we know that the former leader is now in Yuan Shao's army. Looking back on the old alliance, how can we break it? Although the new kindness is thick, the old meaning is unforgettable. I am going to say goodbye in a letter, and I will observe it. I wish to wait for the future when I have more than my gratitude."

After finishing the writing, send someone to deliver it to the Prime Minister's Mansion; At the same time, he sealed the gold and silver he had received for many times in the warehouse one by one, hung the marquis seal of Han Shouting Pavilion on the hall, and asked the second lady to get on the bus. Guan Gong went up to the Red Rabbit Horse and carried a green dragon sword. He led the old men to escort the chariot battle and walked out of the north gate. The door officials blocked it. Guan Gong glared at the broadsword and shouted, and all the officials retreated. After Guan Gong went out, the follower said, "You escort the chariot battle first, but if there is a pursuer, I will take it myself, and don't disturb the two ladies." The follower pushed the cart and looked forward to the official road. It was said that Cao Cao was talking about the matter of Guan Gong, which had not been decided yet, and he left and right the customs declaration official to submit a letter. At the end of Cao's visit, he was shocked and said, "The cloud is long gone!" Suddenly, the guard general of the north gate reported, "Guan Gong has gone away, and more than 20 people on the chariot and saddle horse are looking north." Another person in Guan Gong's house reported, "Guan Gong has completely sealed the gifts of gold and silver. Ten beautiful women live in another room. The marquis seal of Han Shouting Pavilion hangs on the hall. None of the servants assigned by the Prime Minister went out of the North Gate, only his followers and their personal luggage. " Everyone was shocked. One general stood up and said, "I would like to capture Guanmou alive with three thousand iron cavalries and offer them to the Prime Minister!" People regarded him as General Cai Yang. Exactly: If you want to leave the dragon cave, you will encounter three thousand wolves and tigers. Cai Yang wants to catch up with Guan Gong. After all, let's listen to the following explanation.