Chapter 160: Wei Zhenggui, Sima Family and Jiang Wei Defeat Niutou Mountain (2)

At that time, Cao Shuang was the wife of his younger brother, Uncle Wen. She was ordered by the Xia Hou to be widowed and childless. Her father wanted to remarry, and the woman cut off her ears and swore to herself. Jishuang was punished. His father married him again, and his daughter cut off her nose. The family was terrified, saying, "Life in the world is like light dust and weak grass. Why should we suffer so? And the husband's family has been killed by Sima Family. Who should we be?" The woman cried, "I heard that benevolent people do not change their minds from prosperity to decline, and righteous people do not change their minds from survival to death. In the heyday of the Cao family, they still wanted to protect the end; now that they are perishing, how can we abandon them? How can I do with this journey of animals!", Listen to the beggar to support him. He is the offspring of Cao Family. Later generations have said in a poem, "The weak grass and fine dust are all philosophical, and there are women in the summer who are just like mountains. The husband is not as good as the skirt and hairpin festival, and he is ashamed of himself." But it is said that Sima Yi killed Cao Shuang. The captain Jiang Ji said, "There are still Lu Zhi and Xin Chang who break out of the gate, and Yang Zong can't seize the seal." Yi said, "Each of them is a righteous person." So they resumed their old positions. Xin Chang sighed and said, "If I don't ask my sister, I will lose my great righteousness!" Later generations wrote a poem praising Xin Xianying, saying, "When I eat for my ministers, I should think about the reward, and the victims should be loyal in the face of danger. Xin Xianying once advised his younger brother, so he ordered thousands of years to praise Gao Feng."

Sima Yi spared Xin Chang and others, and still made an announcement to tell them that Cao Shuang's disciples would not die; Any official shall be reinstated as usual. The army and the people keep their homes, and the interior and exterior are blocked. He and Deng died unexpectedly, so they should take care of Lu's words. Later generations wrote in praise of Guan Lu: "The true secret of the sages and sages is passed on, and the plain governs Lu and communicates with the gods. Ghosts and ghosts are divided into He and Deng, and the prophet is dead before he dies." However, Cao Fangfeng, the leader of Wei, appointed Sima Yi as prime minister and added Jiuxi. Yi refused to accept it. Fang was not allowed to let the father and son lead the state affairs together. Yi suddenly remembered: "Although Cao Shuang's family were killed, Xiahou Xuan was still guarding Yongzhou and other places, which were Shuang's relatives. If there was a sudden disturbance, how should we prepare? We must deal with it." He then issued an edict to send envoys to Yongzhou and take the Western General Xiahou Xuan to Luoyang for discussion. When Xuanshu Xiahou Ba heard that he was shocked, he led three thousand soldiers from his headquarters to revolt. Guo Huai, the governor of Yongzhou, heard of the rebellion of Xiahou Ba, and led his troops to fight with Xiahou Ba. Huai Chu Ma Da scolded: "You are the royal family of Wei Dynasty, and the Son of Heaven has never lost you. Why do you rebel?" Ba also scolded: "My grandfather built more and more industriously in the country. What a man Sima Yi is today. He killed my brother Cao Shuang's clan, and then came to take me. Sooner or later he will think of usurping the throne. I stand up for a thief, and why not?" Huai was furious, and shot his horse straight to take Xiahou Ba. Ba waved his sword to meet his horse. After the war failed, Huai was defeated, and Ba came later. Suddenly, he heard the cry of the rear army. When Baji came back, Chen Tai led troops to kill him. Guo Huai returned and attacked from both sides. When the tyrant is defeated, he will lose most of his troops; After thinking for no reason, he threw himself into Hanzhong to surrender to the emperor.

Someone reported to Jiang Wei, but Weixin didn't believe him. It was true that Fang taught in the city. Ba cried and told the story after seeing him. Wei said, "In the past, Weizi went to Zhou and became an immortal name: the public can help the Han Dynasty, worthy of the ancients." So they gave a banquet to each other. Wei sat down at the table and asked, "Now Sima Yi and his son hold the important power, do you have a glimpse of our country's ambition?" Ba said, "The old thief Fang is planning to rebel, and has no time to go outside. But there are two people in Wei Guoxin. If he leads the army in his youth, it will be a great disaster in Wu and Shu." Wei asked, "Who are they?" Ba told him, "One of them is now Secretary Lang, a member of Yingchuan Changshe. His surname is Zhong, his name is Hui, his name is Shiji, and he is the son of Taifu Zhongyou. He is brave and intelligent.

You Shan led his second son to see Emperor Wen. He was seven years old when he met him, and his brother Yu was eight years old. When Yu saw the Emperor's fear, he was sweating. The emperor asked Yu, "Why are you sweating?"? Yu said to him, "We are in fear of war, sweating like oars.". The emperor asked the meeting, "Why don't you sweat?" The meeting said, "You tremble, but you can't sweat. The emperor is unique. He is a little longer, likes to read military books, and knows his strategy well. Sima Yi and Jiang Ji are both talented.". One of them is now a private official. He is from Yiyang. His surname is Deng, his name is Ai, and his name is Shizai. He lost his father when he was young. He has always been ambitious. But when he sees mountains and rivers, he often looks at his paintings, where can he garrison troops, where can he accumulate food, and where can he ambush. Everyone laughed, and Sima Yi was the only one who was very talented, so he ordered the counselor to fly.

Ai is the food of the population, and every play must be called Ai Ai. Yi Xi said: "You call me Ai Ai, how many Ai should there be?"? Ai Yingsheng said, "Phoenix, phoenix, therefore, is a phoenix.". Its capital is agile, which is generally the case. These two are formidable. "Wei smiled and said," What a good thing to measure this child! "So Jiang Wei led Xia Houba to Chengdu to meet the Empress. Wei said," Sima Yi murdered Cao Shuang and came to earn Xia Houba again, so Ba surrendered. Now Sima Yi's father and son are autocratic, Cao Fang is cowardly, and Wei will be in danger. My ministers have been in Hanzhong for a long time, and they are well equipped; I am willing to lead the king's division, that is, to take the tyrant as the guide officer, overcome the Central Plains, and revitalize the Han Dynasty: to repay your majesty's kindness, and to end the prime minister's ambition. " The minister ordered Fei Yi to admonish, "Jiang Wan and Dong Yun died one after another in the near future, and there was no one in charge of internal governance. It was only appropriate to stay at the appointed time, and not to move lightly." Wei said, "No, life is like a fleeting horse. It seems that we should postpone the passage of time. When will we recover the Central Plains?" Yi also said, "Sun Tzu Yun: Know the enemy, know our friends, and win every battle. None of us is as far away as the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister cannot recover the Central Plains, let alone us?" Wei said, "I have lived in Longshang for a long time, and I know the heart of Qiang people well. If I get help from Qiang people today, though I cannot overcome the Central Plains, I can break it from Longshan to the west." Later, the Lord said, "Since you want to fight against Wei, you can be loyal and try your best, and don't lose your courage to defeat my fate." So Jiang Wei led the imperial edict to resign the court, and went to Hanzhong with Xia Hou to plan to start the war. Wei said, "You can send an envoy to the Qiang people to pass the alliance, and then go out of Xiping and close to Yongzhou. First, build two cities under the Qushan Mountain, and let the soldiers guard them. We will send all our food and grass to the mouth of Chuankou. We will march in the second place according to the old system of the prime minister."

In the autumn and August of the same year, we first sent Shu generals, Ju An and Li Xin, together with 15000 soldiers, to build two cities in front of Qushan: Ju An guarded the east city, and Li Xin guarded the west city. There have been detailed reports and Guo Huai, the governor of Yongzhou. While declaring Luoyang, Huai sent his deputy general Chen Tai to draw 50000 troops to fight with Shu soldiers. Ju An and Li Xin lead an army to meet each other; Unable to resist the enemy due to the shortage of troops, they retreated into the city. The Thai ordered troops to encircle and attack on all sides, and cut off the grain road in Hanzhong with troops. Qu'an and Li Xincheng are short of COFCO. Guo Huai has also arrived since he led troops. Seeing the terrain, he is delighted; Returning to the stronghold, he planned with Chen Tai and said, "This city is high in mountains, so there must be less water. You must go out of the city to get water. If you cut off the upper stream, all the soldiers in Shu will die of thirst." So he ordered the soldiers to dig the earth weir and cut off the upper stream. There is no water in the city. Li Xin led troops out of the city to fetch water, but Yongzhou soldiers were under siege. Xin had to retreat into the city. There was no water in the city of Ju'an, but Li Xin met him, led the soldiers out of the city, and stayed in one place; After a long war, he was defeated in the city again. The sergeant was thirsty. An and Xin said, "The army of Governor Jiang hasn't arrived yet, and I don't know why." Xin said, "I should kill for help." So he quoted ten cavalries, opened the city gate, and killed the general. Yongzhou soldiers encircled in all directions, and Xin fought hard to get rid of the conflict; I was left alone, seriously injured, and I was not in the chaos. It was the night when the north wind was blowing, clouds were gathering, and heavy snow fell. Therefore, the Shu soldiers in the city distributed grain to melt snow and eat.

But Li Xin ran out of the tight encirclement and walked along the Xishan Path for two days, meeting Jiang Wei's men. Xin dismounted and bowed to the ground and said, "The two cities of Qushan were besieged by Wei soldiers, and the waterway was cut off. Fortunately, it snowed heavily, so it melted away. It was very urgent." Wei said, "I am not late; I missed the time to gather Qiang soldiers." So he sent Li Xin to Sichuan to recuperate. Wei asked Xiahou Ba: "Before the Qiang soldiers arrived, the Wei soldiers besieged Qushan very quickly. What's the general's opinion?" Ba said: "If the Qiang soldiers arrive, the two cities of Qushan will be trapped. I expect Yongzhou soldiers will come to Qushan to attack, and the city of Yongzhou will be empty. The general can lead troops to Niutou Mountain and copy it behind Yongzhou: Guo Huai and Chen Tai will return to rescue Yongzhou, and the siege of Qushan will be solved." Wei Daxi said, "This is the best plan!" So Jiang Wei led his troops to look at the Niutou Mountain.

But Chen Tai said that when he saw Li Xin going out of the city, it was Guo Huai who said, "If Li Xin tells Jiang Wei that he is in a hurry, Jiang Wei expects that all our soldiers are in Qushan Mountain and will attack me by copying Niutou Mountain. The general can lead an army to take Tao water and cut off the food path for Shu soldiers. I divide half of our troops and go straight to Niutou Mountain to attack him. If he knows that the food path is gone, he must go away." Guo Huai followed him and led an army to take Tao water secretly. Chen Tai leads an army to Niutou Mountain.

But Jiang Weibing went to Niutou Mountain. Suddenly, the former army shouted, saying that Wei Bing stopped the way. Wei hurries to look ahead from the army. Chen Tai shouted, "You are going to attack our Yongzhou! I have been waiting for a long time!" Wei was furious. He raised his gun and steered his horse straight to Chen Tai. Tai waved his knife to greet him. If the war doesn't meet, Tai loses, and Wei waves his troops to hide. Yongzhou soldiers returned and occupied the mountain. Wei retreats from the stronghold at Niutou Mountain. Every day, Wei leads the army to battle in a tie. Xia Houba said to Jiang Wei, "This is not a place to stop for a long time. It's a trick to lure soldiers after several days of war, and there must be a different plan. It's better to retreat for a while, and then make a good plan." In the right words, Guo Huai suddenly led an army to take Taoshui and cut off the grain road. Wei was shocked and ordered Xiahou Ba to retreat first. Wei stopped himself. Chen Tai came by five routes. Weidu rejected the five main entrances and defeated Wei Bing. Taylor soldiers went up the mountain, and the arrows were like rain. When Wei Ji retreated to Tao Shui, Guo Huai led troops to kill him. Uyghur soldiers come and go in conflict. Wei Bing blocked his way, as dense as an iron bucket. Wei Fen killed himself, broke most of the soldiers and rushed to Shangyangping Pass. Another army came to the front; As the head of a general, he rode out with a broadsword. The man had a round face and big ears, a square mouth and thick lips, a black tumor under the left eye, and dozens of black hairs on the tumor. It was Sima Yi's eldest son, the general of cavalry, Sima Shi. Wei was furious and said, "How dare you stop me from going home!" He slapped his horse and drew out his gun and came straight to stab the teacher. The division greeted each other with a knife. Only three men defeated Sima Shifu, and Wei escaped to Yangping Pass. People in the city opened the door and put Jiang Wei in.

The Sima Shi also came to seize the pass. The crossbows on both sides were thrown together, and one crossbow sent ten arrows. This was the method of the crossbow that Lord Wu left when he was dying. Exactly: It's hard to support the defeat of the three armies this day, but it only depends on the ten arrow pass of that year. I don't know about the life of Sima Shifu. Let's see the breakdown below.