Chapter 128 The Marquis of Wuxiang used four tricks to plot against the Southern Barbarian King, who was captured five times (2)

Throw the bamboo leisurely. How can we go on the Long March? " Kongming led the army, and when he was on his way, a horse suddenly flew to report: "Meng Huo retreated to the bald dragon cave and did not get out. He cut off the main road at the mouth of the cave, and there were soldiers inside. The mountains were evil and steep, and he could not move forward." Kongming asked Lv Kai. Kai said: "I heard that there was a road in this cave, but I don't know the details." Jiang Wan said: "Meng Huo has been captured four times, but now he has lost heart, so he dare to go out again? Now the weather is hot and the army and horses are tired, so it is useless to levy; It's better to return to China. " Kongming said, "If so, we will hit Meng Huo's plan. Once our army retreats, he will follow it. Now that we are here, there is a reason to return!" So Wang Ping led hundreds of troops to the front; But he taught the new barbarians to lead the way and find the northwest path. When I came to a spring, people and horses were thirsty. They were fighting to drink this water. Wang Ping explored this way and reported back to Kongming. When it comes to Da Zhai, I can't speak, but only point to the mouth. Kongming was shocked. Knowing that it was poisoning, he drove his own car. When ten people came to see it, he saw a pool of clear water. It was too deep to see the bottom. The water was so awe inspiring that the army dared not try. Kongming got off the bus and climbed up to look at the Sibi Peak Ridge. The birds didn't smell it, so he was suspicious. Suddenly, I saw an ancient temple on the far hill. Kongming climbed the vine and came to a stone house, where he saw a general sitting up with a stone tablet beside it. It was the temple of Ma Yuan, the general of Fubo in Han Dynasty. The natives set up a temple to worship him because of his barbarism. Kongming bowed again and said, "Liang was trusted by the former emperor to be an orphan. Now he has inherited the imperial edict to pacify the barbarians. He wants to pacify the barbarians, and then attack Wei and swallow Wu, so as to secure the Han Dynasty. Today's soldiers do not know the geography, drink poison water by mistake, and cannot speak out. Wanwang respects God, recites the gratitude of the dynasty, shows his saintliness and protects the three armies!" After praying, they went out of the temple to ask the natives. I saw an old man coming from the opposite mountain with a stick, which was very different. Kongming invited the old man to enter the temple. After the ceremony, he sat facing each other on the stone. Kongming asked, "Is the father Gao's surname. In addition to this spring, there are three springs: there is a spring in the southeast, whose water is extremely cold. If people drink it, they will have no heat in their throat, and their bodies will die of weakness. It is called Rouquan; There is a spring in the south. If you splash it on your body, you will die with black hands and feet. It is called Black Spring; There is a spring in the southwest, which boils like hot soup. People can bathe in it, and their skin and flesh will fall off and die. It is called Miquan. There are four fountains in our place. Poison gas is gathered, and there is no medicine to cure it. There is also a lot of smoke. Only in the three hours of Wei, Shen and You can come and go; The rest of them are full of miasma, and they will die if they touch them. " Kongming said, "If so, the barbarians will not be pacified. The barbarians will not be pacified. They will be able to annex Wu and Wei, and then revitalize the Han Dynasty. It will be worse to live than to die because of the heavy burden of supporting the ancestors." The old man said, "Don't worry about the prime minister. I can give you some guidance to solve this problem." Kongming said, "What advice do you have? I hope you can give me some advice." The old man said: "Go to the west, there is a valley, 20 miles into the field, there is a stream called Wan'an Stream. There is a high scholar named Wan'an Recluse, who has not been out of the stream for more than ten years. There is a spring behind his grass temple, called Anle Spring. If a person is poisoned, he can drink the water and recover. Some people get scabies or feel miasma, and bathe in Wan'an Stream. Naturally, they have nothing to do, and there is a first-class grass in front of the temple, called Xieye Ruxiang. If a person's mouth contains a leaf, the miasma will not be infected. The prime minister can ask for it quickly. "

Kongming thanked him and asked, "The man who inherited his father's virtue of living is unforgettable. Would you like to hear the name of Gao?" The old man went into the temple and said, "I am a mountain god, and I came to guide you by the order of General Fubo." After that, he drank and entered the temple on the stone wall. Kongming was surprised. He worshipped the temple god again, got on the bus on the old road, and returned to Dazhai. The next day, Kongming prepared incense and gifts, and led Wang Ping and the dumb army to look at the place where the mountain god said to go overnight, and meandered in. The path into the valley is about 20 miles, but there are pines and cypresses, bamboo and flowers around the village; Among the fences, there are several huts, which smell sweet. Kongming was overjoyed. When he arrived at the village to hold the house, a child came out. Kong Mingfang wanted to know his name. There was already a man with a bamboo hat and straw sandals, a white robe and a sash, blue eyes and yellow hair. He said with a smile, "Is it the Prime Minister of Han who is coming?" Kong Ming said with a smile, "How can a high scholar know it?" The hermit said, "I have heard for a long time that the Prime Minister's great banner is marching south, but I don't know how safe he is!" So he invited Kong Ming into the Thatched Cottage.

At the end of the ceremony, sit down by guest and host. Kongming said, "Liang was entrusted by Emperor Zhaolie as an orphan. Now he has inherited the imperial edict and led the army here to subdue the barbarians and turn them into kings. Unexpectedly, Meng Huo sneaked into the cave, and the soldiers mistakenly drank the water from the mute spring. At night, General Fubo showed up and said that high scholars had medicinal springs, which could be cured. I hope to beg Jinnian and give holy water to save the remaining soldiers." The hermit said, "Measure the waste people in the mountains, and why bother the Prime Minister. This spring is right behind the nunnery. " Teach to fetch and drink. So the boy led Wang Ping and his army to the brook to drink water; Immediately spit out saliva, then you can speak. The boy led the troops to bathe in Wan'an Stream.

The hermit enters the cypress tea and pine flower in the temple to wait for Kongming. The hermit said, "There are many poisonous snakes and scorpions in the Man Cave. The willow flower floats into the stream spring, and water is not allowed to drink. But digging the ground into the spring, we can only draw water to drink." Kong Ming asked for Xie Ye Ruxiang, and the hermit made all the troops to adopt: "Each population contains one leaf, and the natural miasma will not invade." Kong Ming worshipped the hermit's surname, and the hermit laughed, "I am Meng Jie, Meng Huo's brother." Kong Ming was shocked. The hermit said, "The prime minister stopped doubting and let out a word: three people were born to one parent: the first was my husband, Meng Jie, the second was Meng Huo, and the second was Meng You. Both parents were dead. The second younger brother was strong and evil, and he did not return to the king. A man who repeatedly refused to obey his advice changed his name and lived in seclusion here. Today, he humiliated his younger brother and rebelled, but also forced the prime minister to go deep into the barren land. Such a life and suffering, Meng Jie should die forever, so he pleaded guilty before the prime minister." Kongming sighed: "It is also true that Fang believed in stealing plantars and offering favours." So he said to Meng Jie: "I declare the Son of Heaven and make a public king." The festival said: "It is not easy to covet wealth and honour to escape here because of disreputable fame!" Kongming is a gift of gold and silk.

Meng Jie refused to accept his tough words. Kongming sighed and said goodbye. Later generations had a poem that said, "The high officials lived alone in seclusion and closed the gate. The Lord Wu once broke through the barbarians here. The ancient trees have no people, and the cold smoke still locks the old mountains."

Kongming returned to the stronghold and ordered the soldiers to dig for water. Digging down more than 20 zhang, there was no drop of water; This is true of more than ten excavations. The army is alarmed. Kongming burned incense in the middle of the night and told the sky, "I am not good enough. I admire the great man, and I am ordered to be gentle. There is no water on the way today, and the army and horses are thirsty. If the great man continues to live in the sky, I will give him a sweet spring! If the luck is over, I am willing to die here!" It is a good night wish, and if you look at it, you will get a full well of sweet spring. Later generations had a poem that said, "For the sake of national peace and barbarism, we control the soldiers, and keep the right way in mind. Geng Gong worships the spring of the well, and Zhuge piously lives in the water at night." Kongming's troops and horses got the spring of the water, so they safely entered the village in front of Tulong Cave by the path. The barbarian soldiers came to Meng Huo and told him, "The Shu soldiers are free from malaria and thirst. None of the springs should be affected." King Dorse believed him when he heard about it. He came to the mountain with Meng Huo to look at it. The Shu soldiers were safe, carrying water slurry and cooking horses. Dosi saw it, and felt alarmed. Looking back at Meng Huo, he said, "This is a marvelous army!".

Just as he was about to set out, he suddenly reported that Yang Feng, the master of the 21 holes of Yinye Cave in the west of the cave, drew 30000 troops to assist him in the battle. Meng Huo was overjoyed and said, "If my neighbors help me, I will win!" He went out of the cave to meet King Dorth. Yang Feng led the soldiers in and said, "I have 30000 elite soldiers, all clad in iron armour, who can fly over mountains and mountains, which is enough to defeat millions of soldiers in Shu; I have five sons, all of whom have sufficient martial arts skills. I am willing to help the king." Feng ordered the five sons to worship, all of whom are pugnacious and tiger shaped, and have great prestige. Meng was overjoyed, so he set up a table to treat Yang Feng and his son. When the wine was half drunk, Feng said, "There is little joy in the army. I have a barbarian aunt with the army. She is good at wielding sabre cards to help me laugh.". In a moment, dozens of barbarians, all with hair and bare feet, danced in from outside the tent, and the barbarians clapped their hands and sang with them. Yang Feng orders the second son to hold the cup. The second son raised his glass to reach Meng Huo and Meng Youqian. The two men took their cups, and Fang wanted to drink. Feng shouted, and the second son held Meng Huo and Meng You down early. However, King Dorth was about to leave and was captured by Yang Feng. Aunt Man cuts across the account, who dares to approach. Huo Yue said: "The dead rabbit grieves the fox, and things hurt the others. You and I are the masters of all caves. In the past, there was no injustice. Why did you harm me?" Feng said: "My brother's disciples and nephews all feel the kindness of Prime Minister Zhuge's life, and can't repay it. Now you rebel, why not capture and offer!"

So the barbarians in each cave went back to their hometown. Yang Feng sent Meng Huo, Meng You, Dosi and others to Kongming Stronghold. When Kongming ordered him to enter, Yang Feng and others bowed to the tent and said, "Some of our nephews felt the kindness of the Prime Minister, so they captured Meng Huo and Meng You and presented them." Kongming rewarded them and ordered Meng Huo to be expelled. Kongming said with a smile, "Are you convinced today?" Huo said, "It's not your ability, but the people in my cave. They kill each other, so it's so. If you want to kill, you will kill, but you won't obey!" Kongming said, "You earn me to go to a waterless place, and with the poison of Duquan, Miquan, Heiquan and Rouquan, our army is safe. Isn't it God's will? Why are you so obsessed?" Huo also said, "My ancestors live in the Yinkeng Mountain, where there are three rivers in danger, and the key is to secure the pass. If you take them, I will serve them as children and grandchildren." Kongming said, "I will let you go again, reorganize your troops, and fight with me. If you take them at that time, you will not accept them, and you will destroy nine ethnic groups." Chi left and right to remove their shackles, and set Meng Huo free. Get a second bow and go. Kongming also released Meng You and King Dorth from their shackles and gave them food and wine to calm their nerves. They were afraid and dared not face up to it. Kong Ming orders the pommel horse to return. Exactly: It is not easy to face dangerous places, and it is not accidental to show more ingenuity! I don't know whether Meng Huo will come back with his whole army. See the following breakdown.