Chapter 57 Change of Pasture

[The first thing is to ask for all kinds of support! Those who haven't collected it will collect it!]

It is April 26 and it is determined to return home on May Day. For many things, Subei has to speed up, such as getting a Korean driver's license.

It is much easier to get a driver's license in South Korea than in China. In the morning, Subei accepted two hours of on-site skills learning and immediately took an on-site skills exam, including starting, shifting, turning on and off the turn light, switching on and off the low beam and high beam lights, switching on and off the wiper, driving straight 50 meters, emergency parking, parking and other basic car operating skills. Relying on strong learning ability and physical coordination, Subei successfully passed the exam after only two hours of study.

After passing the on-site skill test, Subei went straight to the road to study for 6 hours in the afternoon, and then took the road test in the morning of April 27. There are 4 routes in total during the road test, and one is randomly selected for the test. The total distance is about 6 kilometers. Subei naturally passed the test successfully and got the driver's license directly.

The July, July, and August holidays are over. It only took three days from signing up to getting the driver's license, which shows high efficiency. In addition to the convenience of the driving test system in South Korea, it is also because of the strong learning ability of Subei.

After getting the driver's license, Li Yizhen's work handover was almost completed. Su Bei took her to drive to Incheon.

Like all those who just got their driver's licenses, Subei is also excited to stay on the bus 24 hours a day.

"Boss, did you really learn to drive recently? How do I feel that you are like an old driver who has been driving for more than ten years?" I could not help asking about the gentle body, the buildings that are rapidly retreating outside the window, and the handsome driving posture of Subei.

"Hehe, because I'm a genius," said Su Bei with a smile. He and Li Yizhen are also familiar, and can joke occasionally.

When the BMW x6 gets off the ferry, Li Yizhen gets off the dock, drives directly to the pasture in Subei, and arrives at the entrance, he suddenly finds the change of the pasture.

In addition to the three rows of fruit trees planted outside the pasture mentioned by Subei, a row of barbed wire fence has been erected outside. The fence is much higher than Subei's, at least two meters high. In addition, a large iron gate has been built at the entrance. There is a wooden signboard beside the gate, which reads "Zishan Pasture" in Chinese and Korean.

When Su Bei mentioned planting fruit trees outside the ranch, it actually included the idea of closing the ranch, because his cattle were destined to be worth a lot of money. Unexpectedly, Su Huai understood this idea more thoroughly, and directly built a high wire fence to enclose the ranch.

"It's not bad. The barbed wire can prevent outsiders from entering the ranch at will. In addition, the fruit trees block the view, so the ranch is more hidden, so it can show that it is your own private territory."

Capitalist countries are good at this. They highly protect people's legal private property. As long as you are in your own territory, you can do whatever you want. That's why we say that capitalist countries are a paradise for the rich.

At this time, the iron gate was open, and Subei drove directly in. Once entering the pasture, Su Bie felt that the spirit in the pasture was much stronger than that outside. Especially in the space half a meter away from the ground, the aura is at least four to five times that of the outside world. It is obvious that Su Huai has not completely released the aura array.

Along the way, Subei found many young cattle grazing leisurely. Obviously, Su Huai was dissatisfied with his actions and had already purchased a lot of beef seedlings.

After a while, Subei drove to the residential area. Hearing the news, Su Huai, who was leading people to renovate the villa and the workers' building, came out. When he saw Subei, he immediately came forward to greet him: "Master." There were people around hesitating. Su Huai did not kneel down, but bowed to salute.

Although Su Huai's voice was very quiet, the decorators who renovated the house around him and the new ranch workers did not understand Su Huai's respectful appearance. This young man must be the owner of the ranch, Su Huai's "master".

Su Huai looked around, and now that the previously deserted place has become a busy construction site, he couldn't help nodding: "Well, yes, tell me about the ranch."

"Yes, sir." Su Huai hurriedly introduced, "Sir, these days when you went to Seoul, I have recruited eight workers, six of whom were old workers before, and two of whom were new. They are all residents of the island. According to your opinion, three rows of fruit trees are planted at the outermost edge of the ranch, arranged in a way that blocks the line of sight. In addition, I have added a barbed wire fence outside the fruit trees. Now the whole ranch has become your private territory. If you want to enter, there are only three gates, one is the gate you just returned from, and the other two are one on this side, And the one you said you would build a new villa and the one reserved at the side of the small dock. "

Su Huai pointed to the direction of the beach not far away. In the place where the beach is not yet there but the grass, Subei saw the barbed wire and an iron gate.

Su Bei smiled and praised, "Well, you have done a good job. Go on."

Su Huai was overjoyed when he saw that Subei was riding early, and then said, "In addition, after the workers cleaned up the cowshed in the past, I bought two thousand Korean cattle seedlings and started trial breeding according to the guidance of the old worker Jin'an Road."

"How many cattle can we raise in the pasture?" Subei suddenly interrupted.

"According to the improved pasture of our ranch, it is no problem to raise 60 cattle on one acre of grassland. There are 5000 acres of grassland in the ranch, so we can raise 300000 cattle at most. However, considering the market is not open yet, I think we should raise fewer cattle first." Su Huai, like a high-quality business management talent, talks freely, and can't see it at all, In fact, it is a locust tree demon inside.

Su Bei nodded and said, "Well, you are right. Next, we should increase the number from 2000 to 5000, and then we will build our own cattle breeding base. After all, the quality of cattle eating pastures will be improved, so we should make good use of it."

"Yes, sir." Su Huai nodded and agreed, and then said, "In addition, after the villas and workers' buildings here are improved, we will start to rebuild the pony farm and build new villas..."

Su Huai talked about the changes of the ranch in detail with Subei, and then talked about the next work arrangement in an orderly manner, apparently adapted to the work of ranch management.

"Well, do as you said just now. I will return to China once in the next two days. You can see this. Now call the eight workers from Jin'an Road and I will meet them."

Next, Subei met with the eight workers recruited by the ranch, said a few words, and mentioned that if the work was good, the salary would be improved in the future. The words of Subei excited all the eight workers and said they would work hard.

No wonder the workers are excited. Subei has already offered them higher salaries than the former ranch owners. If we put it further, we will soon catch up with those white-collar workers in Incheon and Seoul! How can they not be excited and expectant?