Chapter 26 Advance Together

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That night, Subei asked Su Huai to clear all the black fish in Zishan Lake, and all of them went to the Yinhe River. Then three layers of fine wire mesh were installed at the junction of the Yinhe River and the underpass.

In such a period, it is a big problem for ordinary people, but it is a trivial matter to have Yuanying cultivate himself as a locust tree demon. Northern Jiangsu allowed him to use magic, and he finished the task beautifully in one night.

On September 11, all the circuits from Zijin Town to Zishan Village were updated, all the wooden wire poles were replaced with cement poles, and the wires and transformers were also replaced with better quality ones. Zishan Village finally stepped out of the era of power failure whenever it was necessary.

On the 20th of the 9th, the optical fiber entered Zishan Village and the network was connected, marking that Zishan Village has entered the information age since then. At the same time, according to the requirements of Northern Jiangsu, in order to make it more convenient to relocate the residents of Zishan Village in the future, the people of the telecommunications bureau set the base station at Xishan Ao, which is the entrance to the village. In this way, if the housing distribution of Zishan Village is re planned in the future, some trouble can be saved.

Now, the houses among the clansmen are distributed in disorder, and they are all dilapidated earth brick houses. In the park style village plan in northern Jiangsu, the new house construction plan of the clansmen will be launched within two years.

On October 1, a mobile signal tower was set up in Xishan'ao, and mobile phone signals were available within a radius of dozens of miles.


Less than two months after returning to their hometown in northern Jiangsu, Zishan Village has undergone considerable changes.

First of all, the village has mobile phone signals and optical fiber networks. Secondly, the village's power system has been greatly improved, which ensures that no problem will easily occur in the future whether in life or agricultural production.

The Zishan Lake Fishery and Breeding Company led by the Soviet army has also initially set up a team. According to the instructions of Subei, the Soviet army recruited several helpers in the clan to help him manage the fishery company together as a regular employee of the company. When busy, they recruited temporary workers in the villagers. The company operates normally, and both long-term employees and temporary workers receive salaries according to regulations.

For the daily affairs of the fishery and aquaculture company, Subei never gives directions. He only gives a plan, and then points out that the company's financial affairs should be clear, and the lobby brother, the Soviet Army, should be fully responsible for the details.

Originally, Subei wanted to find a high-level manager to assist the big brother, the Soviet army, but where can we find high-level talents in this remote area? So I had no choice but to ask Su Huai to help me from time to time.

Although Su Huai has no formal education, he is not an ordinary person. He has strong self-learning ability. Since the Internet was available, he has further learned human social knowledge on the Internet. Now his grasp of human social knowledge has reached an amazing level. According to the meaning of Northern Jiangsu, Su Huai is called the auxiliary Soviet army, which is really like the Soviet army instilling some modern management, ecological breeding, and high-end ingredients.

Now the fishery company has purchased several batches of fry, and the development of the whole company has gradually entered the right track. Because it is purely ecological breeding, the daily work is simple. After the fry are put into Zishan Lake, as long as the growth of the fry is fed, observed and recorded, the Soviet army mainly focuses on the transformation of Zishan Lake in other times.

According to the requirements of Subei, the fishery company is not only responsible for ecological fish farming, but also responsible for the transformation of Zishan Lake to make it more beautiful.

With the investment of fish fry, there are many lotus roots planted at the same time

For some time, Subei was not idle. The Soviet army was responsible for fish farming, and Su Huai was there to help. He didn't need to worry about it, but he had other things to do.

In his plan, in addition to fish farming, there are three projects: vegetable planting, fruit tree planting, and forest animal husbandry.

Due to concerns about the feelings of other ethnic groups, it is not appropriate to start with the idea of farming in the village, so the vegetable planting period in northern Jiangsu is the last, but the fruit tree planting and forest animal husbandry projects can be started.

After counting the mountain forest resources of Zishan Village, Subei intends to make these two projects go hand in hand and start to implement them together.

It took more than 2 million yuan to establish a fishery breeding company in northern Jiangsu, and there are still four million yuan left in the six million yuan fund announced by the clan. Northern Jiangsu divided all four million yuan into two parts, one for two, each of which is two million yuan, and implemented two projects - "Zishan Orchard" and "Zishan Animal Husbandry".

Like the Zishan Lake Fishery Breeding Company, the village shares with the right to use land resources, and other ethnic groups can also freely participate in the shares. Finally, the equity ratio of "Zishan Orchard" and "Zishan Animal Husbandry" is the same as that of Zishan Fishery. Subei accounts for 60% of the shares, Zishan Village 30%, and other villagers 10%. For this reason, Subei took out some money from the fund that he had never said before.

When Subei sold gold, he got more than 11 million yuan, not more than 6 million yuan he disclosed to the outside world.

The fourth uncle Su Dongshu of North Jiangsu is responsible for Zishan Orchard, and the fifth uncle Su Dongzhu is responsible for Zishan Animal Husbandry. Like the lobby brother who is responsible for Zishan Fisheries, the Soviet army gave 1% of the equity dividend as an incentive measure for the two.

Su Dongshu, the fourth uncle, and Su Dongzhu, the fifth uncle, are both good farmers. At the same time, Su Dongzhu, the fifth uncle, is one of the few remaining hunters in Zishan Village. In the past, Su Bei went hunting with him in the mountains, so Su Bei specially asked Su Dongzhu to take charge of forest animal husbandry.

After the establishment of the two projects, Subei immediately transferred the funds and took several cousins of Su Ming and some young people in the village to actively assist the fourth and fifth uncles.

These two projects have much more to do than the Zishan fishery. For example, the Zishan orchard needs land preparation, seedling purchase, and large-scale planting technology. But forest animal husbandry is more troublesome. First, we need to enclose forests. We need to purchase wire fences to enclose the mountain forests for breeding. Then we clean the mountain forest, select breeding cattle, select cattle seedlings, and so on. There are many trivial things, and each item is not easy to complete.

While staying with four uncles and five uncles, they were busy with the implementation of two projects, while northern Jiangsu instilled the concept of high-end food materials and ecological breeding.

For these two projects, Subei also intends to start with "water".

At that time, he will secretly add some supernatural liquid to the water that cattle drink, and irrigate the fruit seedlings with the water that contains the supernatural liquid. Subei believes that with the supernatural liquid, the carp raised in Zishan Village, the beef cattle raised, and the grapes planted in Xueju will become the most high-end food in the market!

In order to avoid too good ingredients, Subei dare not use too much spirit liquid!

With the implementation of orchard and forest animal husbandry projects, northern Jiangsu is also busy.

It was not until the end of October that the six million yuan invested in three projects was almost spent. All things were gradually on the right track, and Subei was gradually relieved from its busy state.

The village is also full of comments on the "black sheep" behavior of Northern Jiangsu, which spent more than six million yuan in two months.