Chapter 124 Gift

(Thanks for the reward from Daytime Dreamer)

While waiting at the dock, Su Bei took his mobile phone and browsed the domestic news while chatting with Sister Beibei and Little Crystal through short messages. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he finally received the news that they had successfully boarded the ferry.

At half past two, a slightly old ship came from a distance and soon docked. Several people got off the ship, two of whom were very prominent girls, Sister Beibei and Crystal.

Since the last time we hosted a dinner on the ranch for all the residents of the island, Subei is now on the Bei'an Island, which is the most popular young man. Everyone likes this gentle, rich young man very much. The dock has always been the busiest place on the island. When Subei sat at the dock and waited, many people came forward to say hello. At this time, when she saw Li Beibei who had been to the island before, two middle-aged gossiping aunts came over, talked with them with smiles, and directly asked Subei when to get married.

After getting rid of the gossiping aunts, I got on the bus and drove into the pasture. Li Beibei, who was sitting in the co driver's seat, winked at Subei and said jokingly, "Xiaobei, it seems that everyone wants us to get married earlier. Before coming here today, my aunt called me and asked me to take you to see my parents earlier! How about that? Are you ready to meet the future father-in-law?"

In order to take care of Xiaojing who doesn't understand Chinese, Li Beibei speaks Korean.

In Asia, meeting the future father-in-law can be said to make all young people to be married nervous.

Sitting in the back row, Crystal covered her mouth and sniggered: "Ouba, I didn't expect you to be so timid and dare not see your father-in-law, giggle."

Su Bei rolled his eyes and angrily said to Little Crystal, "Well, how can I be afraid? You Beibeioni mean the problem of time arrangement." After saying that, he said to Li Beibei next to him, "Before the Spring Festival this year, go to your home first, and then go to my home, and then you will meet your grandparents."

The little crystal in the back muttered, "Speak softly with my sister-in-law.".

Subei drove directly to the villa in the west. Because it was the first time for Xiaojing to come here, she felt everything was fresh. The beauty of the ranch was far beyond her imagination. She never thought that there was such a beautiful ranch in the world.

"Wow, what a beautiful villa. Ouba, your villa is so beautiful. Only such a beautiful villa can match such a beautiful environment." Seeing the little crystal who has been admiring the villa all the way, he couldn't help admiring again.

Su Bei smiled and said, "If you like this, you can come here often in the future."

After entering the villa, Sister Beibei took Little Crystal to visit and select rooms. Su Bei called Su Gui to bring the lunch he had already prepared.

After that, Subei went back to find Sister Beibei and Little Crystal. Sister Beibei still lived in the previous guest bedroom on the first floor, while Little Crystal chose another guest bedroom next to Sister Beibei. There are a total of three bedrooms on the first floor, and one has been dressed as the bedroom of the parents in northern Jiangsu.

Subei helped the two men put their luggage away, and then said, "Come on, go to eat Chinese food first. You must both be hungry."

But Li Beibei said, "Don't worry. We had something to eat when we boarded the boat, and now we are not too hungry. Xiao Bei, come here. I and Xiao Jing have gifts for you."

Then Li Beibei took out a delicate black rectangular cotton bag from the trunk, handed it over, smiled and said, "Congratulations on my little northern novel vip."

Subei took it over and opened it. Inside it was an ultra-thin notebook computer with the brand of Samsung, the best brand in South Korea.

Li Beibei knows that Su Bei writes for computers.

Su Bei was very moved. Only Sister Beibei, who was connected with her heart, knew what she valued. After making progress on the door she valued, she would remember to send gifts to congratulate herself.

Su Bei didn't say thank you, but went forward to hug Li Beibei. There is no need to say thank you at this time.

Li Beibei also took the initiative to gently kiss the cheek of Subei and whispered: "Well, Xiaojing has a gift for you."

Subei released Sister Beibei and turned to look at the little crystal with the gift box.

Xiaojing winked at him and said playfully, "I also heard from my sister-in-law that you are still a writer, which is really amazing. Guess what my gift is, brother?"

The gift box Xiaojing handed was not big, but it was very exquisite.

Su Bei reached out and touched Xiaojing's head. Although he probably knew what it was, he deliberately said, "Could Xiaojing give Ouba a golden pen?"

Little Crystal rolled her eyes and glared at Subei. Then she turned her head and told Li Beibei, "Sister in law, you know you are bullying me when you look at Subei Ouba."

Li Beibei said with a smile, "You like you so much that you bully you. With his personality, if you don't like people, it's tiresome to look at them more."

"Sister Beibei knows me!" Su Bei smiled proudly.

But when he was two seconds more proud, Li Beibei put out his jade hand and patted him on the shoulder, Not everyone is a local tycoon like you. Xiaojing has only worked for a few years. In South Korea, despite the beautiful appearance of the artists, they didn't make much money at first. Most of the income should be paid to the company first. Xiaojing bought you a pen, which has been her pocket money for several months

Subei opened the gift box and found a pen of unknown brand inside. Subei did not study the pen, but it looked very exquisite and high-end. Obviously, it was expensive.

Su Bei stopped his hip-hop expression and said formally to Little Crystal, "Thank you for my little Crystal's gift to my brother. I like it very much."

Su Bei said formally and seriously, but Xiaojing started to laugh. He took out a brand new notebook from his bag and pretended to say to Su Bei, "Su Writer, can you sign your fans?"

Subei was stunned, then quickly responded, took the notebook seriously, nodded proudly, opened the shell, and signed his Chinese name on the title page of the notebook.

The characters in northern Jiangsu are beautiful, and the running script is unrestrained.

"Take it. This is the first signature of this writer. You can collect it well and sell it later."

After laughing for a while, Subei received two gifts and came to the restaurant with Sister Beibei and Crystal in a happy mood. Sugui had already brought the food to the table.

"Wow, it's so rich. There's so much meat!"

When Crystal looked at the food on the table, her eyes flashed.

Su Bei specially asked Su Guiduo to prepare some beef, both Chinese and Korean beef. After seeing this, the little guy almost didn't drool. Especially when he asked about the smell of meat in the restaurant, his drool went straight to his throat.