Chapter 50 En Wei and Exert Power

No matter what Concubine Shu thought, she still went to Yilan Hall to deliver a message for Huangfu Feilan after leaving Ganquan Palace. She always respected the queen. Although the last time she wanted to assassinate the prince was over, she did not know whether Huangfu Feilan knew it or not, and Huangfu Feilan's children did not survive, nor did she know whether Huangfu Feilan would suspect her. In a word, on the surface, she can't offend the empress. She can't do it easily until the emperor's attitude towards the empress is clear. After all, Huangfu Feilan's power cannot be underestimated. Once upon a time, with the promotion of Huangfu Feilan, she was able to take the position of lady. It can be seen that

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