Chapter 129 Jealousy

Concubine Xu Shu punishes Shen Rouru, but Huangfu Feilan wants to pardon Shen Rouru. No matter how dissatisfied Concubine Xu is, she will go to Ganquan Palace to say it doesn't matter. This is the advantage of being a queen. The harem is the largest.

Concubine Xu Shu and Concubine Xian came to Ganquan Palace to say hello to Huangfu Feilan. They came to say hello to Huangfu Feilan just as they usually do. Huangfu Feilan motioned to Mrs. Ran to bring out Shen Rouru's picture of a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix. They were surprised and then regained their composure. Praise Shen Rouru for her excellent needlework. Shen Rouru also came later. She first saluted Huangfu Feilan, and then saluted Concubine Xu Shufei and Concubine Xian.


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