Chapter 41 Hong Qigong: What, Guo Jing, do you understand again? (Seeking to read)

End of enlightenment!

Guo Jing was still a little confused, "Why are everyone looking at me?"

Do I have flowers on my face?

"Jing'er, you have realized the Tao."

Qiu Chuji warned.

As Guo Jingming's teacher, he naturally wants to remind him.

Guo Jing: "..."

So fast?


Why don't I know?

I didn't feel it at all.


It seems quite normal.

Qiu Chuji was concerned and said, "Jing'er, what do you think?"

"Just so so."

Guo Jing answered seriously.

Qiu Chuji: "..."

Is this like what normal people say?

Qiu Chuji would like to slap him if Little Martial Uncle was not in front.

Your boy doesn't feel it!

It's like this.

It's hard to beat.

Qiu Chuji reminded: "Jing'er, everyone is watching!"

I won't beat you.

Your Martial Uncle, Martial Uncle and even the Sect Leader Hong want to beat you.

I can't stop it.

Maybe it won't stop.

Guo Jing: "..."

"Why are everyone looking at me like this?"

He looks like he wants to eat people.

Guo Jing was so frightened that he asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

The rest were speechless.

Guo Jing looks honest and honest.

In fact, I don't need to fight.

Or is it just floating after realizing the Tao?

"Well, Guo Jinggang has realized that he doesn't understand the mystery, so he can deal with it. Tell him when you go down."

Guo Jing is a newcomer.

No systematic study.

I don't understand.

What were the seven monsters of Jiangnan before.

His apprentice.

It's strange to understand.

Guo Jing is not long or crooked, because his family's genes are strong.

"Yes, Little Martial Uncle."

Qiu Chuji breathed a sigh of relief.

Little Martial Uncle concluded with a sentence, "I guess we won't get together and beat Jing'er."

Guo Jing just looks like.

He wanted to play.

"However, I don't know how to use the palms. I have never seen the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

How can we tell the mystery.

We need a foreign aid.

Qiu Chuji first thought of Hong Qigong.

"Anyway, he owes me a favor. I told him how to apply martial arts to the Tao."

It's just time to return it.

Li Qingtian preached and studied scriptures on his own.

Read Dan Shu.

Among them, there is the Internal Alchemy Sutra.

There are also external elixirs.

A stone from another mountain can be used to attack jade.

"Unfortunately, most of them are nonsense, which is not feasible."

Or, it doesn't work at all.

"Although I condensed the internal elixir, the internal elixir is still too small, and it needs to be continuously refined and increased. This process is called increasing Taoist deeds."

"In addition, you need to add some magic power to learn magic."

The medicinal materials collected by Quanzhen are not very old. Li Qingtian plans to pick them by himself.

For cultivation.

A few days ago.

Wang Chuyi presented a green jujube, which was planted by Li Qingtian in the place where the essence of heaven and earth is most concentrated.

"I hope this green jujube can grow supernaturally."

From time to time, Li Qingtian uses his magic to help him grow.

In the future, he will be of great use.

Quanzhen Sect is located in a side hall.

Qiu Chuji was very embarrassed. "Sect Leader Hong, please do me a favor."

Hong Qigong: "..."

I don't know why.

As soon as he saw Qiu Chuji, Hong Qigong knew it was bad.

This guy will go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything.

Although most of them are from him.

But this time.

Qiu Chuji came with Guo Jing.

"Come on, how do you want me to help you?"

There's just a favor to pay back.

No longer willing to admit a fact.

Qiu Chuji enters the Tao.

And the foundation will be built in a hundred days.

I am still far away from entering the Tao.

Qiu Chuji looked at Guo Jing and said, "Sect Leader Hong, Jinger needs you to pay attention to practicing the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms, which is his blessing."

"But after all, his contact time is still short, and his understanding of the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms is not thorough enough, so I want you to explain it to him."

The whole world can explain to Guo Jing.

In addition to Little Martial Uncle, you are the leader of Hong Gang.

If you don't explain, who will.

For the apprentice Guo Jing.

Qiu Chuji also showed his old face.

Guo Jing was moved. "Sure enough, Shifu also cares about me!"

Although Master

forget it.

Don't miss him.

Hong Qigong: "..."

Hong Qigong's first reaction was surprise.

Qiu Chuji is joking.

Guo Jing is enlightened.

There is no need to explain.

If you don't understand, can you understand?

But at the thought of Guo Jing's simple and kind-hearted mind, he may not understand the mystery.

It is good for Guo Jing to talk about it.

It is also good for yourself.

Hong Qigong agreed.


"Guo Jing, please stay."

During these days, he often asked Qiu Chuji about how to use force to enter the Tao.

But all the answers were the same.

He needs to understand first.

Hong Qigong once wanted to hit someone.

If I can understand easily, why do I ask you?

You have a calf nose.

It's very bad.

It's even more annoying than the old ox's nose.

Brother Chongyang treats people sincerely.

You are sincere, but my talent is not as good as you think.

Light speaks and understands.

You don't know how to understand it.

How can he understand?

Qiu Chuji smiled, "You are busy, you are busy. If you have anything to tell me, please let me know."

"Jing'er, you should study hard."

The 18 Dragon Subduing Palms are extensive and profound. It is remarkable to understand this way.

After Qiu Chuji left.

Hong Qigong began to explain the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms in detail.

Analyze the meaning.

Each move, each type, contains profound meaning.

Of course, most of them are Hong Qigong's own understanding.

"Seven, I understand."

In a trance.

Guo Jing seems to understand something.

He slowly closed his eyes, as if in deduction, and his internal power gradually showed the dragon shaped palm technique.

It's the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms.

One, two, three

Compared with the dragon shaped palm that I realized when I heard the Tao.

Now there are three paths.

Hong Qigong: "..."

No, you... have realized the Tao again?

What am I?

Hong Qigong could not laugh or cry. "Over the years, Lao Jiaohua has not been able to understand this skill. He has not been able to gather the dragon shaped palm technique, nor can he understand the Tao."

Otherwise, he would not be able to find a way out.

Hong Qigong had some mixed feelings in his heart.

Especially when I saw Guo Jing and realized the truth.

I still understand the Tao in front of me.

His mind is in turmoil.

The key is.

You are Guo Jingwu's 18 Dragon Subduing Palms.

I passed this on to you.

As a result, you took the first step.

However, Hong Qigong did not disturb Guo Jing.

He also wants to understand the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms.

It can just learn from Guo Jing's experience.

"Turn internal power into dragon shaped palm..."

The 18 Dragon Subduing Palms are palm techniques in essence.

Realizing the Tao, in essence, is the further development of martial arts.

It is the condensation of meaning!

"Wang Chuyi has the meaning of sword and Qiu Chuji has the meaning of fist. They all draw the essence of heaven and earth by this meaning..."

This moment.

Hong Qigong seems to have caught it.


Be intentional.

To understand the Tao is to understand the meaning.

"But what's the meaning of my 18 Dragon Subduing Palms?"

A sudden headache.

Not only the pocket is empty, but also the head is empty.

Look up.

There is a sense of vision of "pulling out the sword and looking around blankly".

Still understand?

What kind of Tao do you realize.

No comprehension at all.

Or say.

I can't think of anything new.

He also can not reach the height of the predecessors.

He couldn't do what Guo Jing did, and in a few words he realized.

"According to Qiu Chuji, Guo Jing is dull, honest, honest, honest, and doesn't look like a smart person."

Therefore, we are a kind of people.

Why don't you ask later?

Anyway, Qiu Chuji is not here.

"I and Guo Jingwu have the same palm technique, which is for the same purpose and has a reference significance."

Half an hour later.

There are four dragon shaped virtual shadows circling around Guo Jing.

He slowly opened his eyes and thanked Hong Qigong, "Thank you for explaining the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms to me."

Without Hong Qigong.

I'm afraid it will take several more years.

Hong Qigong: "..."

Hearing the words, his mouth twitched.

But he still patiently asked, "Guo Jing, what do you mean by the eighteen dragon subduing palms you've learned?"

The meaning of this.

How is it determined?


Guo Jing was stunned, "Qigong, I... just feel that the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms should be dragon shaped, and should be unparalleled in the world. They are powerful and overbearing, and the dragon is powerful in the world!"


He really didn't think about it.


Guo Jing, you are on purpose.

Nothing useful.

You are going too far!