Chapter 15 Prince Jing's son is the boiling sheep!

When he was a child, Li Chengze liked poetry and prose. His nickname was Stone. Later, he was really forced to be the Prince's "sharpening stone".

Because Li Chang'an said that Boiling Sheep is a poet, the Second Prince has been looking forward to the story of Boiling Sheep.

Seeing Chengze's sincere attitude and enchanting smile, Li Chang'an felt that he should tell him the truth.

"Little Stone, you are not like Boiling Sheep, you are more like Lazy Sheep."

Hearing Li Chang'an's answer, Li Chengze's face suddenly collapsed, "Don't I deserve to be a poet?"

Lin Wan'er comforted, "Don't lose heart, Brother Stone. No matter who he is, he is not worthy of being a poet compared with Uncle Yong Wang."

Li Chengze didn't give up, "Uncle Yongwang, can you tell me the poem of Boiling Sheep?"

Li Chang'an saw that he was so persistent, so he told the truth, "Grass, a pile of grass, can't bite the grass."

Li Chengze was stunned when he heard these verses. "If it is true, he is not worthy of being a poet."

However, the Second Prince has been looking forward to this result for a long time.

He chewed the poem of Boiling Sheep over and over, hoping to find the surprise of geese, geese and geese, "grass......"

Just as he turned back, Hu Xuzhi, the great scholar, had already had no patience.

"Second Highness, stop cursing!"

Li Chang'an and Li Chengze, famous problem teenagers, can never listen to lectures with ease.

Li Chengze is always pondering over the rhyme of poetry, and he always talks about it in his mouth.

Li Chang'an is always wandering in the sky or flirting with little girls, but he never forgets what he sees.

Seeing the Master's anger, Li Chengze stood up and apologized respectfully.

"Mr. Hu, I was wrong. I shouldn't have done it."

Hu Xu saw that he was still sensible, so he planned to give him a step down. "If you know your mistake, you can change it. It's great."

"What do you mean by dying when you hear about it?"

Li Chengze was distracted and answered casually, "I found out the way to your house in the morning, and I can find it at night to kill you!"

The second prince immediately regretted his words, which Li Chang'an usually talked to him about.

He thought it was interesting, so he thought it over and over again. Unexpectedly, he blurted it out now!

Hu Xuzhi, a senior scholar, stared at Li Chengze like a copper bell.

There was even more noise in the school, and there was a lot of talk.

Chengqian, the prince sitting in the first row, immediately stood up and said, "Second brother, how can you misinterpret the classics so much?"

Name: Chengqian Li (Prince)

Age: 10

Realm: None

Talent: performance (ninth grade), trickery (seventh grade), fashion (seventh grade)

Ability: acting (eighth grade), scheming (fifth grade)

Emotion: 20

Chengqian Li, who was taught to behave modestly since childhood, has already cultivated his performance ability to the eighth grade.

He is only ten years old, but his ability to disguise real emotions has surpassed that of his peers.

Hu Xuzhi did not believe that he had taught Li Chengze a subset of classics for three or four years, and the other party could even misinterpret it so far.

His voice trembled and said, "Now that you have come, you can settle down. What's the solution?"

Chengze Li looks at Chengqian who is a fake, and he is upset.

So he shook his hair and his mouth rose proudly, showing a look of disdain.

"Now that we have come, let's bury here."

"Bang, bang, bang!" Mr. Hu patted the table several times, obviously very angry.

"Second highness, the sage, how can he talk about beating people and burying them!"

Li Chengze held his hand and said firmly, "Because the Master is a great master!"

When Hu heard this, he immediately pointed the ruler at Li Chang'an.

"All right, all right!"

"I knew that what the Second Highness said was the wrong theory of His Highness Yongwang!"

Li Chang'an doubted that some of the classics in the world were handed down by the temple emissaries. Those high-level robots like Wu Zhu are the great masters.

Li Chang'an spoke out these heresies, which many children believed deeply.

Hu Xuzhi then said, "How many times have I said that there were almost no records of great masters before this dynasty!"

"You just don't know what you're talking about! Don't you hear it? I'm crazy!"

Li Chang'an said with a smile, "This sentence is strange and powerful, which shows that the Master is a great master!"

"The Master is a great master. He doesn't like talking. He can use his power to beat people into unconsciousness without real anger!"

In this sentence, it is a temple robot like Wuzhu.

Hu Xuzhi had no idea that the classic could be interpreted in this way!

"Your Royal Highness Yongwang, you are blaspheming the classics!"

Seeing this, the prince immediately held the Master Hu and gave him a pat on the back.

He said to Li Chang'an, "Uncle Yongwang, I should be a normal person."

"He himself said that at thirty he would stand, at forty he would not be confused, at fifty he would know the destiny of heaven, at sixty he would be obedient, and at seventy he would follow his own inclinations and not be out of line!"

Li Chang'an said, "Prince, it's better to believe in books than to have no books. This sentence is also evidence that Master is a great master!"

"Thirty people are worthy of letting the Master stand up and fight. Forty people besiege the Master, and he will not hesitate to start!"

"Even if fifty people fight together, the master can beat them and they know what is called destiny."

"The Grand Master was angry. Only sixty people came to persuade him, could he be a little relieved."

"Seventy people besieged me, and I can finally kill at will. It's not a bad rule!"

"How can such a powerful power not be a great master?"

Li Chang'an spoke very carefully, clearly and clearly.

All children's mouths are round, so the classics can be interpreted like this!

Hu Xuzhi coughed a few times, threw the ruler on the table and left angrily.

"His Royal Highness Yongwang speaks highly, but Hu is far behind!"

"I will tell your majesty that you can teach the classic subset of the study. Please ask your majesty to be wise!"

Li Chang'an, the eternal king, wrote a lot of romantic poems, and never understood the subset of classics and history!

Not only can't understand it, but it has repeatedly disturbed the teaching order and bewitched other children!

It seems that His Royal Highness Yongwang is indeed a romantic, and it is impossible to expect him to settle the country!

This is Li Chang'an's goal, which is to create the illusion that he is only good at romantic affairs.

Only in this way can we grow up safely.

The children will be happy when Mr. A leaves.

A boy as old as Li Chang'an ran excitedly to Li Chang'an with a piece of paper.

Name: Li Hongcheng (the son of King Jing)

Age: 12

Realm: None

Talent: Commander (Grade 8), Poetry (Grade 5)

Ability: poetry (five grades), calligraphy (four grades)

Emotion: 20

On Li Chang'an's right is shy Lin Wan'er, and on his left is a lovely girl named Fan Ruoruo.

Li Hongcheng put the paper in front of Fan Ruoruo, and his tone and look were full of expectation.

"If you look! This is the 'thin gold body' I learned from Uncle Yongwang, what do you think?"

Six year old Fan Ruoruo has long lost his sallow and emaciated appearance.

Now Fan Ruoruo is pretty, smart and beautiful.

She frowned at the words written by Li Hongcheng, and her small mouth pursed unconsciously.

"There is progress, but..."


Zhao Ji's Flower and Bird Painting and Thin Gold Body