Chapter 51 Produce at Most One Su Sugar

In addition, Su Tang should give priority to physical training even for the recovery of spirit energy in a year.

Only when you become stronger can you seize the opportunity in the future.

"Don't you think Xiaotang said that I have the appearance of a great emperor? It's just that I lack some luck. In this life, I am the son of luck. Isn't it easy for the great emperor to get it?"

"Wait, in this life, it seems that I have passed through rebirth. Er... Yes, my daughter's passing through is equal to my passing through!"

"If I write a novel based on my story, Xiaotang will undoubtedly be my golden finger. Ha ha..."

Thinking carelessly, Su Tang was full of energy and ambition for a while. At first, she saw that she had suffered from the second illness.

He gradually calmed down when he became ill.

At a glance at Su Xiaotang, who was sleeping deeply, Su Tang hesitated a little, took off his clothes, wore only a set of underwear, and then spread a thin blanket on the ground to formally practice.

Stand on posts and breathe.

Every time the body pricks and is about to lose its hold, the warm current in the elixir will disperse, relieving the pain while nourishing the flesh and blood.

"Hiss... cool!"

One second he bared his teeth in pain and sweated all over. The next second he was excited. He kept pulling back and forth between pain and happiness, both physically and mentally.

After such a cycle, I don't know how long it will take. When the warm current in her body is gradually exhausted, Su Tang falls to the ground again, panting like a dead dog, and sweating all over her.

Only this time, he grinned.

At the moment when he fell to the ground, the counting in his mind also stopped, and the first move of the supreme and powerful emperor's skill, which he insisted on from the previous 15 seconds to the present 43 seconds, has nearly doubled!

At this time, an indescribable sense of satisfaction grows from the bottom of my heart, aching muscles, trembling body, wet clothes and thin blanket under my body

At this moment, it's all worth it!

After a short rest, he felt the sweat was getting cold. He struggled to sit up and prepare to clean his body, but unexpectedly found that the sky outside the window had darkened.

"Hmm? How time flies?"

I picked up my phone and saw that it was already over six o'clock.

Looking at Su Xiaotang, who was still sleeping, Su Tang quickly got up, dragged her tired body to the balcony, took off her wet underwear, and simply scrubbed her body.

"Er... I seem to have forgotten to change my clothes."

After washing, Su Tang realized this problem. Fortunately, Su Xiaotang didn't wake up. He hurried back to the room with his underpants and quickly found some clothes to put on. Otherwise, his daughter would have to die of shame if she saw him like this.

"Although Xiaotang was allowed to live in the dormitory, it was still inconvenient. Not only was it a matter of washing and gargling, but she also couldn't get out of the dormitory. When I went to the toilet, I worried whether other students would break into the dormitory and find Xiaotang. It was better to rent a room outside the school like Li Yang."

"Hmm? Wait, Xiaotang..."

Su Tang suddenly realized a problem——

Xiaotang seems to have never been to the toilet.

Although the dormitory has a balcony, which can be used for simple washing, there is no bathroom, so Xiaotang

Is this also the advantage of body training?

Just thinking about it, Su Xiaotang woke up, sat up and said, "Dad, it's too bad!"

"What's the matter?" Su Tang under the bed was startled and asked hurriedly.

"I dreamed that you were chased by my mother."

"Huh? Well, it's okay."

Su Tang waved his hand and didn't care.

I was scared to death. I thought she wetted the bed. It was just a nightmare.

"Get up and tidy up. I'll go down to buy food."

Su Tang touched her stomach and ate a lot at noon, but she felt very hungry at that time, presumably because physical training consumes a lot of physical energy.

"Have dinner again? Yes!"

As soon as Su Xiaotang heard about the meal, she suddenly got energetic, jumped out of bed and began to dress.

"By the way, Dad, how is the relationship between you and my mother? We should act quickly! If you are not together, I will be gone. You see, I am anxious to have nightmares."

Su Xiaotang chirped, and one of the purposes of her coming back is to bring her parents together.

Su Tang's face darkened and he looked a little embarrassed.

It's true that he doesn't like Zhang Xiaoyu.

But I don't want Su Xiaotang to disappear.

Therefore, rationally speaking, for Su Xiaotang's sake, he will also chase Zhang Xiaoyu, which is very embarrassing.

"This... no, it's not urgent. You are not afraid that I will be with her earlier, and you will not be born?" Su Tang tried to shift the focus of the topic.

"Hey hey, no way. Don't worry about that, Dad!"

"Hmm? Why?"

"There is no reason. Anyway, there is no way. As long as you stay with my mother, there will be me, just a few more brothers and sisters at most."

"More, more brothers and sisters?"

Su Tang is ashamed for a while. Chasing Zhang Xiaoyu has made him physically uncomfortable. How many more children should he have with her?

I'm kidding!

At most, one Su Xiaotang is enough.

And her unreasonable appearance now is really like Zhang Xiaoyu.

"Dad, don't encourage me. Go to have a relationship with my mother. Ask her to have dinner, take a walk and watch a movie. By the way, I tell you, my mother is not so hot tempered. In fact, she is very timid. She is afraid of horror movies. If you ask her to see an old corpse in a mountain village, you must be scared into your arms. Isn't that a chance coming?"

Su Xiaotang has an idea.

Su Tang's scalp is splitting when she hears about it. She won't say whether she can make an appointment. Even if she is watching a horror movie, it is estimated that Zhang Xiaoyu will not throw herself into the arms, but kick the movie screen!

Or just throw him over the shoulder!

"This matter... look again, look again."

Su Tang can only drag on.


Hearing this, Su Xiaotang became unhappy and stared at Su Tang angrily.

"By the way, I have something to remind you about your mother."

Su Tang quickly changed the topic and said seriously, "Because of the kidnapping, your mother always wanted to revenge you. She is looking for someone to investigate, and invited some thugs to beat you."

"Huh? Hit me?"

Su Xiaotang was momentarily dumbfounded and then worried, "No, I'm her daughter. How could she do this?"

Su Tang didn't know how to comfort her.


Su Xiaotang suddenly slapped her head and calmed down: "By the way, she can even kill her father. It's her style to find someone to beat me."

After a pause, she asked, "Dad, where did she find out? Should she have found me with you?"

"She just found the video of you grabbing the little girl's bread. She should not have found us together. Don't worry, she certainly didn't know you were in the boys' dormitory." Su Tang comforted.

"That's good... Hmm? Grab the little girl's bread?"

Su Xiaotang suddenly froze and scratched his head. "When did I grab the little girl's bread? Why don't I remember?"

"Hmm?" Su Tang was also puzzled. "You didn't grab it? That girl seems to be a junior high school student, wearing a school uniform."

"No, it's not me. Will she recognize the wrong person?"
